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Ultron, Hawks, Shazam WP - 4,4,4
Hawks, Shazam JLU - 4,5 all of that is no help at all.
Shazam HSS out to F16 on Officer B, AV11 on DV16. Gets 4, and I lost my PC. Break? 2. Ends M23
Which means maybe I need another PCer with my replacement. Jakeem fits my theme and was on my list anyway.
Mid-Nite Perplexes PG's Damage to 4
PG Charges to G16 on that same Officer, AV11. Gets 6. KOs him. Then she sides to G18
T-Sphere side to K12
Jakeem just takes Invincible this turn and sits put. I'll enhance his Pick-a-Power with the Darkhold. He will also take Perplex from that and increase Power Girl's DV +1
Police officer B KOd. And we're in the gap.
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable J23
CAAV Ultron K23
BTU Power Girl (Pride) @@ G18 (ESD/Sidestep)(1)
HQ Dr. Mid-Nite K20 (Stealth)(1)
BTAS Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Muramasa Blade XMXS) M22 (7)
OR Sandman J17 (1)
JLU Shazam @@ M23
-T-Sphere K12
JW Jakeem Thunder (Darkhold) G23 (Invincible/Perplex)
One Goodie
"Don't get me wrong, I love beating up crooked cops, but I have to think there are better uses for my power," Power Girl said, beating up a crooked cop.
Full disclosure, I'm making II 01v. Same cost as the other, just the enhanced version like those WCR pieces. I would've done so originally but didn't pay attention.
And just a note, giving Darkhold to Jakeem seems a tad redundant, given he's got PC down most of his dial, but your call, of course.
Kingpin leads. 6. Gets his last PO and I guess he becomes the sacrifice.
Chameleon wp: 6.
Kingpin plops his PO in J3.
II tks him to J10.
He pops out at I15.
He's got 2 choices for targets, neither great. He'll charge to G17 cce on PG, changing to his 2nd dial. Rolls 7. 1 to her
1 to PG.
K.E.V.I.N. K2
SBA007 Spider-Gwen (1) E6
AFFE Agent May (Recruit-1) H2
Iron Inquistor 01V @ F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) @@ J2
SMBA037a Kingpin (Second dial) @ G17
SMBA Police Officer A J3
SBA Hobgoblin (Rally-6) (Nanobots) O6
WKD Catwoman (Secret-1) G2
Two extras
"People often underestimate my strength and skill, they look at me as a puppet master behind the scenes," Kingpin says striking Power Girl, "I'm far more than that."
"You are," Power Girl says, "I felt that. But you're in way over your head."
And just a note, giving Darkhold to Jakeem seems a tad redundant, given he's got PC down most of his dial, but your call, of course.
Sure but Darkhold means I can still let him use Outwit or Perplex through that and not disqualify him from taking other more Defensive powers.
Shazam WP - 4
Sghazam, Hawks JLU - 1,4
So...Jakeem will take Psychic Blast and keep Invincible, and from Darkhold Perplex to up his own Damage to 5. Sides to I22 on Kingpin. Mid-Nite adds on Perplex to make his AV12 on DV17. Gets 10. 9 for KEVIN. 5 Penetrating KOs Kingpin.
Sandman Leaps to G17 to block
Unus TKs Ultron to I15
Ultron RS to I14 on Gwen, AV14 on Dv18 +1. Gets 6, but she lucks out with a 6 on the Spider TA.
Ultron teleports bac to where he started.
Kingpin KOd and blocked
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable @ J23
CAAV Ultron @ K23
BTU Power Girl (Pride) G18 (ESD/Sidestep)(2)
HQ Dr. Mid-Nite K20 (Stealth)(1)
BTAS Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Muramasa Blade XMXS) M22 (7)
OR Sandman @ G17 (1)
JLU Shazam M23
-T-Sphere K12
JW Jakeem Thunder (Darkhold) @ I22 (Invincible/PB/Perplex)
One Goodie
"Really, I should let Power Girl deal with you, but I just got here and I'm itching for some action!" Jakeem Thunder said, sending his Thunderbolt out to take down the Kingpin.
Ultron RS to K20 on Hobs, AV14 on DV18 -1/+1. Gets 4. Wow. Glad I perplexed. KEVIN probably wouldn't bother. 3 to Hobby after Toughness.
Shazam teleports to I14, HSS to H13 on Hobs, AV11 on Dv17. Gets 9. KEVIN now makes it 6. Still a hit. 3 more after Toughness KOs him. Shazam ends M23 again.
T-SPhere to block, then Sides to G14
Jakeem takes Precision Strike with his Invincible, and Perplexes Damage to 5, targets the Goon, AV11 on DV17. Gets 9. SS 5. Glad I took the Precision Strike. KOs, but not, with a 6.
Power Girl tries slugging the Goon, AV11 on DV16. Gets 9. Rolls 4, he's back again.
Hawks HSS to I18 on him, AV11. gets 10 and he's out for good, Hawks ending where they started too.
Hobgoblin KOd and blocked. Joker Goon A KOd.
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable J23
CAAV Ultron @ K20
BTU Power Girl (Pride) @ G18 (ESD/Sidestep)(5)
HQ Dr. Mid-Nite @ J17 (Stealth)(1)
BTAS Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Muramasa Blade XMXS) @ M22 (7)
OR Sandman G17 (4)
JLU Shazam @ M23
-T-Sphere @ G14
JW Jakeem Thunder (Darkhold) @@ I22 (Invincible/PS/Perplex)
One Goodie