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I know I'll be at the top of that Conspiracy List.
YES! you will!
If I just can find your first post about it, you said something like "If he give me his social or I.D. I can prove what Ihe is not who he say" or something like that, but I have to find that!
If I just can find your first post about it, you said something like "If he give me his social or I.D. I can prove what Ihe is not who he say" or something like that, but I have to find that!
Did you check your back pocket? Your ID may be there.
Spidey is just playing Iron Man. He is actually on Captain America's side but is going to reveal his duplicity later in the series. There is no way he is truly in with Tony on on this one. I thought the issue was great for everything but the reveal at the end. Cable and Captain America team-up ?!?!?! Count me in !
Well in issue 2 you do see a brief glimpse of them in the X-Mansion. I was thinking the same thing also, especially with the 'new' Sentinels that just appeared. Maybe this is all a tie in to the X-Men and DOFP is really how things turn out. Time will tell...............
If Civil War really has an Impact, i can totally see the X men going underground. Kind of how it happened in Ultimate X men. The Feds show up and the Mansion is just empty. No body even knew it happened until a long time after the fact. The X Men bugged out and were staying in safe houses.
If htat happens becasue of CW, Then they could actually get back to how it was. X Men out to help the Mutatns who were being persecuted. WIth the Law after them, like in the old days. Not being all acceptable, like in th eold days. Plus there is the added bonus of having some of their professional freindships severed. Cant really be buddy-buddy with the Avengers or FF when youre a wanted cnriminal. Its like thier job to turn you in. I wonder if theyd bring in the FF or other heroes who have registerd but knowingly helped out unregistered ones. That would reall ymake you not want to bget invovled with them. Inform on your friends and neighbors and you wont be harmed. Very WW2, very Big Brother (1984)
And what about Excalibur? They are in the UK. WOuld they also have to register. Would they if they have dual Citizenship? SInce England doesnt have a registration, how can the US force them to register?
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
I'm not a really big X-Men fan in comics, maybe that is the secret reason what i like this event and I can't care less for House of M and all the rest.
Thinking about it.... that is the reason! this event looks almost like the old crosovers with almost just the great Superheroes Spider-Man, Avengers, "Defenders".
But yea, is weird not to see soo many X-Mens.
The Defenders had 3 of the Original X Men in ther ranks.
And Nimrod is Back already but in a very weird way.
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
Somebody might have mentioned this, but how cool was it when those helicoptors were going after Patriot? That just made me keep reading with interest! Also did anyone read the thunderbolts civil war tie in? Does everyone know their identities?
MJ and Pete split (Well we know this is happenong)
Pete gets a phone call.
"Peter....Im pregnant"
After the split. Bobs your uncle Mays dead, but theres a Spider-sprout.
And then someone shows up unexpectedly, it turns out the clone Spidey thought dead wasn't really dead at all. And now, it has proof that he's the real Spidey and Spidey is the clone and then.... wait.. that all sound familiar.. hmm.
I would sit through Maximum Clonage again to get rid of Gwen's kids in a heartbeat. Not counting Ben's little foray as Spider-Man, the clone saga was only around a year of crappy stories, but with JMS not looking like he'll be leaving Amazing anytime soon and Peter David seemingly a bit pissed off about the reveal, I think the year of bad stories was a given either way. I'd rather have clones then more mystical creatures like Maglamore the Gnat avatar who's only weakness is getting beaten up by Spider-Man when he's pissed off.
I've suspected Spidey's reveal almost ever since Civil War was announced. It's the only thing left to destroy about the character. They've killed each of his supporting cast at least once already, ruined his career a few times, etc.
What cheeses me is that Joe Q's been saying that Pete's marriage to MJ has been what's "wrong" with Spidey for years. The hell it is. Not only is the bulk of the comics audience now of married age, but there are plenty of great stories in those two. No, the problem with Spidey is that since his marriage, the writing quality of Spider-Man has been the pits! The book -- and the whole industry -- became totally art-driven when McFarlane came along and the 1990s boom began. Dumb arcs like cosmic Spidey and no-powers Spidey and Maximum Carnage and the nadir of the Clone Saga did incredible damage to the Spidy mythos. The return of Norman "Lex Luthor" Osborn didn't help, nor did the soft reboot of Chapter One -- partly BECAUSE of the attempts to write MJ out of the picture.
The worst is that as big an event as the marriage is considered to be, the "outing" of his secret ID an unbelievably greater magnitude event! There's no WAY, outside of hitting the cosmic reset, that this shouldn't completely destroy the true Spider-Man mystique beyond all recall. Killing Mary Jane won't do a thing to fix it.
Now, I'm not entirely against the idea of a public ID Spidey. There are a lot of great stories in there. But are Marvel really commited to getting those stories out? Or is this just a little gimmick that shouldn't be treated as one?
God is smarter than we are....
Visit Heroclixin'! Or check out my trade thread. Molly Hayes' KO list: HoT Ultron, HoT Thor, SI Iron Man, AV Wonder Man, SI Sentry, LE Diana Prince, R IC Ultron, Pretty Boy, CW Kang, IIM Thunderball, TW Catwoman, OP Red Hulk.