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Heroclix Fantasy League - Spiderman and his amazing friends - Season 1 marvel division regular season division winner Heralds of Galactus- Season 3 Marvel pennant runners up
Season 4 X-Men (Morrison Era)
Actually I read that a little too fast. Kent WAS the one that joined in the very beginning of the Justice League, but died and was replaced by Eric and Linda and then Linda.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
I think fel meant if someone's recruited him. ; ) I think.
no I was actually wondering if he was going to be stolen if I picked him, thanks for the info
Heroclix Fantasy League - Spiderman and his amazing friends - Season 1 marvel division regular season division winner Heralds of Galactus- Season 3 Marvel pennant runners up
Season 4 X-Men (Morrison Era)
Why is the draft taking so long on the Marvel side? I need to gather my West Coasters soon, before the summer ends. California's sun is a terrible thing to waste.