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So as you anticipated, Bizarro's home. Recovery roll is a 1.
Polaris on Brainiac, AV10 on DV16. Gets 8. Support roll is 3. With the Lantern, that heals him up 2.
Alchemy TKs Brainiac to E18
Brainiac gets Outwit from Harris, Outwits Morrow's SS and tries to hit him, AV10 on DV12 +2. Gets a 3. Oh, that Brainiac.
Neil shoots at Morrow, AV8 on DV12 +1. Gets 10. 2 to Morrow.
Jack & Ten on him, AV7 on DV10. Gets 8. So much effort for one 28 point piece.
Bizarro to B10
Architect takes one of Calculator's tokens and moves to K14, blocking Morrow's replacement
Jack & Ten teleport back to B16
Jack & Ten (LMD) @ B16 (5)
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) @ G15
Bizarro (FFSM-Lazarus Pit -1) @ B10
Architect (Submerged) @ K14 (Stealth)(4)
Calculator (Contingency Plan +3) F18 (Stealth)
V Intergang Agent (Neil) @ M17
E Intergang Agent (Harris) E19
Brainaic (DC10A05-Repulsor shield-Promo +1) @ E18 (2)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ B18
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Mr. Zsasz, Thinker - 1072
Not a ton to do, but I think the Architect's outlived what little usefulness he had. He pushes to move to P13, KOs self
Replacement is Catwoman, Batman TV #9. She tries to use Deathtrap on Waller, taking 2 of Calculator's tokens, makes her AV12 on DV15. Gets 9. G'Nort makes it 7. She's trapped.
Harris to P12
Jack & Ten (LMD) B16 (5)
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) G15
Bizarro (FFSM) B10 (4)
Calculator (Contingency Plan +2) F18 (Stealth)
V Intergang Agent (Neil) M17
E Intergang Agent (Harris) @ P12
Brainaic (DC10A05-Repulsor shield-Promo +1) E18 (2)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) B18
Catwoman (BCTV9-Protected) @ P13
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Catwoman, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Mr. Zsasz, Thinker - 1132
Lucy pushes to C10 slugging Bizarro while picking up the lo in C11. Needs 6 -1, rolls 9. SS is 1. Bizarro with ss not invulnerable? Yuck. He's out. Lucy takes 1 for pushing.
Deadshot on Catwoman. Needs 6 + 1, rolls 6. G'nort makes it another 6.
R'amey on Catwoman. Needs 8, rolls 10. Presumably she takes one and uses protected.
First, don't forget you need to roll for Amanda to Escape the Deathtrap at the start of your turn.
Second R'amey is not at the edge of the elevated to make that attack. I know there is the stairs square that she's at the corner of, but they made the stairs part of the elevated, so not being at the edge, she doesn't have LOF.
Catwoman will take any attack that does 2 or less and save her Protected for an attack of 3 or more. Unless it's a question of being KOd or using it of course.
GL barriers and attacks Catwoman. Needs 8, rolls 7.
Guess I gotta do the Deathtrap. Catwoman rolls a single die first: 2, which gives her a 7. Waller rolls 5 for her two dice. Now Catwoman rolls 5. Worst damage possible and the Wall is out.
Enter Kilowog in W7 with honor guard. He attacks Catwoman. Needs 5 + 1-2, rolls 8. 4 to her or she uses protected and takes a token and click.
That was a lot of work to do 1 damage to a 60 point piece.
Ch'p (Saboteur) @ W13
Kilowog GLFF @ W7 (Green Lantern Honor Guard)
G'nort (Animal) U12
Green Lantern DC10 04 (Shellhead) @ R13
Deadshot AN (Nanobots) (1) @ V9 (stealthed)
R'amey Holl (1) Q15 (Green Lantern Honor Guard) (stealthed)
Lucy Lane, Superwoman (Vendetta on Bizarro) @@ (1) C10
Manchester Black (Endurance-1) T13
Wonder Girl Lasso S14 (Attempts: Hal Jordan)
Points used: 1147
Figures used: Arcane, Amanda Waller, Ch'p, Deadshot, G'nort, Green Lantern-Hal, Katma Tui, Kilowog, Lucy Lane, Manchester Black, R'amey Holl, Star Sapphire, T.O. Morrow, Tomar Re
That was a lot of work to do 1 damage to a 60 point piece.
Actually not even because I moved the Vet Intergang guy to P12, so he'd block Kilowog's LOF to Catwoman. On the plus side that attack would destroy the Intergang Agent.
Oh, that corner figure is considered blocked, huh? Still don't understand that.
However if that's the case Deadshot would have to target the Agent instead and his attack is a ko. G'nort would not need to reroll his 6, so he can use it for Kilowog...needs 6, rolls 3. She really does have 9 lives.
Deadshot could still have attacked her because of his Sharpshooter ability, letting him ignore opposing figures when drawing LOF, but either way, the end result would have been the same. Catwoman's still safe.
Ridge is one of the few Teen Titans figures that I haven't played yet. I'll use the Fast Forces version. Guess I'll just give him the Ravagers ATA. He Charges to D4, attacks Lucy. You don't note it in your recap, but as you used HSS with her, I'm guessing she's just the Rookie version. AV10 on DV16. Gets 2. Great start with him.
Alchemy TKs Brainaic to E10.
Brainiac on Lucy, AV10 on DV16, gets 9, which is a hit, for 3 after Invulnerable and a KO.
Brainiac gets a Promo token and rolls 4. No Promotion yet.
Dr. P TKs Jack & Ten to D11
Jack & Ten to E5 to block Lucy's replacement.
Catwoman's a big target, she'll push, move to G11, gets a RAKKK! token.
Jack & Ten (LMD) @ E5 (5)
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) @ G15
Calculator (Contingency Plan +3) F18 (Stealth)
V Intergang Agent (Neil) M17
Brainaic (DC10A05-Repulsor shield-Promo +2) E10 (2)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ B18
Catwoman (BCTV9-Protected Rakk-1) @@ G1 (1)
Ridge (FFTT-Ravagers) @ D4 (1)
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Catwoman, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Mr. Zsasz, Ridge, Thinker - 1282
"Rrowr, everyone's shooting at me!" Catwoman complained. "I may have nine lives, but I don't want to lose them all at once!" She made a dash for the safety of her allies, where they were focused on Superwoman.
"Surprise!" Ridge said, pouncing on her. The surprise was on him though, as she turned on him and put him in a headlock.
"Wasn't expecting that, were you?" she asked him as he struggled helplessly.
"You ought to unhand him, or I will destroy you utterly," Brainaic threatened her. "Oh, who am I kidding? I'll destroy you anyway." Brainiac was one of Superman's most powerful foes. He easily handled Superwoman, dispatching her with a mental blast.
"Just how I planned it," Ridge said.
"Of course it is," Ten said, as she and Jack flew in on their card.