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"Watch out, Doctor!" maxima said, throwing herself in front of Sivana and taking the brunt of Vulcan's attack.
"Thank you my dear," Sivana said, "I knew I was keeping you alive for something."
"You've no idea what you've bitten off," Psimon told Vulcan. He seized control of Vulcan's mind and forced him to attack Sasquatch. Fortunately, the Alpha Flighter was up to the extra challenge.
"Okay, I know a little something about taking one someone who's a lot more powerful than you are," Silk Spectre said, trying a high kick at Vulcan.
"A very little," Vulcan observed, not even feeling it.
"Yeah, mostly what I know is that if you take on someone with phenomenal powers when you haven't got any of your own, that you're usually in trouble," Silk Spectre admitted.
I don't know if I'd have the time to get both turns in on the Intergalactic Insanity game this morning, so by default, I'll take a turn here.
Two replacements. Well first I need some new MM fodder for Sivana. Few do that better than the original Solomon Grundy. Ans if I replace him where Maxima was, he could potentially even do some damage. Loner on him. Lord knows his DV can use the help.
Also last thing we need in this game is more high point pieces to make the gap between the two games even bigger, but you do have Vulcan to deal with, and Imperiex has been calling to me. He'll go in W4. Last time wep played, we agreed his Drills should start at least 2 squares from your figures to give you a chance to react to them. D13, U1 and D5 for them. They'll be the blue markers with the letters in them.
"Don't think because I'm nnot a hulking brute like you that I can't defend myself," Sivana said, taking a thin rod out of his pocket. Energy arced from the tip of it at Sasquatch.
"Hey careful with that," Sasquatch said, stepping away from the weapon. Unfortunately, he stepped right into the path of Solomon Grundy's fist.
"Oh yes, and meet my new bodyguard."
All banter ceased as a shadow fell across the combatants. "I am Imperiex and I will sunder your world!"
"I don't care what you do to this world," Vulcan admitted, "but I won't allow you to interfere with my plans."
"Your plans do not matter. Only my plans," He hit Vulcan with a massive burst of energy.
Ugh. The drills. Before I go, I'm hazy on what we did before, but if we agreed that the drills need to start at least two squares away from my figures, that's not what's happened, each is near at least one figure.
OK, we're all clear. Per the PM they're fine where they are.
Cortez rolls for perplex: 1. He's been seeing a lot of meager rolls lately.
So let's see, I can't touch Sivana or Imperiex and everyone else doesn't much matter.
Tanaraq is on his worst click. Seems I never use this version of Sasquatch and this time isn't making me want to use him a lot. Cyke ups his av to 10, Cortez makes his damage 4. He attacks Grundy. Needs 5, rolls only 3, pushing him.
First Element Woman unloads a click of Poison onto Vulcan.
Psimon TKs Imperiex to U7.
IMperiex takes Sivana's token to make his AV13, attacks Vulcan, DV17. Needs a 4. Gets the 4, on either die. doubled for an 8. 5 to Vulcan and he's out.
Silk Spectre to T8, blocking replacement.
Shimmer moves to B6
Drills all move as well.
Shimmer (Camouflage) @ B6 (4)
Psimon (Mental Shields) @ W6
Dr. Sivana (Contingency Plan +1) W2
Adam Strange (Nanobots) O6
Silk Spectre (WM02-Heightened Reflexes) @ T8
Element Woman (Entangle) T7
V Solomon Grundy (HT-Loner) X2
Imperiex (Repulsor Shield) @@ U7
Drills: W1, D5, D11
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Element Woman, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Imperiex, Indigo-1, Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1 & 2, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 7960
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Contingency Plan x2, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entangle, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes x2, Improvise, JL Silver Age, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner x2, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x3, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
"You have power, I grant you that, but comparing your power to mine is comparing a candle to the sun!" Imperiex said, crushing Vulcan.
"Cyclops, he..." Domino began.
"I know. His power is insane. But the X-Men have faced off against villains of immense power before, and we've won. We'll do it this time too," Cyclops told her.
What's a good antidote for Imperiex? That's a key thing to this game, who do you bring in to counter someone?
Fabian rolls for perplex: 1.
So in comes Thanos #49. Laz Pit on him just in case. He'll use his sp to bring in Imperiex and Sivana. Like I said, the thing behind this game is to figure out how to counter your problem.
Cyclops on Imperiex. Cont-plans his av to 11. Needs 7, rolls 8, Imperv is 4, 2 to Imperiex.
Lockheed free moves to B15 attacking Sivana. Needs 6, rolls 7. 3 to Sivana.
"I don't know where funny little man went, but don't care. I can just bash you." Solomon Grundy said, punching Sasquatch.
"You've got a pretty good left hook for someone who smells like swamp gas," Sasquatch said, trying to keep his spirits up. It sounded like something favorable had happened for his team from what he could hear, but whatever it was didn't seem to be helping him any.
Fabian rolls for perplex: 5. Interesting conundrum here. Actually not that much. I'll boost Sasquatch's av to 9. He attacks Grundy. Needs 6, rolls 8. BCF is need to bother for imperv. Sasquatch is out.
Should I move Thanos and take the damage next turn or try to attack Imperiex. Yeah, Imperiex it is, Thanos has laz pit for a reason. Ups his damage to 6, needs 5, rolls 11. Imperv is 3. 2 after imperv. Nice.
Cyclops ups his av to 11, attacks Imperiex, needs 6, rolls 11. 2 more to him.
Dom on Element Woman, like I have a choice, needs 7, rolls 11. Lots of good rolls here. 2 to her after toughness.
In I14 is Av's Wolverine with vampirism. Attacking Imperiex, needs 7, rolls 7. BCF is 4. Impy takes 2 more.
Strong Guy charges to C12 to off Impy. Needs 7, rolls 8. He's down. Wow....down in two moves. Granted, Thanos was needed to do it....
Lockheed free moves to B15 blocking d.r.
Selene to attack Element Woman. Needs 6, rolls 6 ( 2 3s). Takes her off only poison, which was most important, 1 click to her.