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STRIPE, Knight JLU - 1,1. Glad that's out of my system
Okay I have a plan. It means putting a good figure at risk but probably worth it. But first...Space Phantoms! CW204. Three of 'em. Might help counterbalance your PC heaviness over there.
Jakeem first takes Perplex and Sidestep, Sides to L20, Perplexes GL's AV +1.
Phantom A to J18
Phantom C teleports and moves to L8, Outwits SS on Mr. Oz.
Unus TKs GL to H16
GL RS to K12, targets Oz, AV11 +1 for Jakeem's Perplex, +1 for RCE on DV18. Gets 12 Oz makes it 5. Tribunal makes it 9. KEVIN makes it 9. Val-Nick is out of range. So that KOs Oz and that's one of your annoying PC pieces out.
Manhunter Sides to G15 on Bridge, AV9 +1 on DV16. Gets 5. Phantom A makes it 10. Doubles. So 3 to Bridge, KB to G11
Adam rolls for Heru - 2. Not really helpful. Just sides to M22.
If I KO Bridge, I can't block him, so I will leave things as is
GL tries to protect himself with 2 free Barriers.
Mr. Oz KOd. Bridge takes 3, KB to G11.
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable @ J23
JW Jakeem Thunder L20 (Sidestep/Perplex)(2)
JW23B Manhunter @ H15 (4)
RE Black Adam M22 (4)
JLU Shining Knight D14 (3)
BTUL Green Lantern (Cosmic Control Rod) @ K12 (1)(Power Cosmic/Invincible/SS)
CW204 Space Phantom A @ J18
CW204 Space Phantom B L23
CW204 Space Phantom C @ L8
"I've never been much for sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Let's bring the fight to them," Green Lantern said, rocketing forward.
On the other side, Mr. Oz saw three Green Lanterns coming at him. "What's this? Which one is real?" he asked, but couldn't figure it out in time and got picked off.
"Where did all the other GLs come from?" Jakeem asked.
"Ah. That would be us," the shape changing Space Phantoms explained.
Before we go on, Val can PC via GW. That's GL on Oz. Gets 11. Done deal.
LT wp: 2. Can he attack Alan? KC is 4. Targets Alan, MH and SP C. Gets 2. PCs to 6. SS is 3, 4 to SP C.
Enter White Fox, whomever she is. She can be PC for Val, too. II sends her to the porter after he ups her av. Can't be too careful.
She comes in on Alan at I13. Attacks. 10. SP A: 7. Jakeem's lof is blocked. BCF: 3. Kinda crummy but does 1 and she gets a Hotshots token.
Let's see. GW on SP A w/RCE. Gets 7. SS is 4. 3 to him and he's plastic slag.
Not much of a turn. SP A takes 3, C takes 4. 1 to GL. White Fox will use her hotshots token for the following:"FREE: Remove a Hotshots token from this character. If you do, until your nex turn when an opposing character attacks this character and misses, after resolutions deal the attacker 1 penetrating damage."
Note she also has plasticity.
Val can PC via Nick, GW or Fox.
K.E.V.I.N. (PC) K5
G.W. Bridge @@ (3) G11
Living Tribunal R @@ (Evidence-1) DE1,2
CAAV Nick Fury G5
Iron Inquistor 01V @@ F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) J2
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
White Fox @ J13
Three extras
Alan's got SS and rolls 6, making your crummy turn even crummier.
GL WP - 1
Jakeem takes Outwit and RCE, uses the Outwit on Fox's SS
Phantom B to H19, Outwits her SC
Unus TKs Jakeem to M20 on Fox, AV10 +1 on DV18. Gets 6. PCs that to 7. Too far for any of your guys to PC it. Hits her for 4, takes a Mystics.
Black Adam teleports to L13, attacks Fox, Perplexes FOx's DV to 16 AV10 on DV16. Gets 8. Tribunal makes it 10. Val 5. Phantom B - 8. KOs her. SE and Mystics cancel.
GL RS to J17, attacks Bridge, AV11 +1 on DV16 +1. Gets 3. Hum. Fine.
Adam rolls Speed of Heru. 2. Moves to M13
Phantom C Phases to J13 to block
GL Free Barriers
manhunter Sides to G14 on Bridge, AV9 on DV16. Gets 8. KOs him.
