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Wolverine vs. Cap - the battle even Marvel cops out is the best there is at what he does, the other is simply the best there is. I have long held that this would be a battle for the ages.
Wolverine and Cap fought to the typical no contest in Captain America Annual 7. They then teamed up.
In the end, I would give this one to Captain America....or, no...Cap wins.
Reasons? Sure. I got reasons.
This fight is of a different dynamic than the other fights (Cap vs. Batman, Spider-Man vs. Batman) because of Wolverine's healing factor and superhuman stamina. Captain America would have to go full out on Wolverine. Wolverine's gonna do that anyway.
In the fighting arena, Wolverine is one of the best HTH combatants in the Marvel Universe...he can do more than just brawl. His powers are designed to make him the best there is at what he does, which is mostly to take the most heinous of ###-whuppins and live for a new multi-million dollar Wolverine comic. We all know (from all the other posts by now) Cap's fighting ability, cunning and paragon level physiology.
Wolverine could kill Cap with one mistake using his claws, and they both would know that going in. Cap would go that beat up old shield of his, that's saved him time and again, for offense and defense. Man, this is hard to call.
At the end, I think Cap would outmanuever Logan until he could find a way (as always- good ol Cap) to beat him. If that doesn't happen, Wolvie will gut him. It's a matter of faves again...sigh. So I give it narrowly to Captain America.
Cap's shield is mostly vibranium but not entirely. The whole deal with Klaw a few years ago was in Captian America when he dropped his shield into the ocean and lost it for awhile, the vibranium in it began to decay. They made some reason about how after the Beyonder destroyed it the first time, Cap's will power reformed it, but there was a single molecule out of place. Over the years vibrations that passed through the shield (from impacts and such) spread misalignment, and created a "vibranium cancer" that shattered the shield and spread though all the vibranium in the world and threatened to blow it up. Klaw being made of sound used the vibration of all the vibranium on earth to increase his power by absorbing it. The absorbtion stopped the spread of the cancer and saved the world. Klaw then turned that power on Cap, and the vibration fixed the defect in his shield and repaired it.
In anycase, that is seperate from the matter at hand. I think Cap and Wolverine are very evenly matched. Cap might have a a lot of raw strength (he's lifted the back wheels of a Volkswagon pretty easily in the past. And I also remember that at one point he could lift more then Spiderman, Parker has been 'powered up' quite a bit since then though so its not a good comparasion). Cap has fought hand to hand combat for over 12 hours straight without becomming winded (and that was when he was dying from the super-soldier serum poisning his system), but wolverine has neigh-infinate regeneration (although the speed of which fluctuates wildly over his history). Cap is a master of serveral types of martial arts and combat and trains himself to absolute perfection in both skill and agility. Wolverine has decades of experience as well but relies less on finess to win fights and more on simply over powering or outlasting and wearing down his oponents. If you look at it a little differently, Cap is beyond peak human ability, which means he would win an olympic gold medal in every single event. He'd run less then a 4 minute mile, the fastest marathon runner, the fastest sprinter, he'd lift more weight then anyone else, he'd win every gymnastics competition, every boxing or martial arts event, any swimming event, theoretically he'd also be the best at any sport (i.e. hockey, basketball, curling) even so much as sycronized swimming or underwater basket weaving . I'm not sure of Wolverine's maximum ability limit but I'd imagine they are just about equal.
In a fight Cap would win the initial confrontation, Wolverine always takes blows before he goes all out. Wolvie regroup and counter, and the fight would escalate and last for quite a long time. The only loser would be the one who quits first. Which I think would be Wolverine, he fights out of anger or emotion where Cap fights out of reason. They would only fight if Wolverine wants to do things his way and he disagreed with Cap's Boy Scout -ness. Wolverine would just walk away and do his own thing eventually when he realized there was nothing really compelling him to Kill Cap.
Everything great and better
You walk into some kid's bedroom, and it's gonna be there. You know, Batman, Superman, and these "Saints."
E Nomini Patri, E fili, E Spiritu Sancti
I honestly don't see how anyone can keep talking aobut healing factor, it's a non factor in this case. Cap could backhand wolvie in the face with the shield and have him out cold, healing factor or no. He could pummel him so mercilessly that it wouldn't matter. I'm not a huge cap fan, I'm an Iron Man guy myself, but it doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact that Cap is the best non-uber bruiser in the marvel universe (IE: sure, thor is stronger, Iron Man is stronger...but, I mean DUH. Wolverine is NOT).
