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Allz I be knowin' is dat Taskmaster be a straight killah, and dat's why I try to take his azz out wit Bullseye befo he can get my clix abilities lost. Everytime I play dat fool at least one a mah pieces gets toe up from da floo up, wit dat BCF madness wit 11 AV. Ouch! He be dicin' up mah jiggaz like he a straight reincarnation of the slicer-dicer. He more efficient than anythin' dat whack azz Pampered Chef be makin'. Ova!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe that we now officially have evidence that Jaime Kennedy's "B-Rad" character plays HeroClix ...
Originally posted by RayRayJ Allz I be knowin' is dat Taskmaster be a straight killah, and dat's why I try to take his azz out wit Bullseye befo he can get my clix abilities lost. Everytime I play dat fool at least one a mah pieces gets toe up from da floo up, wit dat BCF madness wit 11 AV. Ouch! He be dicin' up mah jiggaz like he a straight reincarnation of the slicer-dicer. He more efficient than anythin' dat whack azz Pampered Chef be makin'. Ova!
Alright, you may now return to what you were doing ...
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Ok everyone here is a quote from “The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition,” Number 13 – Super-Adaptoid to Umar. Ok, got it….this is it…Official…Marvel says so!
“The man who would become the Taskmaster first demonstrated unusual abilities during childhood. After watching a cowboy show on television, he found himself able to duplicate the sophisticated rope tricks he had watched the cowboy perform. Psychiatrists, called in at his mother’s request termed the boy’s rare ability “photographic reflexes.” He employed his talent several times during his youth for personal gain, most notably when he became a star quarterback of his high school football team after watching one pro football game. Upon graduation, he briefly considered a career as a crimefighter, but opted for becoming a criminal, which he perceived to be more lucrative.”
Later at near the end of the article they give Stats…
“Height: 6”2”
Weight: 220lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
Strength Level: Taskmaster possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. Known Superhuman Powers: None
Abilities: Taskmaster possesses “photographic reflexes” which enables him to watch person’s physical movements and duplicate them without practice, no matter how complex. This ability is only limited by the fat that he does not possess super-human strength or other superhuman attributes. He is a naturally gifted athlete who has trained himself to superb physical condition. His retention of a particular skill or technique is virtually permanent as long as he periodically reviews it’s source, either live or taped.”
Ok so that’s it guys….he is NOT A MUTANT, we are not going to agree to disagree, we are not going to agree he is a mutant who is not a mutant. He simply is not a mutant, as his creator said, don’t pigeon-hole him, just accept the fact that he is a normal human but skilled human with an unusual trait.
hmm in that case...can i train to watch a Jackie Chan flick and immediatley do his maneuevers, or watch Tara Lipinski and win a gold medal?
I'm not disputing you Quade, or the OHTM, but they can't say he's just highly trained when he can watch Captain America or Hawkeye and immediatley be as good a fighter as he is...their has to be some kind of superhuman-ness to it. I can't watch Chan or Lipinski and immediatly do what they do. I can train for years and years and do it, but Taskmaster can do it once he sees it, and refreshes once in a while.
Besides, alot of people out there may not know who he is, and when they ask, what would they rather hear. An overexplanation, or "he's a mutant" true or not? I buddy of mine would rather hear mutant (he doesn't know comics) than me spending hours trying to explain the difference.
I love a good debate, even when positive proof is staring me in the face
Contrary to popular belief, I do know what I'm doing
Mr Deadpool, I just put them together because they both have a special talent, or ability that they have worked on to get it to the level it is currently at. As to which one is the deadlier of the two, let’s start counting the bodies!!! I’m pullin’ for TM though.
I have always thought of him as a mutant but after reading the proof from the Marvel Universe handbook, he isn't. I was mistaken. Why can't the rest of you accept the proof? Stan Lee created HIS definition for Mutants for HIS Universe. HIS Marvel Universe Handbook says Taskmaster is not a Mutant, I believe him. Thanks for the correction.
And to the idiot that believes Spider-man is a mutant, read the proof from the Marvel Universe handbook. He isn't.
Well I am glad that Quade put that to rest, if the people here listened to us in the beginning you would've understood that from then.. Myself, Quade and a few others that kept saying he wasn't and why.... if other people start debating it then its just because they want to debate and argue, not rationalize with the known Marvel Universe seeing in fact that he is NOT a Mutant as we've said.
Que Serra Serra...
P.S. - It's
Some say that life is an illusion, this is a gun, if life's an illusion then you won't die . . . - Cat
"- Known Powers: With the help of the Albino, Taskmaster briefly had the ability to mimic other peoples powers by studying them. This power ended up only being temporary due to the process being interrupted by Hawkeye I, Firestar, and Justice."
Ok now are we finally finished...he had real powers for a brief time (after his first appearance by the way) but they were disrupted by Hawkeye. Someone linked alreay in this post. You guys might want to take a look at it. Freak, no you can't train to be like Jackie Chan because you have no skills but Tasky does
call photographic reflexes what ever you want. but if that ability exists in the regular random mix of genetics, he's still way up there evolutionarily.
also, by what method was tasky learning to copy powers via albino's training? did he undergo some sort of chemical bath? or was he just studying them?
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