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Can Adam breakaway from Wolverine? Gets 3. Joy. Guess He'll try to attack him then, AV8 on DV17. Gets 9. SS is 2. 1 to WOlverine which he'll just heal back up next turn.
Lois Perplexes Grundy's Dmage to 3.
Grundy on Gatecrasher. AV9 on DV17. Gets 5.
Killer Frost to L10
Infiltrator taxis Frost. Infiltrator to H16, G16 for Frost.
Grundy's going to try to teleport away. Needs to breakaway. Gets 1, so no.
I am at a loss for who to bring in here to replace Element Woman. You've controlled the map since Thanos came in. I'm gradually getting through the Watchmen set. I'm going to try Big Figure. Contingency Plan. He'll stay in my starting area. Note his Attack SP - he's not on it yet, but when he does get hit onto it, it's got potential to really slow things down. For now he'll Perplex his DV up by 1.
Also remember that if any of the figures surrounding Killer Frost get KOd, she gets a Suicide Squad roll to heal.
Psimon (Mental Shields) W13
Adam Strange (Nanobots) @ F16 (5)
Silk Spectre (WM02-Heightened Reflexes) H17 (4)
V Solomon Grundy (HT-Loner) @ G17 (4)
Kryptonian Renegade (Phantom Zone) G11 (3)
Kryptonian Infiltrator @@ H16 (Stealth)
E Killer Frost (Construct) @ G16 (4)
Lois Lane Superwoman (Damage Shield) N14
Big Figure (Contingency Plan +1) W12
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Big Figure, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Element Woman, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Imperiex, Indigo-1, Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Killer Frost, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Kryptonians, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1 & 2, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Ultraman, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 8659
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Construct, Contingency Plan x3, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entangle, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes x2, Improvise, JL Silver Age, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner x2, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Phantom Zone, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x3, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Trick Shot, Vampirism
"This is a very interesting situation," Big Figure decided. "Now how can I turn it to my advantage?"
"THat sounds very self-serving, considering the fate of our entire reality is at stake," Psimon said.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll do my part, but if there's something in it for me, you'd better believe I'm gonna grab it. And by the way, put on a hat. Nobody wants to look at your brain. That's gross."
Fabian rolls for his perplex sp. 5. Not much he can do to use this. He can attack Renegade though. Cyclops cont-plans his av to 10. Needs 7, rolls 6. He'll use 1 improvise token and make it a hit. 2 to Renegade.
Killer Frost gets to roll for SUicide Squad when Adam goes down. Rolls a 2 -2 is 0, but heals a minimum 1.
Infiltrator pulls away Silk Spectre. L12 for the Infiltrator, L13 for SS.
Steel fits my loose Superman Ally theme I Got going. Fast Forces version. Justice League SIlver Age for ATA, choosing X-Men as his target. Psimon TKs him to O15.
Steel Outwits Gatecrasher's Invulnerable. He takes Big Figure's tokens to make his AV12 and Lois makes his Damage 4.
Now Steel RS to K14 to attack Gatecrasher, AV12 on DV17. Gets 7. Silk Spectre's Enhancement makes his Damage 5 and Gatecrasher takes the whole lot.
Can Grundy breakaway from her? Gets 1. Attacks her then, AV8 on DV17. Gets 5.
Frost to Break? Gets 3. Um, attacks Longshot needing to get a 12 twice. Gets 6.
Psimon (Mental Shields) @ W13
Silk Spectre (WM02-Heightened Reflexes) L13 (4)
V Solomon Grundy (HT-Loner) @ G17 (6)
Kryptonian Infiltrator @ L12 (Stealth)
E Killer Frost (Construct) @ G16 (3)
Lois Lane Superwoman (Damage Shield) N14 (Stealth)
Big Figure (Contingency Plan +2) W12
Steel (FFSM-JLSilver Age) @ K14
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Big Figure, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Element Woman, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Imperiex, Indigo-1, Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Killer Frost, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Kryptonians, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1 & 2, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Steel, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Ultraman, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 8759
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Construct, Contingency Plan x3, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entangle, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes x2, Improvise, JL Silver Age x2, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner x2, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Phantom Zone, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x3, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Trick Shot, Vampirism
You have Gatecrasher in L13, should be L14. Also she should be at 5. Steel's 3 Damage was boosted by Lois's Perplex and Silk SPectre's Enhancement.
Just to give an underused character some play, I'll bring in Kobra with Inside Information. Experienced. He'll attack Gatecrasher, AV9 +2 for II on DV17. Gets 11. KOs her with 2.
Lois to L14, Perplexing her own DV to 16
Psimon (Mental Shields) W13
V Solomon Grundy (HT-Loner) G17 (6)
Kryptonian Infiltrator L12 (Stealth)
E Killer Frost (Construct) G16 (3)
Lois Lane Superwoman (Damage Shield) @ L14 (Stealth)
Big Figure (Contingency Plan +2) W12
Steel (FFSM-JLSilver Age) K14
Kobra (Inside Information) @ L13
Figures used: Adam Strange, Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Big Figure, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Dr. Sivana, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Element Woman, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Imperiex, Indigo-1, Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Killer Frost, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Kobra, Kryptonians, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane, Magog, Mammoth, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Maxima, Mera, Mikron O'Jeneus, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Psimon, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Sabaac, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shimmer, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1 & 2, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Steel, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Ultraman, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zauriel, Zoom - 8812
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x3, Construct, Contingency Plan x3, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x3, Entangle, Entrench, Force Field x3, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes x2, Improvise, Inside Information, JL Silver Age x2, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner x2, Lunge, Maneuver, Mental Shields, Nanobots x3, Nova Blast, Phantom Zone, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x3, Revenge, Rip It Up x3, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x3, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Trick Shot, Vampirism
"I don't know what sort of creature you are, but if you will not serve Kobra, then I have no use for you," the cult leader said, striking out with deadly force at Gatecrasher, taking her down.
"Bigger they are the harder they fall, eh?" Lois asked.
For some reason I like Gatecrasher. She's odd but useful.
Fabian rolls for his sp: 4.
Wolverine charges to F17 and goes for Grundy. Needs 2 + 1, rolls 8. BCF is 1. Argh...what a long dial. Longshot rerolls it to 4. 3 to him.
Longshot to finish him. Only a 2 is a miss, gets 4. He's out.
Cyclops is free to attack Kobra. Not really by #1 pick, especially since he's so rarely used. Needs 6, rolls 8. 4 to him and no one really to mm to (not that you'd want to).
For fun and theme consistency, enter Arcade. He free rides to G17 blocking d.r. of Grundy. He outwits Steel's invulnerable. He'll use his Deathtrap sp and remove the lo from under Lois. Lois, Steel and Kobra all take one.