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DLS is a horrible set for thematic reasons. The set is based around completely obscure characters that you would only know if your read specific comic books (keep in mind I work at a comic/game store so Im not completely out of the loop).
The fact that every team's 'theme' only works internally with other cards within the same set doesnt help either; if you arent interested in the set for thematic purposes theres nothing drawing you in the purchase the set other than Mobilize. They tried to make Titans work with their golden age counterpart, but after playtesting I can tell you that only a few select commons/uncommons will be seeing play. Darkseid would have also been pretty slick for Sydney if you could use their cards out of DSM, but they dont have enough power for Golden Age. The Cosmic 'Faces' deck using Skrulls/Legionairres/Titans pales in comparison to normal Faces. Drafting sucks because the Future Foes 'recover your dude' theme is horrible among other things.
DLS is going to suffer from 'Enemy syndrome' on the secondary market. No one wants to actually buy packs so they look to the secondary market to buy the cards they want. They find they dont want any cards with the exception of Mobilize and a few legacy rares. The price of Mobilize is driven up because of this demand. Because the price of a Mobilize dictates that it is worth opening up a box (at cost) to try and open one, online dealers will open up cases of DLS just for Mobilize and try to sell the rest off for anything they can get. After all is said and done, there are tons of extra DLS singles out there going for practically nothing, and Mobilize will hover around the $20. Because Mobilize is not as powerful of a card as Enemy and DLS is a crappy set for casual players, the aforementioned result is exacerbated and Mobilize wont reach the price level of Enemy for as long.
UDE was partially screwed by DC over DLS. Extrapolating from what Ive heard, DC was planning to do a huge Legion of Superheroes revivial. This included the animated television show as well as more publicity for the book/show in advertisements. There would be action figures for the tv show as well as a new VS System expansion themed around Legion, etc. The Television show flopped however, and UDE was already near the end of development of DLS when the news was apparent. Thus, UDE was stuck with a VS set that they knew wouldnt sell well but already had invested the money and incurred sunk costs, forcing them to put out a set they really didnt want to. This is why the release date for MTU was pushed up to compensate for it.
OMG Tim, I love Legion! I find them to be excellent mixed with stuff from Heralds. I'm also really pleased with the team stamping. I think it’s a fun set. I'm not going to lower it to the dungeon just yet.
Also, the Legion TV series has yet to flop. Renewal for a second season was announced on Feb. 8, 2007.
Legion set i thought was fun for a while but what do you really have afterall..........a off curve deck that kinda sucks, a titans deck that seems more like an extention of Legion but with TITANS stamped on them, Future foes who can be easly played around, and Darkseid who if he could have a mix of his old and new cards isnt so bad.
Tim rep'ed for describing so thoroughly the many ways in which Legions is terrible. Putting Mobilize in a set is not a fair compensation for making every other card un-fun and un-playable in competitive constructed (half a dozen rares notwithstanding).
And I'll start the rumor mill right here: who thinks they designed Mobilize during development just to give people a reason to buy the set, because nothing else was worth it?
(Again, I still love you and your game, UDE, I've just been scarred by from exposure to LOSH)
The problem isn't that UDE releases sets too fast, it's that time passes too quickly, obv.
With so many time themed cards, especially in the last set (Time Trapper, The Future Is Changing, Altered History, Tempus Fugit, etc.) you would think that the people at UDE could frickin' manipulate time already. I mean c'mon.
Waitaminnit, maybe the sets did come out when the thread-starter said they did and then UDE went back in time and changed it and only George Nace remebers it the way it really was...
I didn't know much about many of the characters aside from Darkseid and a couple Legionnaires, yet I had a blast at the sneak. I'm no big tournament player, so I can't comment on draft strategies or the like, but we had a lot of fun at the sneak. I think it was great for Limited, at the very least.
