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1st, Smurf O-33, 9 vs 13, rolls.......1,3 for 4, BCF is 5.....KO
2nd, Smurf P-34, 9 vs 13, rolls....1,5 for 6, BCF is 3 just barly standing......
Moondragon (1) E-34 (..still smirking....)
Venom D-49[on vent, with book]( your brains....)
Logan(2) P-33@( who's next.........)
Jenny KO'd (I told you to hurry Nick....)
Smurf actions
1 Smurf N-4 tries to breeak away, rolls a 6. Moves to M-1
2 Smurf AA-29 attacks Hawkgirl again, 7 vs 13 rolls....1,5 for 6. Hawkgirl takes 1, she had CR at the time(witch I believe is ALC's choice if he wants to use it.... if he does she'll move to AA-27)
3. Smurf M-5(sewer level) will climb the ladder to the surface and stop at M-4
Sorry guys I'm making my way to Ottawa and I'm not sure if I can type a story post today.
Oh and we haven't had a really stupid question for a wile so I'll end that. Since we're using the PST now what is the time difference?
I deal with to many areas to keep up.........
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
Originally posted by ALC Marauder Glorfindel’s Move
Bullseye shoots the Smurf in LL27. Def. 12 – Att. 10 = need 2. Rolled 2,2 = 4 hit. Smurf takes 1 + 2 RCE = 3 and is Koed.
Can Bullseye attack that smurf at LL27. Bullseye's partner, Blizzard, is in close combat with that particular smurf. I did not think you could fire into close combat with a friendly fig there. Curious?
The end of the BLUE WAVE was in sight. Despero plugging up the hole that they were coming out of helped a lot. Deathstroke needed to free his sword and another smurf was charging. Laskey the Lackey jumped out in front of the smurf to keep him from his hero. He smiled at Deathstroke while he brought the tire iron down toward the smurf.
Meanwhile Despero kept himself entertained my squashing the little blue men in the pattern of the symbol worn by his predecessor, Misero. He now hoped that enough of these creatures would come so he could recreate the great battle where Misero defeated Paino and Deatho to take his place as Potentate. He feared he may have to squash some of the bigger humans clad in spandex to make up the difference. He longed for the epic struggles of his homeworld. For now he was reduced to squashing smurfs.
Nasty Boys Action
Lackey attacks Smurf at E18. Def. 13 - Att. 5 = need an 8. Rolled 2,3=5 hit.
Despero attacks Smurf at B15. Def. 13 - Att. 12 = need anything but a 2. Rolled 5,6=11 hit. Smurf takes 4 clicks and is KO’d.
U Despero @ C16
E Deathstroke E16 (1)
R Easy Co. Medic A13 (3)
R Lackey @ D17 (1)
Smurf Story
Blind Drunk Smurf and TV Dinner Smurf surrounded Blizzard and tried to hug him. To Blizzard’s credit, he remained to slippery for the smurfs to get a good hold on him. What worried Blizzard though was his sudden popularity with the little blue men. If only he could lure them away. He saw Hawkgirl take a vicious blow from a smurf that drove her back into the small pond.
Even though they had allied he yelled for all the smurfs to hear, “Look at that one with wings! I’ll bet she tastes like chicken!”
“Hey! Cut that out!” Hawkgirl yelled and shot him an evil glare.
What Blizzard didn’t notice was Lifeguard Smurf had heard his yell and saw the bird down in the water. “I’ll bet this’ll smurf me a merit badge for sure!” Tossing his towel down he waded into the water after her. “Don’t panic m’am, I’m coming!”
Hawkgirl cried out, “Oh great! Thanks a lot Blizzard! Just watch out for my mace as I fly over there to help you out!
“Just back off you little blue menace!” Blizzard wasn’t sure if Hawkgirl meant him or the smurf.
Smurf Actions
Smurf at KK28 attacks Blizzard. Def. 15 - Att. 6 = need a 9. Rolled 2,6=8, miss.
Smurf at GG31 moves to BB28. (Can’t let the Bird Lady get away!)
Smurf at JJ27 attacks Blizzard. Def. 15 - Att. 5 = need a 10. Rolled 3,5=8, miss.
Evil Teams
Glorfindel’s Syndicate = 13 + 2 (Koed Smurf 14) + 2 (Koed Smurf 14) = 17
ALC’s Black Justice Society = 17 = 19 + 1 (Koed Alfred) = 20
Richard’s Nasty Boys = 14 + 2 (Koed Smurf 14)
Doom Medic’s Bad Hair Day = 7 + 2 (Koed Smurf 14) = 9
ALC Marauder and Glorfindel
ALC Marauder and Wakandaman
Doom’s Medic and Richard
Choon Hui and Firstfederal
Oh and Richard you must have had a Warmachine moment, (where there is a chance to hit the other figure, usually if you miss). As far as I know there are no limitations on firing at a figure in close combat as long as there is LOS.
