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Originally posted by DareDevil-fan Markj. Whats the web site's name where these are at?
I believe the pics are now hosted by HCRealms. I actually scanned the pics myself and had them hosted through AOL, but not everyone was able to view them. They use to be links to the pictures but the actual pics should be showing for everyone now as far as my understanding goes.
Originally posted by Miraclo All very nice, though I, too, think the Vindicator one is the nicest of the three in terms of the quality of the sculpt, the proportions and subtle details. (Note the stretch line in the costume on her inner thigh, for instance.) She seems to have rather large hands for a woman, though.
Hmm, well we all know what they say about men with large hands. What do they say about women with large hands?
Anyway, I too like the sculpt and the fact we've gotten anyone from Alpha Flight.
But, I'll bet all AFers will have Avengers TA just like Meteorite did for T-Bolts. Disappointing but I'll take anything I can get.
Fool, Idiot, Loser, Moron, Misfit, Schmoe.
Progressive-Centrist Republican, Deist.
Trying to be useful, expecting to be fired.
I'm not an x-fan by any stretch of the imagination (I've actually never picked up a single issue), but from a straight sculpt perspectives, these may be the prettiest clix I've ever seen. Is anyone else in agreement with me that Collossus looks shiny, like he's painted with similar paint as the LE Surfer? Look at his forehead.
Hrmm, I hate that we have no Alpha Flight team ability for Vindicator and gang, that really sucks.
Hmmm, but since the Kree use the SHIELD ability, the Thunderbolts use the Avengers team ability, maybe Alpha Flight will use either X-men or (at least better from a game standpoint, but less sensible comic wise) Defenders?
Ah I'm glad to see the start of Alpha Flight in the game!! Like the others, I too wish there was a team ability to go with it. I like Vindicator too, but I prefer her in green and yellow.
Here's to hoping a couple more AF are in this set!, sort of. I ain't no slobbering fanboy. But I am glad to finally see some Alphans.
If they have a TA of their own, good - I'll play a theme team for sure every chance I get. Let's hope for a maple leaf and not some stupid "AF" symbol.
If they don't get their own TA - no worries - then there's more points to go into powers and stats, so the figs will kick more butt. Especially compared to a lot of X-Men and FF members, whose TAs drag them way down.
_______________________________________ Essential AF: Vindicator, Sasquatch, Puck, Northstar, Aurora, Shaman and Snowbird. Would-also-be-good: Jeffries, Guardian, Marrina, Talisman, Box. Don't-bother-making: Nemesis, Major Maple Leaf, everybody else.
Quote : Originally Posted by BrunoHarm
"Man these ribs are good, Hey can I see that guys card?"
Originally posted by bill4935
If they don't get their own TA - no worries - then there's more points to go into powers and stats, so the figs will kick more butt. Especially compared to a lot of X-Men and FF members, whose TAs drag them way down.
Excellent point! It doesn't take a TA to make a theme team after all. And if they did get an ability it would only make other people upset that it either doesn't fit the team or is pointless.
Ah I'm glad to see the start of Alpha Flight in the game!! Like the others, I too wish there was a team ability to go with it. I like Vindicator too, but I prefer her in green and yellow.
Here's to hoping a couple more AF are in this set!
I liked the Geo Thermal suit too, gave her some originality/difference from Guardian. I'd like to see the some of the second group show up as well...
Originally posted by theSHOWDOWN They look so...DC! If they actually look this good in real life, I'll enjoy buying them instead of crying over my wasted money (a la Critical Mass)
Critical Mass remains my second favorite set to date, just after Clobberin' Time - based largely on the figure selection.