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First of all, LOB cannot be comsidered a booster expansion. It was the first birst and is therefore just the original booster of the YuGiOh TCG, and every other booster is an expnsion from tat, qualifying them as booster expansions. Otherwise, I would have chose LOB, due to Dark Hole, Raigeki, Swords Revealing Light, Pot of Greed, Monster Reborn, Exodia, Dark Magician, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon. As far as boosters go, I chose Legacy of Darkness. Sure, Invasion of Chaos, and pharaohs Servant, do rank close, but Legfacy of Darkness contains Yata, the center to many peoples decks, and many powerful cards such as IF Lily, Spear Dragon, Dark Ruler Ha Des, Freed, Tyrant D., Yamata, and Hino Kagu Tsuchi. Personally, I like Marauding Captain and Ariknight Parsbnhath along with the ultimate of jars, Fiber Jar! THis set had one of the greatest impacts on any of m decks. I will say that IIOC, is a mega super set, but what is it without sets before it? No SoRL, Raigeki, Mirror Force, Torrential, Imperial Order, Pot of Greed, MST? And Pharaohs Servant does have the best Secret Rares sI would have to say, along with GAF, and Gearfried (Exodia-Gearfreied-Dagger Elma combo), Buster Blader and Legendary Fisherman, two of my personlal favorites, along with both Call pf the Haunted and Premature Burial. But I still have to say LOD is the best.
And also, someone pointed out that IOC created a completely new deck-type which is why they like it. That is a horrible reason, because every set introduces a completely new deck-type.
LOB Introduced almost everyone of today's staples. Think about SORL Dark Hole Change of Heart etc. Even with that in mind i went with LOD only because it introduced my favorite card! Yata!!! Ok well thats my share.
well i say LOD but not for the reasons that most people have *coughyatacough* but becuase of all the great warriors that came out in that set. but a close 2nd is PSV. LOD and PSV form about half of my deck and they used to form about 3/4 of it before i switched to warrior/control
Pharaonic Heritage all the way!
Nothing can top this upcoming set, itll contain the annoying spirit knight of jackal and my favorite: END OF ANUBIS!!:angry:
For all of you who dont know wat im talking about, its the newest set out in japanese.
Show some love for MFC, people!
I gotta love this set, because it gave me the cards that make Dark Magician worth using. All I need for my DM deck is a DMG.
MRD for me. Solemn Judgement, Seven Tools, and Magic Jammer are staples in my deck. All three have saved me more times than I can count. But it also contained Mirror Force, a staple for almost everyone that has it, and my favorite monster, Barrel Dragon. Too bad, that it doesn't do to good in the current environment. But back in the day when I ran three of them, and didn't have a problem doing so, everyone was afraid to face me in tournaments. I can't wait for this next set so I can get my hands on Blowback.
PGD go gravekeepers!!!!!!!!!!but close second would be IOC for all those nice aquas and beasts. but gravekeepers rock!!!
not to mention guardian sphinx, red moon baby, buster rancher, and PATRICIAN OF DARKNESS!!! WOO HOO ITS LIKE DREAMSPRITE BUT BETTER!!! YOU WILL ATTACK MY THOUSAND NEEDLES AND LOSE 500 AND YOUR MONSTER IS DESTROYED!!!:laugh: :devious: :cool:
wow...i can't believe IOC is in the must be the initial novelty i have never seen a set so full of crappier versions of older cards. prolly half the cards in that set are based off of some other card
Invasion of chaos is the best!!!
I've pulled:
Dark mirror force x2
black luster soldier-envoy of the beginning x1
Chaos emperor dragon- envoy of the end x1
invader of darkness x2
manticore of darkness x3
strike ninja x1
dimension fusion x2
.....and these are just a few of them
(i got most of them from the special edition thing)
invasion of chaos all the way. It supports...
Beast Decks, Chaos Decks Water Decks, DNA surgery decks, and a ton of other hybrid decks. Plus Chaos Emperor! Black Luster Soldier (good one) Insect Princess, Black Tyranno, BIG BURN (It will burn you alive) Dimension fusion Dark magician of Chaos! name a holo that sucks in invasion of chaos and I will change my mind. PM me with your answer.