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looks like I am the only one who liked the Zodiac Gang?
No, but the only one who liked them enough for one or more of them to push someone else out of the way for a Top 10 list. There are many I see on various lists that I'd like, but 10 makes for a brutal cut. Libra, Scorpio and Taurus were the Zodiac members who stepped center stage more than the others; they have their appeal, but I can't say that I've found myself looking for them anytime in the past six months. Scorpio with the Zodiac Key would be a nice piece, though.
I'd like to get a Porcupine, Unicorn, Scarecrow, Glob, etc., etc. -- most of those who've appeared as part of Marvel's 616 continuity over the years -- eventually.
Marvel still has a lot of villains that have yet to be made in clix form. I would especially like to see sculpts for some of the more monstrous ones. For that reason, my list is as follow (in no particular order):
1. Hammerhead
2. Harry Leland
3. the Griffin
4. Nitro
5. Psyklop (Hulk villain)
6. Gargoyle
7. Xxemnu the Titan
8. Gladiator (Daredevil villain)
9. the Sphinx
10. The Brute (Fantastic Four villain)
Maybe a contest/tourney like "Coming of Galactus" would be cool for the Onslaught-related characters, with 4 participation award weeks, then a fight for Onslaught (w/ Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 dial settings):
WOW. I absolutely love this idea! Great way to get a bunch of much-needed pieces. (Post is not so essential, but would be cool to have, even if he hasn't appeared since the mid-late 90's )
You do understand this is a MARVEL poll, don't you?
Yeah! If this were a DC poll, mine would read something like:
1) Captain Carrot
2) Captain Carrot
3) Captain Carrot
4) Captain Carrot
5) Captain Carrot
1. The Son of Satan
2. Fat Cobra
3. Dracula
4. King Cobra
5. Batroc the Leaper
6. U-Go Girl
7. Dr. Rot
8. The Phantom Reporter
9. American Eagle
10. Texas Twister
Going off totally new characters never before clixed:
1) Davos the Steel Serpent
2) Scorpio ( With Zodiac Key! Thanks for reminding me Miraclo! )
3) The Captain ( from Nextwave )
4) Dracula
5) Mr. Immortal ( with a sick regen/Lazarus pit power )
6) Shriek ( to team with Doppelganger )
7) Cosmo ( telepathic dog from GOTG )
8) Starbrand ( from New Universe )
9) Rick Jones ( not a pog, darn it! And extra awesomeness if his LE is either Destiny Force powered or as Bucky II )
10) Anyone from the Ultraverse. Prime. Hardcase. Lord Pumpkin. Manta. The Nightman. Prototype. Anyone of them.
As far as remakes go, my number one and two respectively are Cyclops ( a current version ) and Angel ( circa the 70's for Champions/Defenders wackiness ). I know we got Archangel recently, but I need Warren in the blue and white costume ( or red and white ) costume with regular wings.
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1. silver surfer
2. colossus(AoA)
3. apocalypse(AoA)
4. death's head II
5. mr. sinister(AoA)
6. gladiator(shi'ar)
7. morg
8. tyrant
9. onslaught
10. exodus
honorable mentions:
eric the red
red shift
vision/wonderman duo
goliath/atlas duo
meanstreak(X-MEN 2099)
metal head (X-MEN 2099)
spider-man 2099(remake)
hulk 2099(remake)
1. Sabretooth(exiles) 2.Sunfire(exiles) 3.Thunderbird(exiles) 4.Holocaust(AoA) 5.Beak(exiles) 6.Magnus(exiles) 7.Albert and Elsie-Dee dou. 8.Cosmo(Guardians of the Galaxy) 9.Jack Flag(guardians of the galaxy) 10.Ant-man(the thunderbolts, Secret Avenger)