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"You've hurt my allies, wizard. Know you this, they do not call Thor 'Avenger' for naught!" He hurled Mjolnir at Mordru. The mystic hammer shattered Mordru's magic shields.
"That's impossible!" Mordru protested.
"What's the matter, Mr. Fancy-Pants Magic Guy? Didn't expect us to actually fight back?" the Red Hulk said, punching him with a brutal savagery.
"Inconceivable!" Mordru scowled. "I cannot be losing to the likes of these. Time for me to withdraw and rethink my strategy." He tried to open a magic portal to retreat, but his spell failed.
o"Fool. You try to match the gods for magic? Really, such hubris," Loki said, casting a bolt of magical power at him that appeared to disintegrate the villain. "We can't be having that now."
Wow, that was quick. I don't even have the mystics damage to show for ko. And really? Do you truly need Loki, Thor, Frost Giants AND Red Hulk?
Imperiex's drills move.
CA on Fjolvar. Needs 8, rolls 7. She absorbs the object in O20.
Enter Johnny Sorrow, just because. I'll throw in extended range which will help with his pulse wave. Like Mordru, there should be a better version. He free rides to K15 and pulse waves. Rolls 2. Argh. Jakeem makes it 9. Better, he does one to Thor, Rulk, Fjolvar and kos Baudi.
Belle to E9 attacking Gamora. Needs 7, rolls 8. She's out.
Jakeem to F10 for the block.
Imperiex (3) C14 (Repulsor Shield)
Johnny Sorrow @ K15 (Extended Range)
Crimson Avenger (CD) (1) @ P19 (Nanobots)
Shazam! KC (1) H9 (In the Lazarus Pit)
Cosmic Boy (1) B12 (TK Reach)
Jakeem Thunder @ F10 (Alias)
Liberty Belle (Rip It Up) @ E9
Spectre (1) B13 (Lazarus Pit)
Teleporters: B15, I16
HO C13, F15, G10, D9, I19 LO F7, F10, F17
Total points: 7759
Figures used: Accomplished Perfect Physician, Atom Smasher, Bart Allen, Beast Boy, Black Adam, Blackfire, Captain Marvel Jr, Chameleon, Checkmate Medic, Cosmic Boy, Crimson Avenger (CD), Damage, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Dr. Fate, Dr. Light (Arthur), Dr. Psycho, Dove, Dream Girl, Dr. Nid-Nite, Hawk, Holiday Killer, Icicle, Imperiex, Isis, Jakeem Thunder, Jericho, Johnny Sorrow, Kid Devil, Krytonian Infiltrator, Kryptonian Renegade, Kryptonian Soldier, Liberty Belle, Lyssa Drak, Lucy Lane, Mary Marvel, Maxwell Lord, Miss Martian, Msr Mallah and the Brain, Mordru, Non, Osiris, Plasmus, Queen of Fables, Ravager, Raven, Red Arrow, Sargon, Shazam, Shimmer, Silver Banshee, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Starfire, Stargirl, Starro, Tempest, Terra, Tomar Re, Trigon, Triplicate Girl, Ursa, Wizard Shazam, Wonder Girl (Donna), Vigilante, Zod
Feats used: Alias (2), Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing (2), Automatic Regeneration, Book of Destiny, Camouflage (3), Checkmate (2), Construct, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield (3), Darkness Within, Dissent, Drag, Elite Sniper (2), Endurance (3), Extended Range, Force Field (2), Heightened Reflexes, Infiltrate, Lucky Break, Nova Blast, Not So Special (2), Lazarus Pit (3), Nanobots (3), Opportunist, Pounce, Protected (2), Pummel, Repulsor Shield (2), Rip It Up, Shake-Off, Shellhead, Stunning Blow, TK Reach, Triage (2), Trick Shot, Whirlwind
"I think we have our hands full, guys," Liberty Belle says rushing Gamora, "At least I got this lady out."
"That's no mean feat," Jakeem says, "Gamora is considered the most lethal woman in her galaxy."
"Maybe," Belle replies realistically, "But me, I'm worried about a bunch of Asgardians and a Hulk myself."
"Liberty Belle," Johnny Sorrow says entering the scene, "Don't worry your pretty little head over this. I have things under control. But you'd best turns your heads...". He pulls off his mask and several of his foes freeze up in panic.
Before anything else, Johnny Sorrow gets a click of Poison from Rulk.
