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1. quote how many times I've even mentioned pedophilia. Or you could save some time and accept that this is the first and only time I've done so.
2. I'm 22, jackballs. Thanks for going for the typical "I don't know how to insult people on the interweb, so I'll just call them a 10 year old!", it really shows your maturity level.
3. It damages me because I have to sift through triple and quadruple posts of it in every thread he posts in. It degenerates every topic he does it in, and it isn't tolerable by any means whatsoever. You made a snide remark in regards to one of his posts too, so don't get high and mighty with me.
4. Superficialism doesn't bother you. That's awesome. It insults the rest of us. Who's the intolerant one?
5. You're a jackass. This is the fourth time I've seen you just arbitrarily going after someone because you think you're the god of the forum. Welcome to the incredibly small pond known as my ignore list.
This forum is what we make it. I want to feel comfortable here and have it be a constructive place. Even fun if it can be. I dont arbitrarily target anyone. If I see something that is degrading or deconstructive Ill respond. And some times I do comment on someone whining or feeling sorry for themselves. But I dont hold them up for ridicule and keep on them about some percieved short commings. Im not just not going to let somone else decide what my experience here will be. And thank the fates you have me on ignore. maybe itll cut down on the BS. Its just not my thing.
I didnt make a snide remark. I did comment on how I didnt really understand what he was saying. This is very different from making personal attacks on him. I havent seen any of his posts involving personal attacks on you. If its a BS post or inappropriate then take action against it the way it should be done. A mature person would ingore it. It didnt involve me, it was just werid. No reason for me to really expend energy on it. These forums are supposed to be fun and entertaining. I feel that personal problems should be left elsewhere. IN MY OPINION
I dont need to insult you (or need to know the proper way to insult you over the net) because I dont know you and I dont really care about you. But when you publlicaly post crud like that then you open yourself to any comments people want to make. The tactics you are using against this guy is just immature and seem part of a bigger bullying atmosphere you and some other guy seem to be getting off on. And it reminded me of how 10 year old bullys conduct themselve. Given the fact that you are older it makes it seem even more pathetic. IN MY OPINION
ANd finally superficiality is what makes the world a fun place. Not everythig has to have a deeper meaning. Sometimes fun is fun. Dont hate the hedonist becasue it just comes off as jealousy. IN MY OPINION
Oh, and I knew Speedball's Kinetik field was going to absorb some of the blast's impact. He had alot of potential, but no one ever capitolized on it. ANd Namorita dead? Maybe, or maybe her Atlantean genetics let her withstand the balst better (like Colossus did in Secret Wars) and shes hiding Underwater licking her wounds. Or even hooked up to some Atlantean machine to fix her up. Regenerate. I liked her and she had alot of potential too.
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
WOAH! WHAT? You made love with a 13 year old girl? And you disrespect women? I liked you Carlos... but that is uncool man... that is very uncool... :disappoin
WOAH! WHAT? You made love with a 13 year old girl? And you disrespect women? I liked you Carlos... but that is uncool man... that is very uncool... :disappoin
OMG, Short answer to your questions: NO. stop this guys.
Why arent the Marvel Mutants more invovled in Civil War? This whole thing seem to be hitting really close to what they are expecting to happen in the future. What they have seen happen.
Well in issue 2 you do see a brief glimpse of them in the X-Mansion. I was thinking the same thing also, especially with the 'new' Sentinels that just appeared. Maybe this is all a tie in to the X-Men and DOFP is really how things turn out. Time will tell...............
I'm not a really big X-Men fan in comics, maybe that is the secret reason what i like this event and I can't care less for House of M and all the rest.
Thinking about it.... that is the reason! this event looks almost like the old crosovers with almost just the great Superheroes Spider-Man, Avengers, "Defenders".
all I can say is, Namorita should have been able to survive the blast, as Namor once survived a blast like that, but directly in his face. But, this is the Marvel Age of lost continuty, so, who knows?
As for the other thing... I had sex with a 14 yr old girl once, I was 13 at the time tho. Does that make me a bad person? Geez, I'm old.
i'm glad that the x-men are mostly absent from civil war. and i can't believe spidey gave up his secret id.
a cool twist was in thunderbolts. i don't read the title normally but i like that they are given the task of bringing in super villians. i really like that zemo is stockpiling villians for his own evil plan.
***is thunderbolts a good book? i never got into it and am wondering if i'm missing anything good.
I know I'll be at the top of that Conspiracy List.
Because you ARE carlos ? Or, perhaps you are carlos from a twin universe, where everything is evil where here it is good? Or vice-verse ? And does this mean if you get locked in a paradise dimension with an old man, some guy who's younger then he looks and one old woman, you gonna hook up with the young guy in hopes of forgetting the girl that was left behind on your now destroyed homeworld and have the young guy splash you with his purple splooge?
And, I agree about them looking for all kinds of odd ball ways to take it back in a couple or so years.
I tell ya, they can do that in the soon, with the Beyond storyline. They go to battleworld, fight, win, the Beyonder gives them a wish, Spidey regrets the whoel unmasking thing, wishes everyone would forget who he really is, and there ya go.
Heck, over in DC, they did something like that for Wally West, with the Specter erasing all memories of Wally's ID from everyone's minds. It could work here too.