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One correction on my last turn - Psimon didn't move. Taking his token away.
And now Shimmer is Stealthed.
Maxima to X6, rolls 3 for Endurance. She's OK
Psimon pulls Alfred back to X5
Can Alfred heal Maxima? AV6 on DV14. Gets 9. Support roll is 5. Nice. She's up by 3.
Wait, that's a KO on Alfred. Well shoot. Oh well.
Adam Strange RS to M11, attacks Emma, AV10 on DV17. Gets 9. SS is 2. 2 to Emma.
Shimmer to N3
Replacement time. I'll stick with the Fearsome Five and use Sabbac. With Shellhead. He takes the teleporter to Q13 to attack the Brood. AV9 on DV16. Gets 8. 3 to Brood with EW.
Just to complete the theme, I'll bring in Mikron O'Jeneus (Yeah, that's a real Irish name). He'll sit in W13 and Perplex Sabbac's DV to 18. Give him entirely appropriate Improvise, though I doubt he'll get much use out of it.
Psimon, Mikron, and Shimmer will copy Sabbac's Mystics until further notice.
V Ravager W11
Maxima (Endurance +1) @ X6 (4)
Shimmer (Camouflage) @ N3 (Stealth)
Psimon (Mental Shields) @ W6
Dr. Sivana (Contingency Plan +2) X7
Adam Strange (Nanobots) @ N11
Sabbac (Shellhead) @ Q13
Mikron O'Jeneus (Improvise) W13
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 7492
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Contingency Plan x2, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, Improvise, JL Silver Age, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x2, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
Fabian rolls for perplex: 1, ye Gods the good rolls are few and far between. I'll waste Domino's reroll on that: 5. Nice.
Brood's damage in 5. Needs 8, rolls 2. Argh....she was going down anyway but still....
Black King with Haymaker replaces him. Cyke gives him an 11 av. Hopefully the flurry clicks will also help. Attacks Sabbac. Needs 7, rolls 6. Flurry gets 8. 1 to Sabbac, 2 to Shaw.
Aurora pushes to break. 4. Carts Sasquatch to X8, she's X9.
Tanaraq (Protected) X8
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (2) @@ X9 (Alpha Flight)
Selene E B13 (Endurance-1)
Black King (2) @ Q12 (Haymaker)
Domino GX B11 (Book of Destiny)
Fabian Cortez (Improvise-2) B7
Emma Frost MU (2) I6 (Mental Shields)
Cyclops GX E2 (Contingency Plan-1)
Points used: 7097
Teleporters: B14, H18
HO C11, E10, E13, G11, B12 LO E8, E17, D7, K14, G16, H14
Nice choice of character and Feat to counter Sabbac. Inspired.
Ravager Ports to P13, attacks Shaw. AV10 on DV17. Gets 7. Now I need a good enough Blades roll to skip him right over his best clicks. A 6 will do that. 5 to him after Toughness.
Sivana Outwits Tanaraq's Imperv and attacks him
Maxima pushes to taxi Sivana away. X2 for her, W2 for Sivana. Endurance roll is 2. She takes 1 for the push and one for the token she had stored up.
Maxima gets Outwit from Sivana through Superman Enemies and Outwits Tanaraq's Leap Climb.
Sivana Perplexes his own DV to 17
Gizmo Perplexes his AV to 10 and attacks Aurora, DV15 +1. Gets 5. Misses.
Sabbac on Shaw, AV9 on DV16. Gets 6. He gets to stick around a little longer.
V Ravager @ P13
R Maxima @@ X2 (6)
Shimmer (Camouflage) N3 (Stealth)
Psimon (Mental Shields) W6
Dr. Sivana (Contingency Plan +3) W2
Adam Strange (Nanobots) N11
Sabbac (Shellhead) @@ Q13
Mikron O'Jeneus (Improvise) @ W13
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 7492
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Contingency Plan x2, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, Improvise, JL Silver Age, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x2, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
"So you absorb kinetic energy and get stronger the harder you're hit?" Ravager figured out stepping through the teleporter. "Well in that case, it's a good thing I keep my sword so sharp it takes very little force indeed to cut very deep." She slashed at Shaw with her weapon, careful to exert only as much force as needed. As she said, sharp as the sword was, it didn't take much at all. Shaw's hand went to his throat, trying to staunch the bleeding.
"Sebastian, you are an idiot," Emma said. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Don't forget to show Sabbac's 1 damage from Shaw. Shimmer should also show 2 from 03/30/2012 23:38 when Aurora attacked her.
While the choice of Shaw may have been inspired, it's obvious he's gonna pay a price. Not unexpectedly, of course.
Shaw's going to push. No shock. First, can Fabian help? 1. Dom makes it 4. So....Fabian ups his av to 11. Haymaker knocks it to 10 but Cyke cont-plans that right back up to 11. Now if I can get a 6 + 2 that's 3 + 2 damage, all ew. Rolls 8. Sweeeeeet! 5 to Sabbac. Between the pushing and Mystics and Fabian's feedback damage Shaw is long, long gone.
Emma to M2.
Dakken in for Shaw. Auto-regen on him. He's gonna wait out the shellhead.
"Keep that big furry oaf away from me," Sivana ordered.
"Not sure why I'm protecting you, but all right," Adam Strange shrugged and shot at Sasquatch.
"Look out, mon ami!" Aurora said throwing herself in the weapon's path.
"Aurora!" Sasquatch roared. "That does it. You've made me angry. I may not get stronger when I get angry likt the Hulk, but trust me, it was still a mistake." He moved toward Adam, then hit something that shocked him, stopping him. "What the...?"
"Oh just a little something I rigged up," Gizmo said. "Trust me, I'm going to be the David to your Goliath."