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....sad that this is a topic. But it is a topic that has popped up in most everyones mind. My son and I had this talk a few days ago. We both agree we think the VSs engine is by far greater then most. We also are huge comic fans. Put both together and you have game that will not be replaced. We both said we would fill out the collection make decks and continue to play..
But we also said that we want a game that is active in the sense that it is being produced and have "official" events HLs growing..something like that.
We said no to Magic and the Yug...We are going to look at I believe L5R???
It's kind of like the old Marvel Superheroes Role Playing Game from the 80's. I picked the extended edition of it up around 1990 when I was on a school trip and I played that game for years. Every once and a while I still bring it out and play it and all of my friends love it!
The same goes for VS. It's going to be that game that no matter what I will still bring out every once and a while to play for years to come!
For those looking for an exceptionally complex game with the "good attitudes" we've come to expect of VS players, but supported by an open and honest company that truly cares about their customers, I recommend Legend of the Five Rings. I just got back in, and they've really tweaked everything and rebuilt it strong (it's now actually fun in sealed; and they've "tightened" the ruleset so things don't come down to "single decisive battles).
So anyway, I think that is going to fast become my game of choice again. You can't understand the level of clan loyalty / devotion players show until you play it. Plus, the fact that the tournaments actually affect future sets (IE: storyline) is a very encouraging mechanic.
I just got back in, and they've really tweaked everything and rebuilt it strong (it's now actually fun in sealed; and they've "tightened" the ruleset so things don't come down to "single decisive battles).
You can't understand the level of clan loyalty / devotion players show until you play it. Plus, the fact that the tournaments actually affect future sets (IE: storyline) is a very encouraging mechanic.
That sounds like a great blueprint for any future of Vs. System that we could effect as a community, whether UDE continues to produce it or not.
I don't think I could go the AEG route after the vast let down of 7thsea RPG. The attempted conversion/convergence with the d20 system destroyed the flavor of the game, and while I continued to consume product after product produced, some folks could not even find the newly named Swashbuckling Adventures with its all new d20 look and feel.
Even this I could forgive if company management had not purposely turned its back on its online community which had continued to contribute a wealth of freely posted product, on both the company web page and upon numberous independant sites.
I still play the RPG rabidly to this day, but am disapointed the company could not even clearly communicate its decision to turn a deaf ear to us. Communication is key without it there can be no trust, without trust I will not purchase.
I hope UDE can communicate in such a way as I will not have to put them on my do not buy from list.