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May be Premature
FLash has
(Damage) White Blur: Flash can use Shape Change. When he rolls a d6 for Shape Change, on a result of 5 or 6, heal him of 1 damage after actions resolves.
So Roll the shape change to see what happens... no need to reroll the Attack if He fail the Shape Change
Yep knew I did something wrong SC is a 4 ...nothing to see here...Stat goes back to zero...
Quote : Originally Posted by evilevil
May be Premature
FLash has
(Damage) White Blur: Flash can use Shape Change. When he rolls a d6 for Shape Change, on a result of 5 or 6, heal him of 1 damage after actions resolves.
So Roll the shape change to see what happens... no need to reroll the Attack if He fail the Shape Change
Not Just Another Empty Political Slogan
No Need to apologize for winning. This is the regular season you should want to win and thats the bottom line. So be it if I am the designated Job Squad
Quote : Originally Posted by evilevil
Thanks for the Game Sorry it wasn't better for you.
I needed to run superman as I want to get him upgraded and with this game I got that upgrade
Best of luck to you
Not Just Another Empty Political Slogan