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Well, I would have won the costume award if I hadn't won the event (I like the HK plane better).
Also, beware of events with only a venue listed (and no envoy) --those locations did not complete the sign-up, and therefore got no prize support (2 of my 3 venues today had no prizes).
Back the the costume - my competition was a 15 year old carrying a psuedo-bomber jacket, a blue scarf with rainbow tassles, glasses and gloves. I was wearing olive pleated pants, khaki button collar shirt (with 2 breast pockets), and I topped it off with a purple fez with purple tassle (I come by my nickname naturally). Evidently the store employee was more impressed with the 42 year old, 6-4, 300 guy wearing a purple fez than the 15 year-old kid.
And then I went and ruined it by winning the event.
Some notes - out of the 4 in attendance, only one person lost any planes (and he lost planes to all 3 opponents). My other 2 matches went to the time limit with nothing destroyed, and I won because my army was 200pts - whereas my opponents merely had 196. What a cheap way to win.
50 minutes isn't enough - especially with the limited plane pool and the lack of any well-practiced gameplay.
I've yet to find a surface that works well with the tokens -- todays venue had us playing on HeroClix maps.
actually in the rules doesnt it state if no one has planes destroyed or shaken, the player with the least army consisting of the least points wins (giving kudos to ppl who are able to hold their own with less)?
Well, I didn't rule on the points issue - I was one of 3 Envoys there, and the one in charge and the one I played second said I won my second and third games due to my higher build (guess they were doing the ol' MechWarrior VC1 and VC2 calculations).
As I said, I wasn't going for the Champion plane - I wanted the Houston.
I didn't "Jedi Mind Trick" them into making their decisions -- they were completely stupid on their own volition.
First technically if no planes are killed or shaken, then you add up all the points of the remaining planes and who ever has more of those points wins.
Yet the second part of the rules says if the first part was tied, the player with the lower army build total wins.
Technically the second part would never happen, since the first part would always happen first. If the points remaining were tied, then the second part would still never happen and it would just be a roll off.
Here was my marqee squaron.
Charlotte "Charlie" 93
"iron Horse" Vanderbilt 52
Lt. Carmen "Killer" Flores 52
197 Total
It has done extremely well so far, I've gone 4-0 with 10 kills and 3 planes lost. A little trick you might want to use is putting Charlie in one corner facing the other corner so that you can glide sraight up the side of the map and no one can get in your rear arc. This worked great in my last two games. I've won 2 marqees and constume at the other one wearing a pseudo military dress uniform with a red beret. Does anybody have any tactics that have been succesful for them so far?
On a side note
I've looked them over but I still think I'm going to run with the Broadway Bombers pack with the Brigands at Rookie and the Avengers at Vetran for an even 200 points. While I love the rockets of the Firebrands, I just can't get over the fragility of the Bloodhawks. Those planes go down if you look at them wrong.
You can't use planes at anything but full strength!!! The rules for using the planes at less than full strength are for campaigns. ONLY! Sorry but those are the rules. Your envoys should stop you from using illegal squadrons.
Originally posted by Rapierduel you are correct, the planes may be used, but the ace figures are not part of the "standard game"
so planes are ok, pilot figs arent
Well, actually according to Brother_Magneto who is the Judge Coordinator and current rules guru for Crimson Skies envoys, you can use aces in a 200 point game. The following is the post he made on the envoy forum 06-05-2003 05:42 PM about this issue. Even though it came from the envoy forum I hope noone will mind if I share it since it is simply a rules clarification.
From page 16 of the rulebook:
"A standard Crimson Skies game is played with a build total of 200 points."
You may use Aces in a 200 point game, although it may limit what a squad can do. If you are playing for points rather than experience (as per the standard rules for victory and victory points, on the bottom of page 18), then Aces aren't as important. Of course, you never know when Fate will come in handy...
Coming from an official WK rules arb. this is as close to as official as you can get without it being in the FAQ.
Originally posted by Rumblepuppy You can't use planes at anything but full strength!!! The rules for using the planes at less than full strength are for campaigns. ONLY! Sorry but those are the rules. Your envoys should stop you from using illegal squadrons.
I have to say I agree. The Crimson Skies Air Action Campaign is different than the Standard Game. Only in the Campaign section is there any mention of playing planes at multiple experience levels. On page 15 of the rulebook it clearly indicates that the Point Value is the number printed on the top of the dial. Obviously this is something that needed to be addressed in the FAQ. Unless I hear compelling evidence to the contrary, I will only allow squads to be constructed with the point values that are printed on the top of the dials.
Even though the rules are written that way, i believe that if you limit players to just the top printed value in this marquee, you will see breakdowns in army construction.
With so few units available, you really need all the different ranks in order to produce near 200 point (and varying/original) armies.
Since this marquee is left with so much up to the Envoy, i hope that most will allow players to use the different ranks.