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ONly problem with that is.. if you have someone who is knew & who is a bad looser.. he could report the venue & the Battlemaster & end of support for that venue..
Originally posted by lt_murgen I voted for less boosters. I plan on buying almost no boosters, and just playing until all of the pieces I have are no longer tournament legal. Then they will go into the box with my Ad&D first and second editions, my WEG Star Wars first and Second editions, and a half dozen other games I got p-o'd at.
actually, my plan is just to ignore the retirement plan all together, and to convince my venue to do the same.
After all, if everyone agrees that they did not see any banned units being played (HONEST!) were there banned units?
Since these number dont directly apply (it assumes everyone buys the same volume), a better poll would be how much $ do you spend now, and how much $ will you spend afterwards?
well, well, look at that. 73.39 % so far spending LESS money or no money at all. How ya like that wizkids? what an inapropriate name. With a name like wizkids, you'd think they were smart.
I voted I would do the same as I am now because truth be told I am addicted to this plastic crack and do not intend on slowing down!
My battle master runs games just for fun on days where there is no prize support. I am sure I will get to use those figures on those days.
I am thinking this is a ploy to be able to re-release the loved figures! I love my bansons Cynthia Kelly and use her when I can even though there are better figs out there because it was my first unique! If they take that away I am sure they will replace it with something.
All in all I look forward to the unrestricted events most anyway !
I will be retiring from the game the same day they retire any of my stuff. Although I had intended to order a case of Falcon's Prey, now I will not. I'll probally just try to pick up what I want through trades, like I did with CA (since I'm a SW and ROTS player).
What I find interesting on this issue is this. On the live chat the other night, Jon Leitheusser, Director of Game Design, and James Carrott, Director of Consumer Experiance stated that this move was done to promote a better game inviro for the new players. They said that new players are what breaths new life into the game and keeps it going. My question is what about us veterans. It is we who brought this game this far to begin with. Where is the nod to us. This is a slap in the face, basicalyy saying thank you for your money, now you can't play with those piecse. Oh I'm sorry, we can play with them just not in sanctioned tournament play. oh, so they will let us play with them, they are just not going to give prize support for those few games we can play in. I have a strong feeling i am not the only one here when I say, that is the very reason I quit magic. It is so grossly unfair to sell something to someone and then say they can't play with what they bought anymore. And being alowed to play in unrestricted play is going to make up for that?!?! I swear to ***, when this happens, and I say when because they made it abundantly clear that they are above rethinking this, just because a few people are unhappy, I swear I'm out. They also said that it is not a majority that is unhappy. Implying that this thread should not be considered majority.....COME ON! How the hell do people think our law makers in D.C. decide on a course of action? They put polls in the field. It is very clear to me that THIS poll shows just how a majority of their customer base feels. They say that this move will make them money. i think they may be blind or just ignoring the number of us who will flat out quit. They think we are kidding, that we will learn the errors of our ways and come back? I left magic five years ago and never looked back. Did magic die? nope. But thye never got another red cent from me. So what then? Leave? We don't need people like you anyway? Then quit lying to us now and quit telling us that our opinions and voices count.
Ok, I'll get down off my soap box. And tip my hat to free speech!
Originally posted by Link_76 I quit magic because I couldn't "keep up with the Jones" in Type II play, same will happen here deep pockets will have the army and only them.
Deep pockets already have the best armies. The retirement won't change that. Retirement will make it easier for new players to be competitive, and it won't have that much effect on veterans. Each expansion brings new threats and new tactics. Armies already evolve to meet the new challenges. Infiltrate armies used to be the only way to play. Nothing got retired and yet infiltration, though still powerful, is no longer the uber-strategy it was. The introduction of powerful AA has reduced the value of VTOLs. So they are played less, even though they are still legal. This game evolves pretty fast. Competitive players keep up with that evolution. Retirement will hardly affect that at all. Breathe deep folks. The sky is not falling.
Oh, and my modest spending habits won't change at all.
Like some others, I will probably buy some boosters for sealed events and Marquee events, but other than that I think I'll go for singles. The other thing is that the popular units in the newest set are some of the hardest units to get, other than some LE's. It's not gonna be easy to get new players when certain units are selling for high prices and some other units in the set veteran players already have or don't want to trade for.
1st - I will not buy nearly as many boosters (which wasnt that much anyways)
2nd - This is not a ploy to attract new players, this is Topps telling WK executives to make the game more profitable or be replaced by executives who will. Its typical corporate politics and the consumer is the one effected. (just my belief)
3rd - If WK is worried about new players not feeling like they can compete against units from the older set, then build other units that are comparable for your sets so that no set out classes a previous set. Make more balacs, make more j-37's, make more of other stuff. Just make them different than what we currently have so there isnt inset repetition.
4th - Fix the stinkin rules before you retire units. As Warflail has stated in the past, if you fix the rules so that less competitive units are more competitive (by fixing charge again since it seems to happen just as often as it did before). Fix artillery so it isnt the uber AA that it is. There are a TON of excelent suggestions that have circulated about how to fix the game, just try play testing them WK and implement the good ones.
It won't. I've been playing two factions exclusively since day one and have specific collecting parameters for individual figs. I'll keep on buying to meet those parameters.
Originally posted by David Wilson You need another category for the poll - not buying any more
boosters, but not quitting. ;) That's the category I fall under.
Then in 1 year you will only be able to compete once every 3 months because of the lack of unrestricted.
I voted singles only, but I will buy boosters for sealed events and maybe just out of curiosity. I also would buy one for any new rules sheet that might be inside.