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Batman Perplexes his Damage up to 3, Flurries on Deathlok AV9 on DV18. Gets 6 and 4.
Queen of Fables PB on Hussar, AV11 on DV17. Gets 5. Bleah.
Matter-Eater Lad on Hussar, Indigo Perplexes his AV to 10 and Rachel Perplexes his Damage to 2. Gets 8. Mar-Vell makes it 7. 2 to Hussar with EW and MEL heals 1 with Steal Energy
Rachel to L11
V Red Tornado (CD-Nanobots) K8
Queen of Fables (Camouflage) @ H10 (3)(Stealth)
V Phantom Lady (Stunning Blow) G13 (1)
Batman (BM01r-Lazarus Pit) @ E12 (5)
Matter Eater Lad (SM-And Stay Down) @ M12 (1)
Indigo L11 (2)
Rachel Dawes (GCPD) @ L12
Red Tornado TKs Indigo to K12. It's unlikely that I'm going to hit Genis with his 21DV this turn, so Indigo will double target Marvel and Starbolt, AV10 on DV17 and 19, -1 to each DV for Rachel's PD. Gets 7. Marvel makes it 8. Layla's too far away to PC it. 4 with PB to Marvel.
Phantom Lady to K17
Batman Perplexes his Dmage to 3, Flurries on Deathlok. AV9 +1 on DV18. Gets 10. Imperv is 1. 1 to Deathlok. Second attack on DV17. Gets 5.
Indigo uses her Outsiders on Genis. I could have targeted him after all, but getting Marvel off his PC was priority anyway. At least keeps Genis from getting bonuses next turn.
Rachel Perplexes Indigo's DV to 18
V Red Tornado (CD-Nanobots) @ K8
Queen of Fables (Camouflage) H10 (3)(Stealth)
V Phantom Lady (Stunning Blow) @ K17 (4)(Stealth)
Batman (BM01r-Lazarus Pit) @@ E12 (5)
Matter Eater Lad (SM-And Stay Down) M12 (1)
Indigo @ K12 (2)
Rachel Dawes (GCPD) L12 (3)
"Your cosmic senses are no match for my android brain," Indigo said, initiating a rapid sequence of randomly tied and targets energy blasts. Captain Marvel's cosmic awareness has trouble anticipating the lack of any pattern, and one of the blasts hit him hard in the chest.
"Nice trick," Marvel said. "I have some tricks of my own still though."
Per Deathlok's Trait, Batman's not KOd, but turned to his last non-KO click. Essentially no effect, except that you got that annoying Trait out of the way.
Red TOrnado TKs Indigo to G13
Indigo on Marvel, AV9 on DV15. Gets 9. 2 to Marvel after Toughness and that's a KO. Hooray, I actually got you to your last replacement. Theoretically. I mean with 67 points, you could still bring in a low point guy and have enough left over for a second.
QOF on Hussar, AV11 on DV16. Gets 9. 3 to her with PB
MEL on Hussar AV9 on DV15. Gets 2. And no more PC in sight.
V Red Tornado (CD-Nanobots) @@ K8
Queen of Fables (Camouflage) @ H10 (3)(Stealth)
V Phantom Lady (Stunning Blow) K17 (4)(Stealth)
Batman (BM01r-Lazarus Pit) E12 (5)
Matter Eater Lad (SM-And Stay Down) @ M12 (2)
Indigo @@ G13 (4)
"You seem like a good man. I hate to do this," Indigo said.
"For an android, your emotions do you credit. Do what you must. My time here is done. I can sense it," Marvel said. He didn't even try to move to evade Indigo's shot. He merely hovered there in the air, and took it.
"What an annoying thing you are," Queen of Fables said, casing a spell at Hussar. She was hurt, but not so hurt she didn't see Matter-Eater Lad moving in for the kill, or for dessert. With a quick flick of her whip, she made him back off.
"Not so fast Legionnaire. You'll find the Imperial Guard doesn't go down easy."
"That's all right, because neither does the Legion."
Ah, there's a Deathlok issue here. My fault, I'm using A not B (note the X-Force ta which only A has). For now, we'll leave what's happened but starting this turn he's A.
Deathok on Bats. Needs 6, rolls 7. He's pitted.
Nick Fury is my last replacement. Nanobots on him.
Genis rolls for his sp: I'll go with plus. I roll 6....sweet! OK, he'll rs to O18 attacks both QOF and Indigo. QOF sc is 6 so targets change to Indigo and PL. Rolls 6. I'll simply ko PL then.
Moony tks Fury to K17.
Fury will get the bonuses. I should go for MEL but Indigo is my target. Needs 8 to ko her, rolls 7. Layla makes it 4.
Starbolt on MEL. Needs 5, rolls 10. Sure, this is the roll that would have koed Indigo. Oh well, MEL's out.
"I usually don't come in guns a blazing but in this case I'm makin' an exception," Nick Fury says to Phantom Lady, "But with you I need to make an exception." He slugs her with his gun and she slumps over.
"OK, we're saving the world. What other details you got?" Fury asks Moondragon.