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1) Kree targets Mercury, who tries to turn into a gas to hide himself, but presses the wrong button and turns into a "hit me" neon sign.. (Shape Change rolls 1).
Kree punches Mercury, 9 vs 16. 5, 6 = 11 for 2 damage.
1 SA to Kree Warrior
Free) Marvel Perplexes Dumbot's defense
Others clear
Krueger666's Skrulls
1) V Ms Marvel 168 pts (7/9) B13 (stealth) 5 SA, 2 KO
2) V Super Apes: Peoter 50 pts (6/6) D6 2 AST
3) R SN Kree Warrior 22 pts (4/4) B12 @ 1 SA, 1 AST
4) E Doombot 5953 40 pts (3/4) A12 [Defense +1] 3 AST
5) R Hand Ninja 14 pts (3/4) C13 (stealth) 1 AST
294 pts
Glen Quagmire's Metal Men
1) E Superman Robot 100 pts KOKOKO [1 SA]
2) E Lead and Tin* 100 pts (3/8) A16@
* w/ Outsmart (10 pts) 4 DFD
3) E Gold 60 pts KOKOKO [1 SA][1 AST]
4) E Mercury* 25 pts (2/5) A11@
* w/ Flashbang (3 pts) {USED}
(Robot Keyword, PC rolls: 2)
Ms. Marvel targets Lead/Tin, but they push the panic button and transform into R2-D2 (Shape Change rolls a 5). "I can't shoot him! Master Yoda wouldn't be pleased..."
She then flies to D11 and turns to Mercury. Mercury copies Lead's idea and turns into C3P0. Ms Marvel shouts in anger, for her last KO was denied by that dreaded George Lucas' ideas... "This is why I prefer Spielberg..."
2) Doombot targets Mercury. Mercury tries to shape shift into Doom, but all he gets is the Tin-Man from the Wizard of Oz... (Shape Change rolls a 3). Doombot punches Mercury, 8 vs 14. 4, 1 = 5, misses by 1...
3) Kree goes for Mercury as well. Shape Change rolls a 1, so it's good to go. Ms Marvel Perplexes Kree's attack and he punches Mercury, 9 +1 vs 14. 4, 5 = 9 for the KO
1 SA, 1 KO to Kree Warrior
And that's a wrap!
Krueger666's Skrulls
1) V Ms Marvel 168 pts (7/9) D11 @ 5 SA, 2 KO
2) V Super Apes: Peoter 50 pts (6/6) D6 2 AST
3) R SN Kree Warrior 22 pts (4/4) B12 @@ 2 SA, 1 KO, 1 AST
4) E Doombot 5953 40 pts (2/4) A12 @ 3 AST
5) R Hand Ninja 14 pts (3/4) C13 (stealth) 1 AST
294 pts
Glen Quagmire's Metal Men
1) E Superman Robot 100 pts KOKOKO [1 SA]
2) E Lead and Tin* 100 pts (2/8) A16@@
* w/ Outsmart (10 pts) [4 DFD][1 SA]
3) E Gold 60 pts KOKOKO [1 SA][1 AST]
4) E Mercury* 25 pts KOKOKO
* w/ Flashbang (3 pts) {USED}
(Robot Keyword, PC rolls: 2)
Thank you very much for the game, friend! There's a bunch of guys here I really, really like to play against and you're definitely on my top 5! In every game we've played, you've always managed to surprise me with a move I didn't see coming! And believe me, I tried very hard not to get my Ms. Marvel caught on this one!
Well done, my friend! You have a great synergy with your team and the inclusion of Superman Robot brings a whole new perspective for you. By the way, you own the figure? I had a doubt about his dial during our match. On HCOnline his last click (the Psychic Blast one) has a 9 AV, but here on the realm's units section it shows an 8. And you've played it like he had a 9. Which one is correct? You should clear that out because it can hurt you on your next matches.
Good luck for the rest of the season, man! And know that I'll always support every METAL Men! "Heavy Metal, or no Metal at all"
Final result:
Skrulls: Winner (5 RPs)
Metal Men: Loser (10 RPs)
Stats for this game:
Ms Marvel 5 SA, 2 KO
Super Apes: Peoter 2 AST
Kree Warrior 2 SA, 1 KO, 1 AST
Doombot 5953 3 AST
Hand Ninja 1 AST
Metal Men
Superman Robot 1 SA
Lead and Tin 4 DFD, 1 SA
Gold 1 SA, 1 AST
Updated Stats after Pre-Season Game #1 (changes in red):
Krueger666's Skrulls
V Yellowjacket 100 pts (6/6)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Skrull Infiltrator 25 pts (5/5)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Skrull Infiltrator 25 pts (5/5)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
V Ms Marvel 168 pts (9/9)
SA [5] KO [2] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Spider-Woman 79 pts (7/7)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
V Super Apes: Peoter 50 pts (6/6)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [2] DFD [0]
R SN Kree Warrior 22 pts (4/4)
SA [2] KO [1] AST [1] DFD [0]
V Warskrull 110 pts (8/8)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Doombot 5953 40 pts (4/4)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [3] DFD [0]
R Hand Ninja 14 pts (4/4)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [1] DFD [0]
V Major Disaster 59 pts (6/6)
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]