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oh my gosh I am so addicted to fanfic! I am finding alot of the authors are so much better then the originals. I really like some of the twilight/southern vampire novel crossovers I have read.
That being said, I've written possibly the worst ever type of Fanfic: Mole Man, King of Mars.
It was pretty awesome in it's terrible. That being said, a lot of the characters I made up ended up in RPGs I ran and were quite effective characters for the game, so whatevs.
Parachute not only has the most reviews, but it's my favorite, lol.
Thanks I will totally check it out today. I needed something relaxing to do now. I donated plasma for the first time in years and hadn't prepared very well and passed out twice afterward. Oops! so now I'm taking it easy the rest of the day.
Larfleeze is my minion and Darkseid does my bidding!