Phantom A to G11 to block
GW Bridge and White Fox both KOd and blocked
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable @@ J23
JW Jakeem Thunder @ M20 (Outwit/RCE)(3)
JW23B Manhunter @@ G15 (4)
RE Black Adam @ M13 (4)
JLU Shining Knight D14 (3)
BTUL Green Lantern (Cosmic Control Rod) @@ J17 (1)(Power Cosmic/Invincible/SS)
CW204 Space Phantom A @@ G11 (3)
CW204 Space Phantom B @ H19
CW204 Space Phantom C @@ J13 (4)
Tribunal gets evidence for GW not Fox. This is gonna be painful slow getting evidence. WP: 3.
First, enter Pluto.
Fury RS to J8 on Manhunter and SP C. 10. SS: 3. Don't even need Val's PC. Kos both. LT gets evidence.
Two warrior souls for Pluto.
Enter Grail. I'll give her All Black the Necrosword. II boosts her damage. Chameleon tks her and WS B to the porter and F10.
WS moves to block Manhunter.
Grail ports and charges to K16 on Alan, 9. 8 for Jakeem, SP B has no lof. 5 to him, he can't use SS.
Manhunter and SP C koed, former blocked. 5 to GL.
K.E.V.I.N. (PC) K5
WW Grail (All Black the Necrosword) @ K16
Living Tribunal R (Evidence-3) DE1,2
CAAV Nick Fury @ J8
Iron Inquistor 01V F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) @ J2
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
TMT040e Pluto (Warrior soul-2) H2
Warrior soul A H3
Warrior soul B @ G14
Two extras
Jakeem takes Regen and Outwit. Tries to Regen. 3. Heals 2. Outwits Impervious on Grail.
Adam Perplexes Grail's DV-1
Stargirl JLU style in. RS to O22 on Grail, AV10 +1 on DV17. Gets 6. 4 to her.
I thought I was going to be able to KO her, but as a Deity, my Space Phantom can't use his Outwit on her
Adam rolls 6 for Heru. Moves to L17 on Grail, AV10 on DV18. Gets 5. Phantom B makes it 11, hits, but only 1 to her, but Adam also Steals Energy.
Phantom B Outwits SS on Soul A.
STRIPE Sides to J20, attacks Soul A, AV10 +1 on DV17 +1. Gets 4. 3 for Jakeem.
Shining Knight Sides to F15 on SOul A, AV10 on DV17. Gets 7. 6 for Tribunal.
Grail takes 5.
XMXSL042 Unus the Untouchable J23
JW Jakeem Thunder @@ M20 (Regen/Outwit)(1)
JLU STRIPE @ J20 (2)
RE Black Adam @@ L17 (3)
JLU Shining Knight @ F15 (3)
BTUL Green Lantern (Cosmic Control Rod) J17 (6)(Power Cosmic/Invincible/SS)
CW204 Space Phantom A G11 (3)
CW204 Space Phantom B @@ J19
JLU Stargirl @ O22
LT on Adam, GL, SK. 8. SS is 1. KOs him. 2 evidence to LT. Pluto makes another WS
Tribunal's Range is stupid, but not that stupid. With his 13 Range, he can target out to row 15 without moving, but that precludes Green Lantern and Black Adam who are both in row 17
It only seems fair that I redo the turn since I can't remember all that happened. Thanks for trying.
So last thing was you did 5 to Grail.
Chameleon wp: 2.
Grail cce on GL. Gets 9. Jakeem's lof is blocked. Space Phantom's is probably too but benefit of the doubt: 9 again. 3 to him. He can't use SS against her. She heals 1.
Enter the Psylocke ID card via Pluto. Chameleon tks her to the porter and LT to EF3,4.
LT on GL, Adam, SK. Gets 8. KC: 1. Kos GL. LT earns two evidence. Also, Pluto adds a warrior soul.
Grail side to break? 5. Moves to J17 to block.
Psylocke pops out at J15. Charges to J16 on Adam. Gets 10, 2 5s. BCF: 3. 1 to him, kb to N20. Rolls for her trait. 4. No ta for him until next turn.
New warrior soul moves to D10.
1 to Adam, now in N20, he can't use his ta for a turn. GL koed and blocked.
K.E.V.I.N. (PC) K5
WW Grail (All Black the Necrosword) @@ (4) K16
Living Tribunal R (Evidence-5) @ DE3,4
CAAV Nick Fury J8
Iron Inquistor 01V F2
SFOSM Chameleon (FFUXM Jean Grey) @@ J2
Valentina Allegra de Fontaine I2
TMT040e Pluto (Warrior soul-3) @ H2
Warrior soul A H3
Warrior soul B G14
Warrior soul C @ D10
One extra