Wolverine has experience, sure, he's got alot of experience, I mean Origin took place in like..the 1850s or so? I don't recall exactly, but look at it this way, Wolvy hasn't been training all the time since he was born, Cap has been in constant combat or training since WW2, and even if you take out the time he was frozen, he's still got more combat experience than logan.
"Cap could backhand wolvie in the face with the shield and have him out cold, healing factor or no"
THe sheild would just "bounce" off his skull. Cap is the better figher, hands down. But unless he used some weapon not in his normal arsonal (like Ultimate Cap used a machine guy on Wolverine) he can't do enough damage to take Wolverine down.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Originally posted by imafineboy Cap's shield is mostly vibranium but not entirely. The whole deal with Klaw a few years ago was in Captian America when he dropped his shield into the ocean and lost it for awhile, the vibranium in it began to decay.
I think you need to read those issues again, imafineboy. Captain America's shield is an Adamantium/Vibranium alloy created by accident by Dr. Myron McLean. End of argument.
I can honestly and without ego tell you there is nothing you can possibly tell ME about C. A.
Well, this argument can benefit from the same "comic" logistics going around in all the "Batman vs. Whoever" threads. Captain America is the pinnacle of human achievement, so he must be better? Wolverine's a mutant, that's a completely different scale. Logan laced with adamantium, so he's virtually indestructible? Well, you can certainly put him out of commission for long enough to drink his Canadian import beer. Arguments could go either way. In any sort of "real world" brawl, I would have to say Wolverine. He's the best there is at what he does. But, as far as comics go, Captain America does one thing: he wins. Doesn't matter how, he just does. I see the fight ending with Wolverine slipping into unconsciousness while Cap's telling WHY he had to beat him up (though clutching his gashed and bleeding midsection and looking through a thoroughly swollen eye). It's a shame, because I like Wolverine a lot more, but in a comic book, Captain America wins.
Quote by I forgot
What issue exsactly is that?!?!? Thats pretty far fetched right their. Abomanation is a freaking beast, its hard to believe that Wolverine had him like that.........
ARGH DOESNT *ANYONE* KNOW ABOUT THESE COMICS? The ones sent by spiderman magazine when you cancel your subscription?????
Caps shield is made of a stronger material than wolverine's claws. Cap's shield is an aberation that cannot be repeated by scientists. It is basically an adamantium vibranium alloy (alloys tend to be stronger than their parts) but i think its a little more complicated than that. People can make adamantium this and that but no one can remake Cap's shield.
Wolverine possesses some amount of super strength... not sure if its from his mutation or from what the weapon X program did to him. So Wolverine is stronger than Captain America.
I think any marvel encyclopedia or editor would back me up on the above points. These are facts that I have taken as givens for a long time although I don't recall where I learned them.
In a fight... I think Captain America would win, but it would be close. I am assuming a K.O. means the fight is over even if Wolverine would wake up and keep the fight going until he eventually gets a lucky slash in.
Wolverine loses fights all the time. He gets knocked out cold all the time. Bonks on the head can take him down (his skull might not break but his brain will get sloshed around a lot)! Sure he always comes back and kicks butt but I don't see him as unstoppable as some people seem to.
I think Captain America is a better fighter only because he has to be. Wolverine gets to rely on his super powers and tends to fight somewhat recklessly. Wolverine also gets hit a whole lot while Cap is more adept at blocking or parrying blows and counter attacking. In order to win this fight he would have to hit Wolverine a lot more than Wolverine hits him.
Captain America also wins because he is the embodiment of victory and the American spirit! He would win in the comics even if it made no sense. So there
Originally posted by Steve Shady Quote by I forgot
What issue exsactly is that?!?!? Thats pretty far fetched right their. Abomanation is a freaking beast, its hard to believe that Wolverine had him like that.........
ARGH DOESNT *ANYONE* KNOW ABOUT THESE COMICS? The ones sent by spiderman magazine when you cancel your subscription?????
Steve that was me . Trust me steve, i know comics. Im not like most people here that say X could beat x because hes my favorite..i tell it like it is. I don't read spider-man and am not one of his..shall we say.."Big fan", or small which ever you want so....i wouldn't know of this 'Special' magazine you speak of. To say the least....iv'e been in pretty big Wolverine debates, and iv'e NEVER heard of this encounter with the Abomanation and trust me where i debate...the people Know how to debate. Its not a Hero Clix board its a comic board.........