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1. Okay, first you roll Initiative(use d10). This is modiefied by 1 for every category of intuition you have higher than the baddies. (If you have Poor intuition, and the baddies have Feeble, you get +1)
2. All players act in order according to highest init.
Movement is determines by endurance. You may move areas(44 yards) per turn depending on your endurance. 1 area for feeble endurance, 2 for
poor all the way up to Excellent, and 3 for Remarkable or higher.
When You attack, you can either Slugfest(Pure Melee), fight with weapons lkike swords, etc, or fight with ranged weapons like guns, energy beams, or thrown knives.
Feat rolls are d%
Slugfest FEAT Roll for Fighting Skill to see if you hit. Deal Damage equal to your Strength score, minus whatever protections you foe may have(Body Armor, Force Fields). Subtract it from health.
The same rules apply for weapon attacks, except damage is equal to the damage of whatever weapon you are using, a Sword(like one Blade might carry) would deal 10 damage.
Ranged weapons(Like guns, crossbows, and laser blasters) use Agility to determine hits, in the same manner fighting does for melee. Damage is based on the equipment used. For example while as handgun or bow might deal 6 damage, a laser rifle would deal 20 damage.
This does not include things specific to characters, like Dr. Doom's Gauntlets or Dr. Stranges Bolts. Damages for those are listed in the stat block.
Blade glances over his shoulder as the door slams behind him. He cracks his neck and his knuckles, there was definitely evil afoot, so much so that he could practically smell it. Blade was all too familiar with that sinking feeling in his guts. Despite hunting unimaginable evil for years, he felt it every time. A swirling combination of adrenaline, excitement, and a dash of nerves (although he'd never admit it).
"Alright, we should stick together. We'll be a bigger target, but we don't know what kind of numbers they have. And if we separate..." Blade finished his statement with a quick thumb across the neck motion.
Before taking a step further, Blade unsheathed trusty katana.
((i'm back. two things: 1) technically, Fenris had left the conversation and headed for the front door - but i'll let that slide (especially as he's probably the better person for it - he's an unknown with Stealth). 2) according my player's screen the intuition init bonus is a flate rate (11-20 +1; 21-30 +2; 31-40 +3; 41-50 +4; 51-75 +5; 76+ +6).))
Fenris removed Dugann's grapple as he landed on the roof. He motioned the agent to silent and soundlessly stalked towards the door ((i presume)) and opened it and sniffed the air, fear and sweat. ((even if it's locked i think i've got enough strength to not need to worry about it. attempts to detect me are reduced by my rank number (36) before they roll to notice me.))
((I still think it would've made more sense for Fenris to go through the front door with fake Dugan and Speedball. But whatever.))
Morph goes with Iron Fist and Speedball to the door.
"Alright guys, just remember, we're here to try to strike a deal with them while the boys upstairs take them by surprise, so no attacking, just distracting."
((Correct on the init thing sable. Thanks . Sorry about sending you up top. I misread your post.... If you want, I can just reverse time and say you went through the front. Let me know.))
"Yeah, Right!" cries the same nasal voice you heard before.
Everyone Roll Initiative.
Sable, you and Dugan are fine. You don't need to roll, but if you make an intution FEAT roll, you will hear the battle downstairs. No one Detects you now, though.
((i said i'd let it slide (only pointed it out so you'd pay more attention in the future). Intution FEAT roll: 99, red success. i'll do a rp post after the doonybrook actually starts.))
((typo, should be 'donnybrook' (my spelling is less than stellar). hey, i picked it up from Marvel although in RL i tend to prefer 'shindig' (when i talk i don't need to be able to spell it correctly).))
((what did i do to deserve a smart allek for a GM? ))