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It's a no-win scenario for Scott though. Anything other than "PCQ's are coming back in the next 10 seconds" will not be what the majority of people want to hear.
If he posts nothing, there's complaints. If he posts something that's not a detailed transcript of UDE's meetings, there's complaints. I would much rather wait two months for UDE to promise something they can deliver than to see them post info about 50K's and then be told they're likely never going to happen. That right there was a kidney punch.
After that snafu one of UDE's top priorities should be making sure everything they say is going to happen does happen. So far, so good with the city championships which is what this week's update was about.
now i understood that a weekly up date thing first started that there was going to be weeks of time where nothing much would be posted.
so i think some ideas of things for Scott to post
1. if pcqs still existed, how about some results of the weekends pcqs, top 8 decklists, turnouts reports......but dont have to worry about those with them not existing. Im not asking for a full tourny report but a simple,
ohio pcq, attendence 22, top 8 decks and so forth.
2. Things that didnt make the cut, a look on how orion and barda were to be duel new gods/jla in the JLA set but didnt make the final cut of cards. Not just those 2 in particular but you get the idea. Why killowag was a ####ty vanillia character, things like that.
3. the everyday workings of uppderdeck, like what process goes into playtesting the future cards? is there a future future league? are there rought cut prints of the cards before hand to play with or are they just paper in some sleeves? Do they playtest old fasioned way or do they use something like Workstation to mess around with?
4. mechanics that didnt make the cut or maybe original ideas for mechanic but that didnt make it onto cards, was evasion always a payment power of stuning your own character for instance?
5. When are we having our next create a cards feature....the one for legion was great WE WANT MORE.
6. Future the idea of a Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle ES collection possible........if not explain why it would not fit into the Vs system. same thing with any other license.
7. Metagame and card evolution, rember back in the day when everyone HATED equipment and thought it was butt, but now you have to pack equipment hate. Same thing with effects of the metagame cards have had, liek the fate artifacts and such.
8. Actual updates on progress of mid level tournaments, future plans, what exactly is a random punks format, is there a kit for it? are stores supose to throw a tournament for it like city champs? IS it a sanctioned format, and offical format?
any more thoughts on what articals could be written about? maybe if we offer enough advice the idea will be gotten
So todays update was nothing more than an advertisement for their event/product, on a web site that is frequented only by people who already purchase their product? I don't mean to sound negative, but that seems a bit lazy doesn't it?
10. Talking about what feedback the players at Egdeworld spoke to the uppder deck staff about, it is mentioned in the article that lots of feedback was collected..........well what was it.......anything surprizing, good ideas bad ideas..etc,
I don't blame them for waiting to be able to post with something concrete. If Scott put up a post that they were all ordering Chinese tonight, someone would dig up a Domino's receipt then flame them for lying to us again.
I don't blame them for waiting to be able to post with something concrete. If Scott put up a post that they were all ordering Chinese tonight, someone would dig up a Domino's receipt then flame them for lying to us again.
They would totally deserve it. Dominos is garbage.
10. Talking about what feedback the players at Egdeworld spoke to the uppder deck staff about, it is mentioned in the article that lots of feedback was collected..........well what was it.......anything surprizing, good ideas bad ideas..etc,
Check the first post in my Chicken Little thread. The stuff where I ask myself questions is kind of gleaned from my conversations with UDE.
steps taken to make cards not broken and wont have to be banned idealy,
so now that there is alot of presidence of what NOT to put on a card, so as to make it a future problem, is there steps to replace the holes made from those cards bannings?
a full artical explaination of why a card was banned, DR light for instance what was the final straw that broke the cammels back, besides just blatent powerlevel abuse, was there something that final made ude just want to axe him, why didnt it happen sooner? what other options were availible,
will a replacement of a 3 drop EE come out sometime? same thing with nenora she was rather helpfull for skrulls. a character like fiddler wasnt so bad but why the hell was he able to target another copy of himself setting up a freaking easy as heck loop.
the idea for the artical would be something titled Lessons learned.
ok thats cool and everthing but its one thing to read your post erik, but its a whole diffrent story reading it in a VS update artical.
Agreed... heresay on the Internet is the least reliable source of information.
and well what were there answers you asked them where are the pcqs why did they go away? and there answer was ?
I think you can see by the post that it was pretty much up in the air still. As for PCQs disappearing, Jeff Donais explained why in his OP announcement. Basically... no one was going. $250, product, mats, tins and the average turnout was like 8-12.
I don't blame them for waiting to be able to post with something concrete. If Scott put up a post that they were all ordering Chinese tonight, someone would dig up a Domino's receipt then flame them for lying to us again.
Alright, I am going to COMPLETELY IGNORE the underlying point of that post and just point out WHO exactly is digging through Scott's trash? Anyone wanna fess up to this? Well, I guess if posting on forums doesn't get the job on, attacking a man's trash is definitely one way to make him take action, legal action that is. Would that be worth it? I mean, there'd be a good chance we'd get the PCQ's back at that point but we'd need to sacrifice someone. Hmmm.
I'd like to know of the specifics of the City Championships from UDE personally. Sure, we have topics about them but, Erick says heresay on the internet is worthless.
people tell me i have an ongoing war with english..........idk why i love america. :)
but really i think were staying away from the normal flame because well why bother with it at this point, thats why im offering ideas to scott or anyone for that matter ideas for future articles, if you have any list them.