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1. Black Cat swings at Smurf in D44 Av 9 vs Dv 11 need a 3+ for the KO roll: 7 (2,5) hit fot the KO
2. Elektra moves to F35
E Spiderman (CM) M36 1! (wooah that Teth-Adam guy is fast)
E Daredevil (CM) G36 (hes after that book)
V Elektra (CM) F35 @ 1! (you two are next.)
V Black Cat D36 @ (hey stop poking me)
V Moon Knight D31 2! (watch out for him spidey)
VP's: 11
+2 for smurf
Black Cat KO's Smurf D44 with a hit for 2
stealth: DD
persistent PC notice: Black Cat will PC the first attack against her guys or herself she has line of sight to
Smurfette moves to I46 (sewer level)
Smurf at U24 to R24
Smurf at DD33 to AA33
Live Theme or Die! (Heroclix Motto)
"got any dragons you need slain?" Oscar Gordon, Glory Road by Robert Heinlein
Sheesh, ALC do you think you could bunch your figures together again? Took me ages to find a smurf capable of moving as they're spread throughout the most Smurf intensive zones. Anyway, here's my new Smurf move:
Smurf at D37 (sewer level) moves up the ladder to and goes to A37.
And finally....a story post from the Justice League:
Aquaman was getting frustrated. All they had to do was get those civilians a few more meters and they would be able to teleport them to safety. He starting barking orders like nothing else as he walked over and picked up the manhole cover.
"Flash stop mucking around over there and come get this Smurf out of the way!"
"Okay, okay, just let me finish off this guy first." Flash was still trying to clear his eyes from that bang stick blast that Hungry Smurf had given him. He tried a multi-directional hypersonic punch (Patent pending), but missed on his second swing, throwing him off balance. "Man that thing really threw me off my game."
Plastic Man let out a dramatic sigh. "I guess I'll have to save the day again, as usual!." He pulled up his sleeves and wound up his arm like a spring, then sent a giant fist flying at the Smurf blocking their route. "There you go folks, now scram before I start getting all teary-eyed. I can't stand good byes."
Green Arrow was peeved now. He could've been the one to take that Smurf out and get the credit, except for the annoying Smurf pounding on his leg. He grabbed out a warhead arrow, and disarming the explosive, used it as a club to beat on the Smurf. "Down boy! Just drop dead will ya?!" He yelled as he continually bashed the creature. They just didn't know when to quit these guys.
Aquaman looked on concerned. "Do you really think you should be using an explosive arrow to do that?"
Last edited by WakandaMan; 06/01/2004 at 11:03..
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Question: If I have a figure that has a ranged attack and they stand at the square with the open manhole cover, can they shoot down into the sewer below?
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Doctor Octopus rolls for leadership. Rolls a 2. No extra action.
Kraven attacks the Smurf in OO18. Def. 13 – Att. 11 = need to not roll 1,1. Rolled 3,6. Smurf takes 3
Bullseye attacks the Smurf in OO18 Def. 10 – Att. 11 = need to not roll 1,1. Rolled 6,2. Smurf takes 1 and is Koed.
Glorfindel’s Smurf Move.
Smurf in E18 moves to F17.
Smurf in C15 rolls for breakaway. Rolls a 1 and is stuck.
Smurf in B14 moves to E15.
My move
Hawkman attacks the Smurf in MM27. Def. 13 – Att. 8 = need 5. Rolled 6,4. Smurf takes 4 and is Koed.
Final Positions
E Black Adam L39
V Hawkman LL26 @
E Hawkgirl T32 Soaring (4 clicks)
Smurf Moves
Smurf in OO46 Sewer Level climbs the ladder and moves to JJ48 Street level.
Smurf in L33 Sewer Level moves to I28 Sewer Level.
Smurf in M33 Sewer Level moves to J28 Sewer Level.
Allied with Wakandaman
Allied with Glorfindel
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
1. Logan rolls regen.........5, heals 3. Back to 1 click of damage.
2. Venom perplexes up his movement to 11. Pushes to L/C off the map, taking the book with him. It only took 5 but I wanted to use the perplex one more time before I gave up 67 pts.............did I mention that I wish I had a pog with me?
Moondragon(1) D-27 (wow logan did it again..)
Logan(1) P-33@(....I'm the best at what I do.....) the board, with book
Allied with Richard
Non-aggresson with Choonhui
Object of hate to Wakandaman.
I can't see the map right now. If he's willing I'll let my ally Richard make my smurf moves this turn. Sorry if this causes a problem.
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
The kid went down and so did Laskey. Both fell within seconds of one another and Deathstroke knew it was time to move. He turned to his large pink friend, “Let’s take to higher ground shall we?” He shook off the smurf who was imitating a dog in heat on his leg and ran up the stairs. Despero followed and covered his retreat.
