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REDO Player 2, turn 10
(pretty much the same result, just different positioning)
1. Emerald Empress will push for a RS on Blue Beetle, moving to T15 and placing OMAC at S14. Using the attack rolls from above, it's 6+4 for a hit and KO.
Free action - OMAC will Perplex damage on Persuader.
2. Persuader will attempt to breakaway from Elongated Man. First attempt is a 4. EM forces the reroll, which is also a 4. He'll move to S15 for the charge on Captain Atom. Using the rolls from above, it's 2+5 =7 for 5 damage with Exploit Weakness and a KO.
Fatal Five (home)
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts T15 [5 SA] [3 KO]@@
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]@
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (5/5) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (5/5) P-6
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Player 1, turn 11
Elongated man will try to hit OMAC with a big fist. 9av+roll (1,4)= 14, misses he'll try to adjust the attack at the last second for PC, 5,1; still a miss. Dice werent with me this game.
Ice maiden will make a barrier in squares. S-13, R-14, T-14, U-13.
Elongated man will PC anything he might see.
Fatal Five (home)
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts T15 [5 SA] [3 KO]@@
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]@
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (5/5) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (5/5) P-6
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Mafia wins: Acolyte Neophyte, Plasmus!
As an avid role-playing gamer; I suggest roll20 for all your online rpg needs.
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts T15 [5 SA] [3 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (5/5) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (5/5) P-6
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Player 1, turn 12
Icemaiden will push to make the same barrier
Elongated man will PC anything that he might see
Fatal Five (home)
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts T15 [5 SA] [3 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (5/5) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (5/5) P-6
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Ice maiden DFD [1]
Mafia wins: Acolyte Neophyte, Plasmus!
As an avid role-playing gamer; I suggest roll20 for all your online rpg needs.
Player 2, turn 12
Free action - OMAC will perplex AV on Emerald Empress.
1. Empress will perform a Running Shot Pulse Wave to U12. Elongated Man will be the only one within range, with PW ignoring Super Senses, PC and Protected. 10 AV vs. 17 DV. The roll is 4+1 for a miss. Wouldn't be surprised if I don't get him in the next three rounds.
Ice's push and health have been changed, BTW. Also, I adjusted Elongated Man's health (in your favor). He'd been showing 5/5 when he's actually 6/6..
Fatal Five (home)
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts U12 [5 SA] [3 KO]@
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (6/6) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (4/5) P-6@@
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Ice maiden DFD [1]
Player 1, turn 13
With his elongated body (L/C), Elongated man will swing down and strike Empress. 9av+roll(1,4)= 14, misses; he'll use PC to 1,5; still a miss. Darn Dice.
Elongated man will PC any attack he receives
Fatal Five (home)
1. E Emerald Empress* (5/6) 90 pts U12 [5 SA] [3 KO]@
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
2. R Persuader (8/8) 96 pts S15 [2 SA] [2 KO]
3. R Omac (6/6) 59 pts S14 [3 AST] [1 SA]
4. R Lexcorp Battlesuit (0/4) 27 pts KO!!! [1 SA]
5. R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO!!!!!
Justice League International (visitor)
1. R Captain Atom (0/9) KO!
2. E Elongated Man* (6/6) T-13
* w/ Protected
3. R Ice (4/5) P-6@@
4. Green Flame (0/5) KO!
5. R Blue Beetle (0/5) KO!
6. R Batgirl (0/4) KO!
7. R Booster Gold (0/7) KO!
HO: O-5, D-11, Q-15, E20, V13, A18
LO: N-17, R-13, N-15, I-20, A5, B12
Captain Atom SA [1], KO [1]
Blue Beetle SA [1]
Booster Gold SA [1], KO [1]
Ice maiden DFD [2]
Mafia wins: Acolyte Neophyte, Plasmus!
As an avid role-playing gamer; I suggest roll20 for all your online rpg needs.