Xavin Perplexes Red Guardian's AV to 10.
Red Guardian takes the Teleporter to B14, attacks Imperiex, AV10 on DV17. Gets 6. Oh well, it was worth the try.
Thor's got to move anyway. He'll Charge to K14, and attack Johnny Sorrow. AV11 on DV16. Gets a 12. Well, you weren't expecting Johnny to last, were you? Oh, wait. Jakeem. Gets 9. Still a hit, just slightly less devastating. SS is 4. 4 to Johnny.
Coulson Perplexes Loki's DV to 19.
Xavin TKs Loki to I8. Hoping Shaxam doesn't get to slip away to recover.
Continuing to dip into the AVM set, Dum Dum Dugan is next. With SUppressive FIre. RS to S18, attacks Crimson Avenger, AV10 on DV16 +1. Gets 3.
Xavin @ Q6 (3)(Stealth)
Red Guardian (CA101) @ B14 (3)
Thor (AVM200-Repulsor Shield) @@ K14 (1)
Loki (AVM211-Protected) O6
R Frost Warrior (Fjolvar) M17,N17,M18,N18 (3)
Agent Coulson (Heightened Relexes) O5
Red Hulk (IH28-Dissent) K15 (1)
Dum Dum Dugan (AVM-Suppressive Fire) @ S18
"I have felt your power, masked one. Now feel mine," Thor said, launching himself, hammer-first at Johnny Sorrow.
"A good hit, I'll grant you, but I've fought the entire Justice Society," Johnny told him.
"And lost!" Jakeem couldn't help but interject.
"Ha!" Loki laughed. "Even thy own teammates mock thee." Then he turned his attentions elsewhere. "I sense great magical potential in this spot. I wonder." He approached, readying himself with defensive spells for whatever might come.
"Wa-hooo!" Dum-Dum Dugan whooped, running and shooting at the Crimson Avenger. She was surprisingy agile though, and avoided his fire.
"Dugan. Can't fault his enthusiasm, I suppose," Coulson shook his head.
So to start I'll push Johnny Sorrow. He rolls a 9 and I can't really ask for better. 2 to Red Hulk & Fjolvar. Johnny's koed.
Shazam emerges from the pit. 2. Still woozy. Break from Loki? 1. Attacks Loki then. Needs 6, rolls 9. SS is 4. I assume Loki uses his protected.
Cos to tk away Red Guardian? 5. Sends him to G6.
Imperiex on Thor. Needs 8, rolls 7. Jakeem makes it 6.
Spectre on Thor. Needs 7, rolls 5. Getting more of my share of dud rolls from the big guns of late.
Replacing Johnny Sorrow is Metallo. Old school version. Considering my luck with the bigger pieces I'm probably a bit nuts to draft this weak, old figure. Hey, at least his sculpt is so cool. Entangle on him. He attacks Thor needing 8, rolls 4.
Imperiex (3) @ C14 (Repulsor Shield)
Metallo UN (Entangle) @ K15
Crimson Avenger (CD) (1) P19 (Nanobots)
Shazam! KC @ H9 (Recovering from the Lazarus Pit)
Cosmic Boy (1) @ B12 (TK Reach)
Jakeem Thunder F10 (Alias)
Liberty Belle (Rip It Up) E9
Spectre (1) @ B13 (Lazarus Pit)
Teleporters: B15, I16
HO C13, F15, G10, D9, I19 LO F7, F10, F17
Total points: 7908
Figures used: Accomplished Perfect Physician, Atom Smasher, Bart Allen, Beast Boy, Black Adam, Blackfire, Captain Marvel Jr, Chameleon, Checkmate Medic, Cosmic Boy, Crimson Avenger (CD), Damage, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Dr. Fate, Dr. Light (Arthur), Dr. Psycho, Dove, Dream Girl, Dr. Nid-Nite, Hawk, Holiday Killer, Icicle, Imperiex, Isis, Jakeem Thunder, Jericho, Johnny Sorrow, Kid Devil, Krytonian Infiltrator, Kryptonian Renegade, Kryptonian Soldier, Liberty Belle, Lyssa Drak, Lucy Lane, Mary Marvel, Maxwell Lord, Metallo, Miss Martian, Msr Mallah and the Brain, Mordru, Non, Osiris, Plasmus, Queen of Fables, Ravager, Raven, Red Arrow, Sargon, Shazam, Shimmer, Silver Banshee, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Starfire, Stargirl, Starro, Tempest, Terra, Tomar Re, Trigon, Triplicate Girl, Ursa, Wizard Shazam, Wonder Girl (Donna), Vigilante, Zod
Feats used: Alias (2), Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing (2), Automatic Regeneration, Book of Destiny, Camouflage (3), Checkmate (2), Construct, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield (3), Darkness Within, Dissent, Drag, Elite Sniper (2), Endurance (3), Entangle, Extended Range, Force Field (2), Heightened Reflexes, Infiltrate, Lucky Break, Nova Blast, Not So Special (2), Lazarus Pit (3), Nanobots (3), Opportunist, Pounce, Protected (2), Pummel, Repulsor Shield (2), Rip It Up, Shake-Off, Shellhead, Stunning Blow, TK Reach, Triage (2), Trick Shot, Whirlwind
Loki will use his Protected - if he fails his Shape Change roll. He does with a 1. So he uses the feat and takes a token.