Despero wondered to himself, ‘I hope not all humans are as flimsy as our fallen allies. We will seek higher ground and I will talk to my partner about our arrangement.’
Nasty Boys Action
Deathstroke (rolls breakaway – 6) and moves to A20. No damage due to Willpower.
Despero moves to A18 (no breakaway roll needed due to L/C).
U Despero @ C16
E Deathstroke @@ E16 (1)
R Lackey KO’d
R Easy Co. Medic KO’d
Smurf Story
These garishly garbed humans were going to eat all of these delicious looking bankers and not smurf them with anybody! Cannibal Smurf (who had stood in a daze at N11 for the longest time) lost his mind and charged toward the teleportation beam. Green Arrow just had one problem with that, he, unfortunately, was in the way.
The other smurfs around Cannibal Smurfs redoubled their efforts by his war cry and attacked their own nearby assailants. Green Arrow was getting a little tired of all this and said to the charging smurfs, “Look guys, Aquaman is a blonde too! And just look at all his pretty long blond hair! Never mind the hook, he used to pick his nose when he was a kid! Boy were his parents strict!”
The comedy was wasted on the smurfs as they began to hammer blows down upon the Emerald Archer.
Smurf Actions
Smurf at M4 attacks Green Arrow. Def. 13 - Att. 5 = need an 8. Rolled 4,6=10, hit for one click. (Go Smurfs!)
Smurf at U6 attacks The Flash. Def. 17 – Att. 7 = need a 10. Rolled 2,4=6, miss.
Smurf at N11 moves to N5.
I'll post Smurf actions for Doom's Medic in a few moments.
Smurf at KK26 attacks Hawkman. Def. 15 - Att. 5 = need a 10. Rolled 1,4=5, miss. (The flying man smurfs just like CHICKEN!)
Smurf at FF30 attacks Blizzard. Def. 16 - Att. 6 = need a 10. Rolled 6,6=12, CRITICAL HIT! Blizzard takes two clicks and knocked back to II27! (I have never left you, you giant smurf you!)
Smurf at JJ28 attacks the newly knocked back Blizzard. Def. 13 - Att. 6 = need a 7. Rolled 3,5=8, hit. Blizzard takes one click and has insult added to injury at the hands of the smurfs.
Evil Teams
Glorfindel’s Syndicate = 20 + 2 (Koed Smurf 16) = 22
ALC’s Black Justice Society = 20 + 2 (Koed Smurf 16) = 22
Richard’s Nasty Boys = 16
Doom Medic’s Bad Hair Day = 9 + 50 (Escaped with Book) = 59!
ALC Marauder and Glorfindel
ALC Marauder and Wakandaman
Doom’s Medic and Richard
Choon Hui and Firstfederal
Monday – Team Good (Turn 16)
Tuesday – Team Evil (Turn 16)
Wednesday – Team Good (Turn 17)
Thrusday – Team Evil (Turn 17)
Friday – Team Good (Turn 17)
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
Originally posted by ALC Marauder Think of the manhole squares like the ladders outside buildings. You can attack Close Combat or Ranged Combat up and down them.
What I mean is, can I shoot at someone who is not necessarilly in the square at the bottom of the ladder, but say, one square away from it?
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Perplex from Atom & Saturn Girl --- DEO AV
DEO Agent AV 7 + 2 Perplex Heal Saturn Girl , roll 9 Hit. Heal for 3.
Everyone Else Rest.
Saturn Girl now has 4-3 heal = 1 damage)
While DEO agent is still on 2 damage.
#1 V Saturn Girl GG 50
#2 U Atom X 48
#3 V Live Wire FF 49
#4 E DEO Agent @ FF 50
#5 Pog Alfred Pennyworth *** KO **** GG 47
There is great rejoicing in the city?..Even Team Evil has been helping the City rid the itself of the SMURF Disease. The SMURF population is becoming Extinct?.Even Papa Smurf has already bit the dust?.. Rejoice Rejoice the city is saved,
Smurf at MM 28 ,ove to MM 27
Smurf at M 34 move to M 28
Smurf move at KK 28 move to JJ 27.
Aquaman attacks the Smurf in M4. Unfortunately he has to waste the Manhole cover, but I don't care. AV of 11 vs. DV of 11. Needs anything but a critical miss. Rolls a 3! (2+1). I wish I'd been counting how many 3's I have rolled this game! It's freakish! Better than crit misses though )
Everyone else clears.
Aquaman L5 @
Green Arrow (5) N3
Plastic Man (1) R2
Flash (1) U5
There's really no other Smurfs that I'm interested in moving. All the rest are either within 10 of your guys ALC or have bad guy tokens on them. If you want to move a couple for me, feel free to.
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.