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
Free ATOM perplex DEO Atk.
1) DEO + PD + per Heal Livewire AV 9 DV 13 Roll 13 . heal for 4.Livewire Healed.
2) Livewire push Atk SMURF at GG 48 , Roll 4,4 Smurf takes 5 damage (plus knockback_) and SMURF is KO.
Free) Atom move to EE 47
V Saturn Girl FF47 (3) damage)
U Atom @ X 48
V Live Wire @@ FF 46 (1 damage)
E DEO Agent GG 46 (2 damage)
Pog Alfred Pennyworth GG 47
Smurf at JJ 27 atk Blizard AV 7, DV 12 Roll 6, hit Hawkgirl takes 1 damage.
Smurf at JJ 27 atk Blizard attack Blizzard. AV 7, roll 5 miss.
SMURF move to MM 27.
Alfred was drinking his cup of black coffee?..when he was distracted by news that Venom was holding papa Smurf?s book. A small smurf put his little finger into the coffee.
Unaware Alfred drank the coffee and turned blue?? Aarjhhhh
Aquaman moves to L5 and picks up the manhole cover.
Plastic Man perplexes Flash's damage to 2.
Flash runs to N2 and attacks the Smurf at M1. AV of 9 vs. DV of 11. Needs anything but a critical miss. Rolls a 3! Phew! How many times have I done that now? I'm glad Smurfs have such pitiful defense. Smurf takes 2 and is KOed. Flash then finishes his Hypersonic move at M2.
Citizen Hezekiah P. Rottenbaum (S1) pushes and moves to N0 (off the board) and is teleported to safety.
Teller 2 (S2) pushes and moves to N0 (off the board) and also gets teleported away! 2 more civilians safe!
Allied with ALC
Non-Aggression with Clixhunter and FirstFederal.
Aquaman L5 @ LO
Flash (1) M2 @
Green Arrow (4) N3
Plastic Man (1) R2
Cyborg Smurf (F16) attacks Deathstroke. AV of 7 vs. DV of 16. Rolls an 11! Deathstroke takes another click. Go Cyborg Smurf, you little beauty! No more Outwit for you either Richard (it's only fair).
Smurf at M34 moves to G31.
Smurf at P34 attempts to break away from Logan. Rolls a 4. Moves to O8.
It's 3:30 am here now, and i just finished a big assignment, but I'm very happy about this move. I'll write up a story post sometime tomorrow.
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Actually....before I go off to bed, I want to change one of my Smurf moves (if that's okay). Instead of moving the one at M34 second, I want to move the one at E48 instead.
Smurf Move
Cyborg Smurf (F16) attacks Deathstroke. AV of 7 vs. DV of 16. Rolls an 11! Deathstroke takes another click. Go Cyborg Smurf, you little beauty! No more Outwit for you either Richard (it's only fair).
Smurf at E48 moves to D44. *(this one is different).
Smurf at P34 attempts to break away from Logan. Rolls a 4. Moves to O8.
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Choon Hui - The Atom can't make it to EE48 without a breakaway roll. It would take 9 movement to go around the Smurf's control area. How about DD48?
Choon Hui - The Smurf next to Hawkgirl was moved by Richard during team evil's last move. My bad for not putting a yellow dot on him though.
Choon Hui - The Smurf at JJ27 was used by Team Evil to attack Blizzard during team evil's last move also. The Smurf at JJ28 has not though so unless you correct it I am going to assume the JJ27 was meant to be JJ28.
Choon Hui - I assume MM27 from SS27. Right?
Wakandaman - I hate to say it but you have to move to N1 before you can move off the board. If you look at my initial rules post it states, "The civilian must leave out the exit that the heroes came in." That means that the Civilians have to move to N1 then off the board. If it did not read that way I would have warned whomever moved that smurf (Doom's Medic I think) that his Smurf move was not blocking the way since that was obviously his intent. As this completely changes you turn you can change your move if you wish.
Wakandaman - Again bad news. The Smurf at P34 is within 10 of Black Adam so you can't control him. (So was the one at M34.)
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
That Smurf that DM moved was blocking my way until Flash ran in and KOed him.
Forgot about the 10 spaces from an ally clause. That's what happens when one makes moves at 3:30am. I will have to find another Smurf to move instead....
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.