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1) Martian tries to break away to charge - BA roll is a 6. Martian charges to H10, Quaking. 10 vs 18 (NC) and 17 (Cyke). Crawler's SC ignored by Fury. Attack roll is a (2,5) 7, dealing out 2 clicks to Cyke and KBing him to K10.
2) Miracle pushes to teleport to J10
Free) Miracle ppx up his own Defense.
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts (2/9) H10 @
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (5/6) J10 @@
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 5 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 2 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 I-10@
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) H-9@
3) E Quake 67 (5/6)L-7@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) Quake charge to K-9 quaking Miracle +1 AV from CP 10 v 18 rolls 3,3=6 fail push click
clear rest CP Token
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts (2/9) H10 @
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (5/6) J10 @@
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 5 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 2 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 I-10
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) H-9
3) E Quake 67 (4/6)K-9@@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts (2/9) H10
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (5/6) J10
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 5 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 2 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 I-10
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) H-9
3) E Quake 67 (4/6)K-9@@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) Crawler HSS attack at I-9 targets Manhunter SC roll is 4 10 v 15 rolls 6,4=10 ends at K-8, Manhunter at J-9
2) +1 AV on Cyke targets (sharpshooter) RCE Manhunter SC roll 5.....there are no tactics or strategy i can use to deal with this constant SC targetting Miracle 10 v 18 rolls 2,4=6.
3) push quake with her SP 9 v 15,18 SC roll is 4 rolls 6,5=11 senses is a 3 for 2 on miracle and KB, one pentrating to Manhunter, push click
clear , CP token
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts (1/9) H10
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (3/6) H12
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 5 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 2 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 I-10@
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8@
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-9@@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) Martian attacks Cyclops. 10 vs 16. A 4 would miss. Miracle PCs it to a 9, hitting Cyke for 4 clicks.
2) Miracle flies to L10
Miracle will PC a successful Leadership roll by Cyke, any SA by Cyke he can see, any SA against Miracle by Nightcrawler, and any FB roll by Cyke of 3 or more.
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts (1/9) J9 @
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (3/6) L10 @
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 6 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 3 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 (1/7) I-10@
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8@
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-9@@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) +1 Cyke RCE sharpshooter attack v Martian SC roll is 2 10 v 15 rolls 3,6=9 hits Miracle PCs to 1,4=5 for 1 past invul for the KO!!!! finally! tough sonuva! willpower no push damage
claer rest CP Token
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts KOed
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (3/6) L10 @
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 6 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 3 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 (1/7) I-10@@
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-9
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
Argh! Was hoping for an absurd amount of SC to close it out!
1) Miracle will punch Cyke. 8 vs 15. A 5 will miss - Self PC makes it a 4. Ah, was hoping to go out with a bang.
Miracle will PC any SA he can see.
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts KOed
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (3/6) L10 @@
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 6 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 3 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 (1/7) I-10@@
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-9
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) QUake v Miracle with SP 10 v 17 rolls 3,2=5 fail
2) NC HSS attack at J-9 miracle carrying Quake 10 v 17 rolls 5,1=6 fail, end at original space, drops quake at K-8
clear CP token
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts KOed
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts (3/6) L10 @@
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 6 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 3 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 (1/7) I-1
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($$)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8@
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-8@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
1) + 2 NC attack NC push HSS attack at J-9 on miracle 12 v 17 rolls 3,6=9 hits PCed to 5,6=11 hits for 2
NC end at original space.
2) Quake SP on miracle 10 v 16 rolls 4,2=6 for the KO
DarkCorsair (JLI) (home)
1) E Martian Manhunter* (BatB) 202pts KOed
*w/Camouflage 8pts
2) Mister Miracle 64pts KOed
3) R Booster Gold (HT) 28pts KOed
4) V Blue Beetle (CR) 65pts KOed
5) R Icemaiden 33pts KOed
Theme PCs: 0/4
Martian: 6 SA, 2 KO
Miracle: 3 AST
Booster: 1 AST
Beetle: 1 AST
Ice: 1 AST
CaptKool (X-Men)
1) V Cyclops 110 (1/7) I-1
w/ Contingency Plan 12 ($$)
w/ Protected 8 *USED*
2) U Nightcrawler 86 (5/6) J_8@
3) E Quake 67 (3/6)K-8@
4) U Nico Minoru 84 N-9 KOKOKO
5) R Jean Grey 31 KOKOKO
When a character uses Regeneration or when a character is the target of Support, instead of following the rules for those abilities, roll one six-sided die and subtract 3 from the result. Treat a negative result as damage dealt to the character that may not be evaded or reduced.
Map: Airport
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