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It's some time since I've been there, but how about, "Well hello - so on which side do you like your muffin buttered, sweet thang
The favorites in my family have been "Hi, does this rag smell like cloraform to you?" And "Nice shoes, wanna ..." Apparently my sister has claimed some success with
Awesome, man. I only pulled Hawkeye and Dr. Strange from my two boosters. Both of which, plus all my other FI clix are now up for trade. Really wanted a Monkey King and was crossing my fingers for a Colossus. Oh well.
I just looked at your trade thread. Ill get my act together and send you a pm.
Awesome, man. I only pulled Hawkeye and Dr. Strange from my two boosters. Both of which, plus all my other FI clix are now up for trade. Really wanted a Monkey King and was crossing my fingers for a Colossus. Oh well.
I pulled crap from my FI boosters. No SRs and none of the pieces I really wanted save for Iron Fist. Oh well, that's what ebay is for. I may need to have charles visit, help with my pulls.
I got to play Kings of Air and Steam last night, awesome game. Just went straight to the top of my buy list.
I will try to open Library III this afternoon, no guarantees. My creative juices are shot and I feel downright crummy.
I see all of you mentioning you pulled Collosus...does anyone want to trade him to me? *He asked hopefully but doubtful*
How many vital organs do you have to offer?
Honestly, I would trade him in a heartbeat if it was dumb ole collosus (yes Ouchmaker, we don't give a damn if it annoys you ), but the fact that it looks like Juggernaut makes me resist with every fiber of my being... And since Kuurth doesn't have Brotherhood keyword either, ole College-essaysus will be the new Juggy on my brotherhood teams... Assuming there isn't one in WATX
Quote : Originally Posted by mbauers
Ok, so this game's finally over?
Who the eff daykilled me back to back days? Seriously.
So, apparently during the 4 or so hours I slept last night, Steam has decided to gift me with 2 copies of Civ4. Atleast there was no mention of any sender (let me know if I'm wrong). Anyway, since I currently play Civ5 (and the awesome Brand New World DLC), I have no use for these Civ4 copies. So if anyone uses steam and wants the vanilla Civ4, hit me up on Steam, same name as here.
Quote : Originally Posted by Quebbster
There should be other ways to get a prize besides crushing your opponent, see them driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their women.