Rulk Flurries on Metallo. AV10 on DV16. Gets 5. Second attack's a 7. Jakeem makes it 10. 2 to Metallo. I agree with your assessment. Terrific sculpt on him, but not such a good piece anymore (but boy did I love him back in the day).
Loki on Shazam, AV11 on DV17. Gets 12. Heh. 4 to Shazam after Toughness. KB to F11, which I didn't really want, but worth it to knock him down that much. Should have had Coulson Perplex his Damage. Oh well.
Fjlovar on CA. AV9 on DV16. Gets 7. Blades roll is 1.
Coulson to L5, Perplexes Loki's DV to 19.
Xavin Perplexes Thor's DV to 19.
Xavin Q6 (3)(Stealth)
Red Guardian (CA101) B14 (3)
Thor (AVM200-Repulsor Shield) K14 (1)
Loki (AVM211) @@ I8
R Frost Warrior (Fjolvar) @ M17,N17,M18,N18 (5)
Agent Coulson (Heightened Relexes)@ L5
Red Hulk (IH28-Dissent) @ K15 (3)
Dum Dum Dugan (AVM-Suppressive Fire) S18
"You're just asking to be turned into a pile of scrap metal," Red Hulk told Metallo, beginning to pound on him. He was a bit taken aback when Metallo's metal parts started to shift themsemselves around to already begin to repair the damage. "Hm. Neat trick." Rulk admitted, "but it's not going to buy you anything except maybe a couple of extra seconds."
"So, it's the triumphant return of Captain Marvel," Loki said. "Or rather, not," he corrected as Marvel's fist simply passed harmlessly through the god's body. In return, Loki raised his hand and hit Marvel point blank in the chest with a magic blast. It sent Marvel flying back. "You should have stayed dead, Marvel."
Metallo pushes. Much as I'd prefer to attack Thor, RHulk has a better shot of being hit. Needs 9, rolls 10. What do you know, could have picked Thor anyway. 2 to RHulk, 1 to Metallo.
Belle to attack Red Guardian who should show G6. Will charge to F7 needing 5, rolls 10 again. He's out.
Cos tks Belle to G6, blocking d.r. of RG.
Spectre on Loki? SC is 5. Thor then. Needs 7, rolls 7. Imperv is 4, Thor takes 2. Finally. Thor should be hard to hit but man he's been overdue. wait....I missed that his dv was boosted so Spectre would have needed 8, Jakeem rerolls 4.
Imperiex on Thor then. Needs 8, rolls 12. Imperv is 1. Oh sweet heaven, he would have repulsor shield. As it is Thor takes 3.
Shazam roils 1 for the pit. Has no choice but to move back to A12.
CA on Dum Dum. Needs 6, rolls 10. 2 to him.
Imperiex' drills move.
