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Wow! I'm impressed by the 17 Defense with Invulnerable! The comparisons to Dr. Fate continue. Less pushable due to only one click of Invulnerable and two of Perplex, though. For a comparable price to E. Dr Fate, I'd bet Mr. Sinister ends up with a very similar AV and movement profile. With no Flight and no Movement Powers, I hope that his PB goes nearly all the way down and his damage stays at 2 for the majority of his dial, if not all the way. Not having a great support power (Probability Control) all the way down is somewhat mitigated by gaining Outwit late-dial, and the Shape Change along with Toughness will be almost like a poor man's Impervious. Two more clicks of life, Damage reduction, and Regeneration do a lot to even these two out in terms of playability.
Still, without Flight, his PB may go to waste. Just base him and it's all over. I had thought Sinister might have gotten phasing or plasticity to offset this. As such, this is the figure's most striking weakness. At first glance, he almost looks to me like a Dormammu-light.
Any way you slice it, I'm dying to play him, with or without Apocalypse!
Originally posted by The Charlatan Great looking sculpt. True, his range and attack seem on the low side. I'm curious about how long he keeps Psychic Blast. Heh, with 10 clicks of life, he has 1 more than Apocalypse, his immortal, nigh-indestructable, creator...
Apocalypse is NOT Sinister's creator. Sinister was a human from the 1800s that altered his DNA and made HIMSELF INTO a mutant. Him and Apocalypse have had an ongoing war between them. Sinister KNOWS he cannot beat Apocalypse in a straight fight so he creates soldiers to fight for him and this is what led to him creating a clone of Jean Grey.
He knows the potential of the Summers bloodline so, he created to clone to breed with Cyclops, so they could give birth to the weapon he needed to beat Apocalypse: CABLE.
Now Apocalypse found out about the plan so he infected the baby Summers child with the techno-organic virus so he would die. What Apocalypse DIDN'T know was that Cyclops sent the child into the future (Where Apocalypse ruled because Sinister lost his weapon to defeat him) where he survived and came back into the present and well........ you know the rest.
Tournament Record
number of tournaments attended:6
Tournament wins: 1
Fellowship wins: 1
well his dial is somewhat deserving of his role in the comix, he never really gets into the fight.
so it sounds aboot right, I really like PB though he's not extraordinary.
Not to change the subject too much, but it seems to me somewhat over the top for fliers to be able to use PB and RCE when based. Since these powers (at least for a flying character) will never be useless unless Outwitted, these figures effectively have both PB and EW all the time, or RCE and CCE all the time. Is flying really costed highly enough to justify that? Not to mention they can now use ranged attacks against figures other than the character basing them.
It all depends on how the stats are. If they fairly consistent, then he may be worth it. After all, 10 clicks is nothing to sneeze at for 100 some odd points. Will see the final stats to make that determination on this end.
Originally posted by freakazoid_x I predict another unusable fig that the fans demanded. For shame!
Hmm... not quite sure what to think about the Sinister fig. For a guy who can survive having a manhole-sized chunk blown out of him by an optic blast and laugh, doesn't Toughness seem like something of an understatement? Granted, I know not every figure's dial represents the entire scope of their abilities (try as they might in some cases), but Sinister feels like he's just a touch off from being good. He sounds like he's got a decent mix of powers, and the sculpt looks pretty good, but the starting 9 Attack score bugs me. With 10 clicks of life I can only hope that it stays at 9 for a while, or else he won't be doing much besides warming the bench if I pull him. I'll hold out hope that he ends up being good, but I don't expect too much.
unless Outwitted, these figures effectively have both PB and EW all the time, or RCE and CCE all the time. Is flying really costed highly enough to justify that? Not to mention they can now use ranged attacks against figures other than the character basing them.
Neither works against a stealthed character - based or not.
Visible Dials and Pushing Damage need to be optional. This is the way.