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This is very much like how some one buys hot coffee and complains that the coffee is to hot.
Sorry, but that is a ridiculous comment.
You think that bring extremely frustrated by a company withdrawing supply of a product (of which you have been a loyal customer for four or five years) in your market - without notice so the product you have already ordered simply does not arrive - is a petty complaint?
This means games stores otuside the US will not stock Vs. They could buy it online but they won't because players can still buy online themselves and avoid the extra mark-up. Buying online for us results in increased costs and much more difficult and unreliable supply. Remember, most people buy (and can only afford to buy) a few boxes at a time, which makes postage brutal when you're talking about sending things to the other side of the planet.
This is a blow to non-North American Vs players and, given the extremely weakened state of the game, it's essentially a deathblow ... even for those of us who have clinged on after the loss of ALL OP (no Hobby League or Release Celebrations for us) and UDE International's utter abandonment.
After four odd years of patronage, none of us asked for the game to be produced in such a way that we have EXTREMELY limited options for obtaining sealed product ... so in no way is this akin to someone "ordering a hot coffee and then complaining that it's hot".
What we "ordered" was a game that we could buy and play, the same as you can buy and play other games ... a game that you could show to your friends and say "this is a great game, you should try it" and hope to build a playing community for ... a game that you could get sealed product for to organise drafts.
While North American customers might be ooohing and aaahing over how great and powerful the MEV cards are and wondering when the next local draft will be held ... Australians long for the good old days of sets like Man of Steel when we could at least buy cards and find people to play against.
I still say that most of the people who deride non-North American players for complaining about the state of the game in their countries would not have the same level of commitment and tenacity in sticking with the game for this long under these conditions as those who are voicing their frustrations. Nice empathy, jerks.
You think that bring extremely frustrated by a company withdrawing supply of a product (of which you have been a loyal customer for four or five years) in your market - without notice so the product you have already ordered simply does not arrive - is a petty complaint?
This means games stores otuside the US will not stock Vs. They could buy it online but they won't because players can still buy online themselves and avoid the extra mark-up. Buying online for us results in increased costs and much more difficult and unreliable supply. Remember, most people buy (and can only afford to buy) a few boxes at a time, which makes postage brutal when you're talking about sending things to the other side of the planet.
This is a blow to non-North American Vs players and, given the extremely weakened state of the game, it's essentially a deathblow ... even for those of us who have clinged on after the loss of ALL OP (no Hobby League or Release Celebrations for us) and UDE International's utter abandonment.
After four odd years of patronage, none of us asked for the game to be produced in such a way that we have EXTREMELY limited options for obtaining sealed product ... so in no way is this akin to someone "ordering a hot coffee and then complaining that it's hot".
What we "ordered" was a game that we could buy and play, the same as you can buy and play other games ... a game that you could show to your friends and say "this is a great game, you should try it" and hope to build a playing community for ... a game that you could get sealed product for to organise drafts.
While North American customers might be ooohing and aaahing over how great and powerful the MEV cards are and wondering when the next local draft will be held ... Australians long for the good old days of sets like Man of Steel when we could at least buy cards and find people to play against.
I still say that most of the people who deride non-North American players for complaining about the state of the game in their countries would not have the same level of commitment and tenacity in sticking with the game for this long under these conditions as those who are voicing their frustrations. Nice empathy, jerks.
Their not holding a gun at anyone to by. Its our choice. I haven't played Verses against another person since the Chicago Mega-weekend nor have I bought any boxes of cards. But I still trade for what i want and collect.
And my comment was based on the fact that Bignuts is a constant complainer. There is a OP problem outside the US, but complaining constantly to the wrong audience won't help.
And furthermore the US vs Them and Them Vs Us is old and tiresome. The game is slowing down in all regions.
*twirls rapier in swirling fashion* Hah, mon ami! You are no match for the Masked Anthrax! No I will pleasure your woman, buy expensive gifts for you and then run away very fast! :D
First one must be able to buy the hot coffee :laugh:
Damn. I wonder why it took me so many words to say what you summed up in 10? Hahahaha.
Personally, a lot of my frustration comes from wanting to be a good customer ... supporting my local store, trying to develop new customers for UDE's games, and generally doing all the things I could do before. Before Marvel Legends I had never bought a card from an online retailer.
For me, while I miss some aspects of OP (I didn't get to play in that many events as a TO anyway), the big thing for me was the withdrawl of support for game stores in direct contradiction to what they were saying publicly. We went from having everything to having nothing and that just strangled the player base ... it's been a war of attrition ever since.
Anyway, I have no plans to stop playing any time soon so I guess the game lives on!
Ike - I doubt anyone from NA has any problem with our complaints - they just have problems with bignuts any time he touches a keyboard. Even if his points were valid (his fixation on attacking TBS clearly is not) people would burn him down because of his unending jackarsery. If the man/boy/whatever conducted himself in a semi-reasonable fashion, people would be more willing to listen.
I'd claim that bignuts is misunderstood, but sadly he's not. For some reason he's adopted some kind of shock jock persona here. At first I couldn't reconcile the guy I know and "bignuts" ... but now it seems that he's got some crazy agenda that only he understands.
He's mental, but I know his heart's in the right place.
I don't mind him taking lumps on here for his jackarsery ... on some level I think he likes it. That doesn't excuse all other forms of jackarsery, though.
There is noone selling to you bignuts? Noone sells to me VS.
So I asked some friendly people in the U.S. whether they could buy for me. Know what? It worked. Never thought of trying this route?
If you are not a part of the solution...then you are a part of the problem.
Oh, good. I was really hoping someone would revive this thread, what with all of the joy and optimism contained inside it.
It's not that I don't appreciate you beating Bignuts up. I am always 100% in support of that. But resurrecting the thread is just asking for him to post in it, which tarnishes the souls of everyone who reads his vitriol.
It's not that I don't appreciate you beating Bignuts up. I am always 100% in support of that. But resurrecting the thread is just asking for him to post in it, which tarnishes the souls of everyone who reads his vitriol.
You got me wrong. I just wanted to know whether he ever thought of this way of solution. I mean I was able to do it. So he should be able to do this too. I just donīt like it if someone gives up something because there is no solution for him. But there is one.
Don't worry, Benni ... bignuts won't be stopping playing for a long time.
He's just suffering from the gradual reduction of many of the things he liked about the game.
First it was OP ... he loved travelling to events and now there aren't any in Australia.
Then it was the Vs "friends" ... with no events, a lot of guys outside of our local playing community quit, this led to Vs Paradise becoming a graveyard. He misses communicating with those very cool guys.
Then it was affordability ... with the release of MVL Vs became a much more expensive hobby if you wanted to enjoy it on the same level as before. This was a relatively minor speed bump for bignuts and I, since we were willing to dig a bit deeper ... but sadly it was too much for some of our locals who haven't bought much since MVL or have stopped playing altogether.
And now it's sealed product ... both bignuts and I have already bought playsets of all the MEV commons and uncommons. We'll cherry-pick the rares we want (although the more expensive singles, i.e. Exiles rares, are just too much to pay) and we will enjoy playing with MEV. We would be willing to buy a box or two of sealed product in the hopes of organising a draft, but it is fast approaching a point where it's all just too hard for other members of our playing group. We have to anticipate that there may not be a MEV draft and that we probably won't be able to get two more people in the same place at the same time to draft old sets.
We're not giving up, but boy are we frustrated with how things are panning out. Still, there are good times to be had and we're going to have them regardless of how crappy UDE treat us as customers.