Imperiex (3) @@ C14 (Repulsor Shield)
Metallo UN (Entangle) @@ (3) K15
Crimson Avenger (CD) (1) @ P19 (Nanobots)
Shazam! KC @@ (4) A12 (Recovering from the Lazarus Pit-2)
Cosmic Boy (1) @@ B12 (TK Reach)
Jakeem Thunder F10 (Alias)
Liberty Belle (Rip It Up) @ G6
Spectre (1) @@ B13 (Lazarus Pit)
Teleporters: B15, I16
HO C13, F15, G10, D9, I19 LO F7, F10, F17
Total points: 7908
Figures used: Accomplished Perfect Physician, Atom Smasher, Bart Allen, Beast Boy, Black Adam, Blackfire, Captain Marvel Jr, Chameleon, Checkmate Medic, Cosmic Boy, Crimson Avenger (CD), Damage, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Dr. Fate, Dr. Light (Arthur), Dr. Psycho, Dove, Dream Girl, Dr. Nid-Nite, Hawk, Holiday Killer, Icicle, Imperiex, Isis, Jakeem Thunder, Jericho, Johnny Sorrow, Kid Devil, Krytonian Infiltrator, Kryptonian Renegade, Kryptonian Soldier, Liberty Belle, Lyssa Drak, Lucy Lane, Mary Marvel, Maxwell Lord, Metallo, Miss Martian, Msr Mallah and the Brain, Mordru, Non, Osiris, Plasmus, Queen of Fables, Ravager, Raven, Red Arrow, Sargon, Shazam, Shimmer, Silver Banshee, Solomon Grundy, Spectre, Starfire, Stargirl, Starro, Tempest, Terra, Tomar Re, Trigon, Triplicate Girl, Ursa, Wizard Shazam, Wonder Girl (Donna), Vigilante, Zod
Feats used: Alias (2), Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing (2), Automatic Regeneration, Book of Destiny, Camouflage (3), Checkmate (2), Construct, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield (3), Darkness Within, Dissent, Drag, Elite Sniper (2), Endurance (3), Entangle, Extended Range, Force Field (2), Heightened Reflexes, Infiltrate, Lucky Break, Nova Blast, Not So Special (2), Lazarus Pit (3), Nanobots (3), Opportunist, Pounce, Protected (2), Pummel, Repulsor Shield (2), Rip It Up, Shake-Off, Shellhead, Stunning Blow, TK Reach, Triage (2), Trick Shot, Whirlwind
I see what you've done with Metallo. Nice strategy. Drills coming up on me and his Plasticity holding me in place. Well let's see what we can do about that.
First Metallo takes a click from Red Hulk's super-Poison power.
Going to try a direct counter. Bring in Zombie Giant-Man. With Rip It Up. First Xavin TKs him to O10.
Xavin and Coulson Perplex his AV to 11.
Giant-Man Outwits Metallo's Plasticity and teleports to H15, then he rips up an object and Charges to D14, attacking Imperiex, AV11 on DV17. Gets 3. Argh.
Thor tries to break from Metallo. Gets 4. With Plasticity Outwitted, that's sufficient. RS to F12, taking Red Hulk with him to E11. Thor on Imperiex. AV10 on DV17. Gets 6.
Dugan on Avenger, AV9 on DV16 +1. Gets 8. That's one hit out of this turn anyway. For 2 to her.
Xavin @ Q6 (3)(Stealth)
Thor (AVM200-Repulsor Shield) @ F12 (4)
Loki (AVM211) I8
R Frost Warrior (Fjolvar) M17,N17,M18,N18 (5)
Agent Coulson (Heightened Relexes) L5
Red Hulk (IH28-Dissent) E11 (5)
Dum Dum Dugan (AVM-Suppressive Fire) @ S18 (2)
Giant-Man (MU-Rip It Up) @ D14
Giant-Man came through the teleporter. "Ho! Giant-Man, well met!" Thor cried out, glad to see his old ally. But then the giant turned to look at him.
"You wouldn't say so if I was tearing your heart out to eat it," the undead giant told him. "You're lucky we share an enemy today." It turned his attention to Imperiex instead.
"You dare?" Imperiex said as the titans grappled with each other. "You may have size, but I have power beyond imagining!"
"He speaks the truth," Thor said to Red Hulk. "We waste our time on mere underlings like this metal man. Let us take this fight to the real foes." As he flew from Metallo, pulling Red Hulk along with him, angled himself so that Mjolnir would fly at Imperiex when he touched down. But even while strugglng with Giant-Man, Imperiex simply put up a hand and deflected the hammer. "Od's blood!" Thor said as his weapon returned to him. "Verily, this Imperiex is not to be trifled with."
"All right, lady, maybe you're quick enough to dodge my pistols, but I'm betting a spray from my shotgun will be a lot tougher to avoid!" Dugan switched weapons and fired at Crimson Avenger. As he predicted, not even she could avoid all the tiny projectiles. Her wounds were not mortal, but she bled in several places.
"I grant you that one. You won't get a follow up," she warned him.