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1) witch will swing on DareDevil 9 vs 17 miss twice
2) hawkeye RS to P8 shoots at elektra 9 vs 17 miss
3) strange moves to v-6
Cap will use alias when attacked
1) R Captain America HoT 72 (3/6) r-11
w/Alias 3; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye 56 (6/6) p8@
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch 35 (5/5) S-13@
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (4/6) T-13@ w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10@
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (7/8) S-11@@ w/ HO
Elketra lunges to Q-9, tries to flurry Hawkeye. Av11 vs dv16, need a 5, roll is 2+3 for 5, Hawkeye takes 2, flurry #2, vs dv15, need a 4, roll is 4+1 for 5 another 2 clix
1) R Captain America HoT 72 (3/6) r-11
w/Alias 3; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye 56 (2/6) p8@
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch 35 (5/5) S-13@
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (4/6) T-13 w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10@@
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (7/8) S-11 w/ HO
I just realized that Elektra should only be doing 1 dmg in her Charge attacks due to the Inertial Interference Field
Ahh, so Cap would take one back, Hawkeye, took the right amount as it was a lunge and not a charge, and I hit Iron First with a lunge, not a charge either
Dr S uses wand of Watoomb to UP caps attack roll is a 6 so it goes Plus 2
1) Cap swings on PM & IF 11 vs 17 rolls an 8 hits for 1
Witch will PC any attack she can see
Cap will use alias when attacked
1) R Captain America HoT 72 (4/6) r-11@
w/Alias 3; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye 56 (2/6) p8
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch 35 (5/5) S-13
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (4/6) T-13 w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10@@
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (6/8) S-11 w/ HO
Daredevil will try to hit Witch. Av9 (+2 for Mjolnir) vs dv16, need a 5, roll i s 6+1 for 7, 4 clix to Witch
Danny and Luke will try to hit Cap, Alias roll is a 4, duo attack 1, Av11 vs dv17, need a 6, roll is 6+4 for 10, hit for 3, Duo attack 2 vs dv16, need a 5, roll is 6+1 for 7, 2 more clix and the KO.
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye 56 (2/6) p8
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch 35 (1/5) S-13
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (4/6) T-13@ w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (6/8) S-11@
1) scarlet witch swings on daredevil rolls big and supersenses saves him ......
2) Hawkeye swings on elektra miss
3) Dr strange shoots at Powerman & iron Fist 11 +2 (Inside info) vs 17 rolls an 11 does 5 -2
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye 56 (2/6) p8@
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch 35 (1/5) S-13@
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (4/6) T-13@ w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (3/8) S-11@
PW & IF run over to X-9, picking the dumpster back up.
Flurry on Hawkeye with Elektra. Av11 vs dv14, 3 or higher, roll is 4, 2 clix and the KO.
Daredevil tries to finish off Witch. Av9 (+2 for Mjolnir) vs dv14, need a 3, roll is 8, 4 clix and the KO, and a push
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye KOed!
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch KOed!
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (3/6) T-13@@ w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10@
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (3/8) X-9@@ w/ Dumpster
push Dr Strange will use the Eye of Agamatto to up his defense again +2 (roll was a 5) and then shoot at Daredevil 11 vs 16 rolls a 10 hits supersense is a 4 so DD takes 3 and is KO'ed
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (7/8) v6 Def+2@@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye KOed!
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch KOed!
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (0/6)KOed w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (3/8) X-9 w/ Dumpster
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6 Def+2
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye KOed!
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch KOed!
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (3/6) T-13 w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (3/8) X-9 w/ Dumpster
Yes, I've been very curious as to why you haven't used it before.
Forgot .....
Dr Strange will use the Eye of Agamatto to up his defense again +2 (roll was a 5) and then shoot at Daredevil 11 vs 16 rolls a 10 hits supersense is a 4 so DD takes 3 and is KO'ed
1) R Captain America HoT KOed!
w/Alias used ; Protected used
2) V Dr Strange SI 149 (8/8) v6 Def+2@
w/Inside Information 4
3) U Hawkeye KOed!
4) V Iron Fist KOed!
w/vault 3
5) R Scarlet Witch KOed!
1) R Daredevil (HOT) (0/6)KOed w/ Mjolnir
w/Stunning Blow
2) V Punisher (SI) KO'ed
3) V Elektra (48a - SI) (6/7) R-10
w/Lunge 5
4) R Power Man and Iron Fist (3/8) X-9 w/ Dumpster