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Hawkeye. Most obvious answer. Why else devote the whole issue to him awhile back?
Every issue thru the Civil Wars tended to feature one char a month, their perspective. One issue was Sentry, another was IM, another was Hawkeye and so fourth. That's why they devoted one issue to him, they did it for the others as well.
Well, keep in mind, whoever Ronin is, they're conciously hiding their identity, so simply being a marital artist doesn't automatically fit the criteria.
Ronin isn't Deadpool. Ha ha...
So, sadly, I'm thinking Hawkeye does fit the bill best (despite not being a close combat fighter). Not only did he pin up his old "Hawkeye" costume on the wall of Avengers mansion, not only does he benefit from hiding his "resurrection" (what with all the Civil War madness), but there's already another Hawkeye in the Young Avengers. Alas.
Well, with Clint playing 2nd fiddle, don't expect him to stay long with Cage leading the team. He don't take direction too good. Then again, neither does Wolverine. Come to think of it, it's sort of a team of loners. Ugh.
Hey...I just realized something else. Echo is deaf...and Hawkeye is deaf in one ear! Ronin is the Deaf Avenger!
Every issue thru the Civil Wars tended to feature one char a month, their perspective. One issue was Sentry, another was IM, another was Hawkeye and so fourth. That's why they devoted one issue to him, they did it for the others as well.
Technically that wasn't a Civil War tie-in. It didn't have one of those giant Civil War logos splashed on the bottom half of the cover. It was mostly setting up what Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch have been doing post Civil War, which is apparently bumping uglies.
Technically that wasn't a Civil War tie-in. It didn't have one of those giant Civil War logos splashed on the bottom half of the cover. It was mostly setting up what Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch have been doing post Civil War, which is apparently bumping uglies.
Still, it's along the same lines. Solo stories for each... or almost each... Avenger.
Hey...I just realized something else. Echo is deaf...and Hawkeye is deaf in one ear! Ronin is the Deaf Avenger!
Hawkeye is no longer Deaf. After the Onslaught thing, he was cured. Same with Tony "the teenaged" Stark. Who now has three sets of memories, the originals, the teens and the Franklin universe's.
But Hawkeye is not deaf. Everything is the way Franklin thought they'd be, and not knowing Tony was a teen, he was put back in his old body. Franklin didn't know Hawkeye was deaf, so his ears now work.
This was mentioned awhile back in some Avengers issue... I can't remember which one.
Hawkeye is no longer Deaf. After the Onslaught thing, he was cured. Same with Tony "the teenaged" Stark. Who now has three sets of memories, the originals, the teens and the Franklin universe's.
But Hawkeye is not deaf. Everything is the way Franklin thought they'd be, and not knowing Tony was a teen, he was put back in his old body. Franklin didn't know Hawkeye was deaf, so his ears now work.
This was mentioned awhile back in some Avengers issue... I can't remember which one.
Where's Superboy-Prime punching the walls of reality when you need it?
I dunno, I would like for it not to be Hawkeye, just because it seemed like there was a nice bit of closure with the Hawkeye/Scarlet Witch NA story. We'll see though. Maybe it'll be Aunt May...
Quote : Originally Posted by hail_eris
Little known fact - the "M" in M. Bison actually stands for "malakim2099."
Hawkeye is no longer Deaf. After the Onslaught thing, he was cured. Same with Tony "the teenaged" Stark. Who now has three sets of memories, the originals, the teens and the Franklin universe's.
But Hawkeye is not deaf. Everything is the way Franklin thought they'd be, and not knowing Tony was a teen, he was put back in his old body. Franklin didn't know Hawkeye was deaf, so his ears now work.
This was mentioned awhile back in some Avengers issue... I can't remember which one.
What The--?! Man, lame. I hate retcons. Must be why I hate DC.
Whoa! Hey now!
Nah, I don't really hate DC. But I do hate retcons, and I guess Tony has four sets of memories now. His real memories, the teen's memories, the Image "creative" team's memories, and Warren Ellis' memories of getting his heart blown up in the freaking Gulf War. Gimme a break.
I don't understand why they have to touch that stuff. Just leave it alone.
I don't think the new ronin is Hawkeye. He may have his dealings with the strange one, but he won't be saying yo' or anything like that. Besides he's clearly still "pumping'" info out of Scarlet Witch. The new ronin will eventually be echo, but whose to say that Patriot isn't pulling double duty for now? It has to be somebody close to Fist and Cage (Maybe Shang Chi switched sides).
I don't think the new ronin is Hawkeye. He may have his dealings with the strange one, but he won't be saying yo' or anything like that. Besides he's clearly still "pumping'" info out of Scarlet Witch. The new ronin will eventually be echo, but whose to say that Patriot isn't pulling double duty for now? It has to be somebody close to Fist and Cage (Maybe Shang Chi switched sides).
I'm going to go with what one of the comic podcasts I listen to guessed... I think it was Around Comics though it may have been Comic Geek Speak...
Anyway... the best guess is Ronin is Blade.
I look forward to finding out who it really is though.
"Come on Hulk! Where's the old boasting? The battle cries? Why aren't you bellowing about how you're 'the strongest one there is'? Could it be because... you know it's not true?"
"No. Because it's just too obvious."
-Juggernaut to Hulk