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1. Shadow Lass will take a shot at the Science Marine #6. AV 8 vs DV 14. Roll is a 2, 5. That's a hit and the Sci Mar takes a click and is KO'ed. Movie Star #1 will drop in his place.
2. Rokk will TK the HO at Sci Mar #3. AV 8 (+1 PD) vs DV 15. Roll is a 5, 6. That's a hit as well and the Sci Mar takes 2 clicks after Toughness and is KO'ed.
"It looked like Garth's plan worked...luckily" said Rokk. "With their officers down, it looks like they're not sure of what to do. The tide's turned, Legionnaires! Let's take em down!"
With Rokk's rallying cry, the tired Legionnaires pushed onward with renewed energy.
Tasmia shot out a dozen tendrils of shadows, grabbing the arms and legs of the Science Marine and slamming him to the ground, knocking him unconscious.
Rokk, with renewed energy himself, magnetically picked up a hover car and hurled it at another Science Marine, knocking him to the ground as well.
Mary Jane - 5 C-11
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 (Saved!)
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 T13
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 Q12
Paper Boy - 3 (Carried by Tasmia)
Paper Boy - 3 (Carried BY Science Marine #6)
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote]
Can Tasmia shoot with a bystander in Q-12? Adjacency with bystanders always confuses me.
I think in this scenario it wouldn't since the bystanders aren't against me. Their more like allies. If they were enemy bystanders, yeah I wouldn't be able to shoot out.
Turn 14B Yeah, that makes sense. There's not a lot thta I would have been able to do these last turns anyway.
1) Science Marine #5 to S-8
2) E Science Police pushes and shoots to hit Imra (3+2) = 5 and I'm actually not sure if that hits because I can't hit either the units section or the wizkids gallery from this remore PC for some reason. I'll et you fill in the blank.
Faced with a horde of angry Legionnaires, the Marine decided discretion was the better part of valor.
The officer meanwhile, took one last desperate shot, trying to bring down Saturn girl.
(That's it for me. I won't push the marine next round, so feel free to mop up and put me out of my misery)
Mary Jane - 5 C-11
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 (Saved!)
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 T13
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 Q12
Paper Boy - 3 (Carried by Tasmia)
Paper Boy - 3 (Carried BY Science Marine #6)
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Yeah I can't access wizkids either. They must be doing some maintenance on the site. I don't know if the Sci goes down to 7 after a click. But I did check the physical dial of Imra and she goes to a 12 D on her last click so I'm sure it hits.
Turn 15A
1. Garth will RCE the last Sci Po. AV 8 vs DV 14 (I believe on the 2nd click they have ESD with a 12 DV). Roll is a 4, 5. Hopefully that hits. The Sci Po takes 3 clicks and is KO'ed.
2. Tasmia will fly on over next to Rokk.
3. Rokk will TK Tasmia and Mary Jane #1 to the starting area. A push for Rokk.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rokk barely had a chance to react to a Sci Po officer that seemed to come out of nowhere and take aim at him. Even faster than he could realize, Imra flew out in front of him, taking the bullet meant for him.
"NO!" shouted Rokk.
Garth heard Rokk's cry and saw Imra on the ground. Sparks flew wildly around him and from his eyes. He gathered his energy and blasted the Sci Po, knocking him off his feet and with a black scorch mark on his uniform.
Rokk saw the last Sci Po running behind the building and saw that it was over. Tasmia flew over with the boy in her arms. Rokk didn't want to take any chances and magnetically brought both of them back inside the Legion HQ.
Mary Jane - 5 C-11
Mary Jane - 5 J-12
Mary Jane - 5 (Saved!)
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 T13
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 Q12
Paper Boy - 3 (Saved!)
Paper Boy - 3 (Carried BY Science Marine #6)
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
You said you weren't gonna push the Marine, so I think that's pretty much game since this is the 15th round.
Good game rouge!! I wish I coulda saved more bystanders, but I think it woulda been too hard. There was just way too many Science Police...even though 6 of them were pogs, they still coulda done a lot of damage. But yeah it was a fun scenario and your story posts were great! I think I'm gonna enjoy reading your posts when you play your team.
Thanks, it was fun. I retrospect I should have used the tank more strategically at the beginning (instead of as target practice for Live Wire), and focused more on positioning earlier than starting out going after Pogs. Still, I did better than I thought I would and managed to bring down the big threat of KQ (three bolt incap is a pog killer). Good luck in the next issue (looks like Wildfire will be back!)
Thanks, it was fun. I retrospect I should have used the tank more strategically at the beginning (instead of as target practice for Live Wire), and focused more on positioning earlier than starting out going after Pogs. Still, I did better than I thought I would and managed to bring down the big threat of KQ (three bolt incap is a pog killer). Good luck in the next issue (looks like Wildfire will be back!)
Yeah I was hoping Kid Q would've been more successful at taking out the pogs. But man, I just can't seem to keep her alive long enough to do anything. She gets an attack in and then she's KO'ed. I really need to try to use more strategy with her to keep her alive. Yeah I REALLY needed Wildfire for this would've probably been a little easier...I'm surprised I did as well as I did...and yeah I think if you started pushing the Tank to take shots at my guys instead of capturing...I think I would've totally lost.
So what team are you going to run in the RPSC? I'm not sure if I've already asked you this....
Yeah I was hoping Kid Q would've been more successful at taking out the pogs. But man, I just can't seem to keep her alive long enough to do anything. She gets an attack in and then she's KO'ed. I really need to try to use more strategy with her to keep her alive. Yeah I REALLY needed Wildfire for this would've probably been a little easier...I'm surprised I did as well as I did...and yeah I think if you started pushing the Tank to take shots at my guys instead of capturing...I think I would've totally lost.
So what team are you going to run in the RPSC? I'm not sure if I've already asked you this....
I'm thinking of running a Mystics team lead by Jason Blood (Alan Moore Swamp Thing-style Blood). I just need to brush up on my rhyming.
If not,then I have some ideas for a "Boy and his Dog" Super-Family team, but the 300 point starting limit may make that prohibitive (and you and I would eventually end up at odds over who gets Kara )
I don't think Saturn Girl can be your guest when she's already appeared in an issue.
Actually we can, if I use someone that's not on my team that I've already recruited, I'd have to use TXP have someone not on my team be a guest least I think that's how it goes....