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He pops out at I15, charges to F17 on PG. Gets 9. KOs her.
Inquisitor and Catwoman perplex PO's movement to 8.
Enter Infinity. Just another deity piece. Chameleon tks her and PO to J10. She targets Hawks and Sandman, outwitting SS on the former. Rolls 5. She's Marvel so Kevin can reroll: 8. 3 to Hawks.
PO to G18 to block PG.
PG koed and blocked. 3 to Hawks.
K.E.V.I.N. K2
Infinity R @ HI9,10
AFFE Agent May (Recruit-2) H2
Iron Inquistor 01V @@ F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) @ J2
NOT Joker Goon B @ F17
SMBA Police Officer A @ G18
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
WKD Catwoman (Secret-2) G2
Two extras
Ultron teleports to K15. RS to J17 on Infinity. AV14 on DV18. Gets 9. 7 for KEVIN. KOs her.
Mr. Terrific in. The other one. Outwits the Officer's Toughness.
Hawks Charge to H18 on the Officer, AV10 on DV16. Gets 7. KOs him.
Jakeem Takes Outwit this turn from the Darkhold, uses it on the Joker Goon's SS.
Shazam HSS to G18 on the Goon, AV11 on DV17. Gets 3. Jakeem PCs that to 6. With Empower from the Hawks that KOs him. Once, at least. He rolls 1, so he stays KOd and just vanishes in a Smoke Cloud. Shazam ends his move in K21
Sandman to F17 to block
Unus TKs Terrific to I15
Terrific to I10 to block Infinity.
Busy turn. KO and block to Infinity and Joker Goon. KO as well to the Officer
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable @@ J23
CAAV Ultron @@ J17
HQ Dr. Mid-Nite K19 (Stealth)(1)
BTAS Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Muramasa Blade XMXS/1st life) @ H18 (10)
OR Sandman @ F17 (Stealth) (4)
JLU Shazam @ K21
JW Jakeem Thunder (Darkhold) @ I22 (Invincible/PS/Perplex)
AN Mr. Terrific @ I10
One Goodie
"Hey there! The two of you ganging up on Sandman, that's hardly fair play!" Mr. Terrific called out the officer and the goon.
"Don't worry, Terrific. We'll even the odds quick enough," Hawkgirl said, knocking out the police officer.
"Sure thing! They won't know what hit 'em!" Shazam said.
"You have a veritable god in your midst and you ignore her for common thugs? Idiots. Ah, no matter. Ultron is more than up for the challenge," the robot attacked and actually defeated Infinity.
Sometimes one or two daunting characters like you have here, throw everything out of balance. And you've get three. 4ish with the Hawks.
Chameleon wp: 3
I'll try this again. Enter Lord Chaos & Master Order on the cheap. Spidering, too.
Chameleon tks both, after C & O and II boost their range and av, to the porter and F8.
C & O will get Nova Blast, that old favorite we rarely use. They pop out at KL15,16 and pulse. Gets 7. Good enough for all I think. Unus is safe. 4 to Jakeem, Terrific, Shazam. Hawks, oddly, have protected pw. Ultron takes 4 I think, I'd assume his stop click is ignored. Kos to Mid-Nite and Sandman. 2 to Chaos & Order.
SPiderling sides/moves to F17 to block Sandman.
Sandman koed and blocked. Mid-Nite koed. 4 to Ultron, Terrific, Jakeem, Shazam.
K.E.V.I.N. K2
Lord Chaos & Master Order (2) R @ JK15,16
AFFE Agent May (Recruit-2) H2
Iron Inquistor 01V @@ F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) @@ J2
SBA105a Spiderling @ F17
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
WKD Catwoman (Secret-2) G2
One extras
Ultron takes 4 I think, I'd assume his stop click is ignored.
STOP Clicks per the PAC do have Protected: Pulse Wave, so Ultron only takes 2. On the plus side for you, the Protected Pulse Wave on the Hawks is just on their reincarnating Trait. They'll still take the PW damage, but it won't stop them from coming back a second time.
Jakeem will take Perplex with the Darkhold, Regen and Enhancement. Tries Regenning. Gets 4, up 2. Sides to J20
Ultron to break to Side? 2.
Terrific to H15, Outwits PC on Spiderling.
Hawks Charge to I16 on Chaos and Order. AV11 on DV18. Gets 5. 3 for Jakeem.
Jakeem Perplexes Ultron's Damage to 5
Ultron on Chaos and Order, AV13 on DV18. Gets 7. KEVIN makes it 8. With Empower from the Hawks, 6 -2 for Invincible is 4 and a KO. HE takes a Mystics
Sand in F23. Tries RCE on Spiderling, AV10 +1 on DV18. Gets 7. Spider TA is 3. 3 to her.
Shazam Charges to G18 on her, AV9 on DV17. Gets 6.
JW23b Manhunter in. Teleports to J15 for the block. Charges to G17 on her, AV10 on DV17. Gets 7. Spider TA is 1. She's down.
Miscalculated - thought I still had Unus's TK, but he's pushed. Going to need to use my last Goody to stop the replacement. Envy on Manhunter, gives him Sidestep, sides to F17 to block
Chaos and Order and Spiderling both KOd and blocked.
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable J23
CAAV Ultron @@ J17 (3)
BTAS Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Muramasa Blade XMXS/2nd life) @ I16
JLU Shazam @@ G18 (4)
JW Jakeem Thunder (Darkhold) @@ J20 (Regen/Enhancement/Perplex)(2)
AN Mr. Terrific @@ H15 (4)
HQ Sand @ F23
JW23B Manhunter (Envy) @ F17 (Sidestep/ESD)
Not sure what I think I was getting out of that last turn. Your team is still a killer.
Chameleon wp: 4.
I'll take Khonshu and Moon Knight next.
Agent May is forced to draft a Mandroid so I can get some tk. I'll pay the extra for Khonshu's avatar to give MK the PC and stealth bonuses.
Mandroid tks Khonshu after II makes his damage 5, to D10, he pops out at I13 on the Hawks. Gets 8. 5 penetrating kos them. Khonshu ends in I16.
Outwits Terrific's outwit.
Sadly without my tkers I'm unable to do anymore.
Hawks koed and blocked.
K.E.V.I.N. (PC) K2
Khonshu (PC) @ I16
WOTR Moon Knight (PC, stealth) (Khonshu's avatar) L2
AFFE Agent May @ H2
Iron Inquistor 01V F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) J2
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
WKD Catwoman (Secret-2) G2
One extra
Jakeem takes WP so he can join Ultron and Shazam WP - 5,2,6
Jakeem can't take Regen if he took WP, so I'll give him RCE for the second power. He will also take Perplex from the Darkhold and lower Khonshu's DV-1. Takes a shot at him, AV10+1 on DV19 -1. Gets 7. Hits Khonshu to his first stop click and takes a Mystics.
Shazam Charges to H16 on him AV9 on DV19. SC is 5
Unus TKs Sand to I22
Sand on him, SC 2. AV10 +1 on DV19. Gets 6, Jakeem makes it 5
Manhunter Charges to G13 on him, SC is 5.
STRIPE's in as replacement. He will RS to I21 on him. SC is 1 .AV11. Gets 4.