Oh, and if there was 14 weeks between MHG and DLS, and then 10 weeks between DLS and MTU... I'd say that averages 12 weeks, right? It doesn't look to me like they "pushed up MTU to compensate for DLS", but that they're still right on schedule, and that maybe DLS was pushed back for holiday sales or something.
And to address the point of "obscure characters", they're not obscure to most DC fans. However, most kids these days know more about Marvel than DC, due to better marketing(movies?). DC fans tend to be older, and usually not in the TCG player demographic. Would you rather have every DC set be Superman/Batman/Green Lantern? Or would you like them to mix it up a bit with characters you didn't necessarily know about?
Let me end this post by saying this is all IMVVHO. Maybe it wasn't as good as DCR or MHG or MTU, but I applaud them for trying something different instead of just throwing Justice League characters at us again.
Add to the reasons that Legions suck that it's no fun for limited and BAM! you've got the worst set, ever (at least Spider-man from MSM is a cool character).
Luckily MTU suffers none of these problems, so at least they learned from their mistakes ;).
Edited because of D's comments... someone actually felt it was good for limited? Sealed deck you had to be extremely lucky to win on even inits; draft is too predictable and curve-based.
Well like I said, I'm no major tournament player, but when I played DLS Sealed, I had fun, and so did the people I was playing with. There was a lot of diversity in the decks, and the cards. At my MTU sneak, everyone either played SF/Defenders or SF/Underworld, and I can't count the number of times my opponent and I played the same card at the same drop. Heck, once on turn 4, we both dropped 4-drop rare Spidey, used his ability, then subbed in Nova.
Now I'm not saying we didn't have fun at the MTU sneak. It was a blast, and the cards were amazing. But in my experience(which isn't much), MTU already seems more predictable than DLS.
At my MTU sneak, everyone either played SF/Defenders or SF/Underworld, and I can't count the number of times my opponent and I played the same card at the same drop.
That's so weird, because at my sneak, all of the top tables played SS/anything else. SF was probably the least played team among the top 8 or so players. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to play any real LOS sealed or draft, so I can't say anything about the playability of the set.
Overall, I was underwhelmed with the set as a whole (it seemed a step backwards design-wise compared to post MMK sets), but it wasn't a complete wash either. MTU looks like it will be a lot of fun for a long time (but then again, I really liked JLA sealed/draft, so maybe I shouldn't be taken seriously).
Its funny SS seemed like the way to win, but a few cards put a kink in their plans. The 4 drop spidey preventing characters from readying was a nice touch.
Would you rather have every DC set be Superman/Batman/Green Lantern? Or would you like them to mix it up a bit with characters you didn't necessarily know about?
Yes, actually I would. I think VS would have performed better from the casual level if they had focused on about 12 teams or so from each universe. If you dont have effects like Lost City, Longshot or Crisis Infinite Earths that provide benefits for running tons of copies of the same character, the advantage of running 20 different Captain Americas for powerups is outweighed by uniqueness disadvantages. That being said, the game would need to be created differently from the get go for something like that to work. Its not really a change they can implement now, but you can see them trying to do it with their next few sets.
I read about 10 comic books a month and Wizard Magazine among other things. Im not so much out of the loop about the DCU, its more the fact that the Legionaries are 1000 years removed from the present DC continuity so you never see them interacting with the rest of their universe. Putting Titans in a set with Legionaries, IMO was quite a stretch, as the Legionaries only really made a appearance in 2-3 issues of Titans for the predecessor of the Titans of Tomorrow storyline. Compared to the rest of the DCU, the Legionaries future is obscure. While they can support a monthly comic book, their license shouldnt be supporting a VS set. The Legionarres T-Shirt and Playmat are the least popular to date, and the deckbox used Superboy and Supergirl.
And I'll start the rumor mill right here: who thinks they designed Mobilize during development just to give people a reason to buy the set, because nothing else was worth it?
That's a perfectly reasonable assumption.
The designed a set that was HORRIBLE and the put one awesome card in it to justify it.
They made Mobilize, then they started working on making the set as BAD as possible.