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look in the Age of Apocalypse alternate Universe The Big A and his squad are in power and doing Justice but that does not make them any more evil.
I am sure Hitler thought he was doing good and so did Geroge Bush.
Still evil and so are the Dark Avengers
What exactly are the Dark Avengers doing that's illegal? They're being ####'s to super heroes. I'm not saying they're awesome, I'm saying they're the Authority, they're George W. Bush, not the Masters of Evil.
said by TVK
Is there a reason we still have to see this? Your man is in the White House. Plus, there is a forum for talk like this. I would a sorry TAK, but a I won't take diggs a former president would be fine. I not the world biggest Clinton fan, but here is not the place for it. Here is the place where we all unite under the common banner of heroclix. Please let us keep it that way. For some of us, it is a getaway from the insanity of the real world.
The advice of Neil Peart:
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose FREEWILL!
We will pay the price, but we will not count the cost
Fighting words around here, man. I wasn't a big fan, but people really hold that series to their hearts.
Quoted for truth. I recently re-read that book last year, in particular to compare the work of Peter David then to now. It is amazingly solid throughout his run on the book. YJ tackled things that no other book would touch, and was one of the few places to find heroes doing hero things in the 1990s.
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.
After reading the thread I'm really confused why everyone is so uppity about about the Dark X-Men and Dark Avengers being declared neutral.
1) It gives options. If you see them as evil, then play them evil. If you see them as doing good, play them as good.
2) The series' are being written to make us question their morality vs. their actions (certainly Fraction has even talked about in interviews exploring that).
I'm not getting the argument here. I think though, there is a testament to how effective these series might be in the long run.
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.
A bid has been made for R Mystique, who was drafted by X-Factor. Any team that can make a theme claim to the character can make a bid of at least 51 points to win her.
AFAIK, only X-Factor and the Dark X-Men could make a bid, but my mutant-fu and current Marvel knowledge is very weak and I don't want to assume there's only two.
At some point in the 90s Mystique was on the X-Men, and again just before the Messiah war. They could make a bid if they would like I think.
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.
I appreciate the support. Should be fun to story post, when I can get most people on the field at least. Thats the main problem with Lobo, but oh well, I'll figure something out.
My little brother used to get YJ, Robin, Impulse & Superboy, and my older bro and I would make fun of him for reading the kids books while secretly loving them. Playing them is an homage to him. Too bad most off the later members havn't been made.
After reading the thread I'm really confused why everyone is so uppity about about the Dark X-Men and Dark Avengers being declared neutral.
I got Uppity as a sweetener and I've never had a chance to use Uppity so I decided that this was a great opportunity to be Uppity. And y' pleases me to type Uppity. Uppity Uppity Uppity
But...Nightcrawler really has been my favorite character for years.
In the Dark Avengers debate, if you've seen the latest Amazing Spider-Man issues, it doesn't exactly portray them as very nice. And Norman Osborn shot Spider-Man in the face expecting to kill him. Norman also planned on using his son as a martyr and got Harry's girlfriend pregnant. Bullseye got back into his Bullseye costume and started torturing Spidey. Yeah... so their not exactly nice in those issues anyway.
I guess it's still debatable, though.
I don't think its much a debate when its like 17 against 1. I think what Vagrant is thinking is that in terms of this league, if the Dark Avengers are story posting, they are going to be saying, " Ah the *blank* are trying to take over the world, lets stop them in our evilly ways" as opposed to them fighting the X-Men TO take over the world. Therefore in terms of the league where its all fight and no plot, I can see why they could be considered good even though they are obviously evil/misguided people.
Oh, and if it hasn't been laid out clearly, we work on a 24-hour clock for the draft, so Iceman has until the end of the night or he is skipped. From there, 12 of the 14 remaining Marvel teams have submitted picks, so things should go fairly quickly from there. Then we allow a day for steals and steal bids.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter