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And, jeez people! Stop taking it so seriously! It's FICTION! The best we can do is hope/play at being Jade Falcon (turkey), or Highlander, or Marik, or Draconis, or whatever-faction-may-have-you Mechwarriors. It's a game, and the Jade Turkey logo is a joke! Stop overreacting!
Precisely. How would you expect a Jade Falcon Bloodnamed warrior to react at your defacing of the Jade Falcon icon and dishonoring their clan? Probably much like Americans in the 20th century would react to you burning their flag. No?!!!
But there's a difference:
The USA exists in the real world. Either that, or our teachers have been lying to us...
Clan Jade Falcon is a piece of fiction, pure and simple, like the Starship Enterprise, the Death Star, The One Ring, Bun-Bun the SheVa, the Tau Empire, and everything else in those respective universes.
I can where you're coming from. If someone had a defaced, I dunno, Highlander logo, I wouldn't like it. But I'd take it for what it is: a joke, a gag, a parody.
(Out of Character) You are missing the point. I am acting like a real life JF Clanner would if you insulted them. They are not humourous people when you try to dishonor them. So, I was actually role playing as I should have, but you didn't get it. See, I even used a contraction for your enjoyment. (Back in character)
Freebirth, your lineage shows the ineptitude of your gene pool. You will be fine as a target or a sanitation engineer.
Joppu we play a game that is based off War, we pretend and take pleasure out of destorying mechs and tanks and infarnty, we are theoretically taking human life and enjoying it. We are all sick my friend ;)
You do not have to go that far. It just amazes me on people's attitudes toward things. If an animal is cute even though it is a pest, killing it brings about a strong emotion in some people. Whereas an ugly but useful animal is killed and it is okay. Then if some people die, well that is okay since we are over-populated anyway, but it is a sin to eat meat.
Of course there are plenty of historical examples of people killing people for various reasons, and although sometimes you do have to agree with it, like WWII from the American point of view, in other circumstances you just wonder how they got to that point.
Still its not funny att all. Oh and i'm big fan of cats. Becouse of owner of one cute´cat i'm shocked that some people find killing them funny.
(ooc i think he ment stoned as in high, not dead Joppu. Anyway Dennis Leary said it best: We only care about the cute animals. Example: We worry about Dolphins getting caught in tuna nets but not about the tuna)
IC: WE'RE the barbarians? After you've twisted the memory of the Star League into some twisted military aristocracy where war is a GAME you have the GALL to call us the barbarians?? Well now that the tech is close to even lets see ya try bird boy. We still have a couple cases of Clorox Victor wouldn't let us use in the Gen. Repository on Huntress, but I doubt he'll mind if we flush your backsides out of the genepool.
(BTW brohawk, I'm up in Hartford so if you'd like to take this to the field when FP comes out I have a battalion of custom modded/painted boys waiting for you)