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Don't know if they are still doing the black bolder for the hidden characters but it would be nice if they did rather than looking at the icon. I know how small those icons can be so it would leave some room for error on that. I mean still the card art box is rather nice and all, but if they could have still kept the vergiage of Concealed - Opional, it would have been nice.
But still love it that new cards are coming out!!!
Does it make sense to anyone else that it would cost 3 resource points to recruit an equipment that has a one-time effect like that? It doesn't to me. I have a feeling that one of the rules changes has to do with equipment. I.e., maybe "3" on an equipment now just means that you need 3 resources in your row to recruit that equipment. No idea what they would do with existing equipment cards if that was the case. (Unless they are rebooting the game, and you can't mix old cards with new ones. Shudder....)
Does anybody else laugh when they imagine a guy hiding in the shadows with a 3-ton boulder over his head just waiting for the right moment to snuff somebody out?
i wonder if it will be confusing to play with both versions of verses cards... the new ones with the wide art and everything with the ones we play with now... i hope the cards are the same size cuz it would suck if the new ones were different size compare to the old.. like yugi size cards.. that would really suck..
Well, this must be a good thing for traffic if the damn Realms can't stay up for more than 15 minutes.
Also, I love the team symbols. I must be a visual person.
My only question is: How many of them will be ripped directly from Heroclix? Some are pretty standard, but will UDE try to differentiate themselves with teams like the Masters of Evil?
Does anybody else laugh when they imagine a guy hiding in the shadows with a 3-ton boulder over his head just waiting for the right moment to snuff somebody out?
Does it make sense to anyone else that it would cost 3 resource points to recruit an equipment that has a one-time effect like that? It doesn't to me. I have a feeling that one of the rules changes has to do with equipment. I.e., maybe "3" on an equipment now just means that you need 3 resources in your row to recruit that equipment. No idea what they would do with existing equipment cards if that was the case. (Unless they are rebooting the game, and you can't mix old cards with new ones. Shudder....)
I think with the new emphasis on 'Legend' charactersyou might want to drop lots of equipment or some such to supplement your legend or something similair, although I do giggle at the thought of a 1 drop char having a 3 ton boulder ready, someone like Alfy P :p
Just needing to be on turn 3 to stun a 3 drop seems to easy, while paying 3 may seem to hard, we;ll find out.
Has anyone else noticed on the savage and the Location that the numbers are now changed to yellow instead of the previous blue? Bit weird methinks.
Also to the person who asked if they are changing actualy cards sizes, they wouldn't do that because then you wouldn't be able to play with your old cards. Unless they are 'rebooting' which seems silly just a month after DWF.
I don't mind the new look too much (I like the possibility of getting more art), I think the new method for visible, concealed, and concealed - optional is just too ridiculous, and I also hate the 'tap' symbol from magic/wow. It's not a big deal, I just think it's ugly as sin. The team symbols are a cool concept, though I'm not sure how well it'll work with the many and varied teams of Vs. Overall, I am less than pleased at the overuse of symbols, but...not much I can do about it, is there? It's not enough to get me to quit, it's just mildly irritating.
On a more important matter? That Hulk is ####ing sick. That's a game ender right there. Heh...stick him in a life-gain deck and stall to 6. 'Okay, I'll swing my 52/52 Hulk into your guy right there...oh, and Chilly Reception that fella back there, yeah, no reinforcement for you.'