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My choice was House Marik. Unlike most people I actually enjoy the fact that the Free Worlds League has finally balkanized. With so many different factions vying for power you never really know what's gonn happen next. With the Oriente Protectorate in such close proximity to the Republic, I could only imagine that they'd be a likely candidate for a new faction to appear in the game.
As for a pirate faction in the game I also think it'd be a great addition. Great things can happen with a pirate group in the mix.
Another possible faction I'd like to see is one with no affiliation to other major powers. Most of the factions we have now are either have connections to the Houses or are the Houses themselves. Of course this is with the exception of Banson. However, Banson is known as somewhat of an evil doer and I think we need a faction with virtue's somewhere. What I'm talking about is a new faction one that actually claims to help the common man and actually does it(unlike Banson.) So maybe will get to see this some's just a thought.
Theoretically, Wolf's Dragoons and the Eridani Light Horse and kind of good guys. I mean, they always were presented as groups that held themselves to a certain standard. So your idea has merit and could maybe kick start the individual merc units as factions of their own.
actually, EVERY merc group currently in the game other then Ronin was long known for their sterling reputations and battlefield accumen.
21st Centauri, Erdani Light Horse, Wolf's Dragoons, Hanson's Roughriders, Kell Hounds, all are top notch, honest, fight hard merc companies that have all gotten the collective shaft in MW:DA. Largely do to the lack of formations. With formations you could actually use things like the Raidens, or the SRM batteries, or even the purifiers.
Sheesh....make mercs right before you make a new faction.
If we did wind up with a pirate group, give me Redjack Ryan's cronies. Of course, a simply repaint and Banson's fits that bill easy enough.
Bring on Marik for a house. Heck, give them some fun rules, like no formations between ranks (ie no forming up a green with two vets). Then compensate with some other great abilities. How about a Hatred of the Republic rule, where they get a bonus to hit and damage republic units?
I am utterly in favor of adding House Marik. I loved everything about them in CBT, just about. Fun storyline, good characters (what few they got, and I still object at how Thomas Marik started acting decidedly out-of-character to facilitate the whole Dark Age thing), etc.
Plus, I've managed to make some friends revere/fear certain Marik designs for no seemingly obvious reason. God, I love that. I want to see Siroccos, Grand Titans, Anvils, and Wraiths!
I also included a territary vote for Kurita, but that's my secondary desire, not my primary one. I'd sooner see Marik first.
Originally posted by The_Phantom we already have Stiener, the Combine, and Davion represented, so they should not come out till much later
You've forgotten House Liao. Plus House Kurita is allied with the Dragon's Fury (read the background on the Faction dossier) so they are not truly represented as yet.
Originally posted by LordNth I would hope DF would not be absorbed in the Combine. House abilities would not work with them and the DC should have a new design paradigm.
All that said, I vote House Marik/FWL. When the House Kuritian Atlas comes I don't want it a chargemonkey w/ 10" max range. :(
The Combine already have a emblem: that of a two tailed dragon in a circle. I'm not sure of the colours though.
You've gotta hand it to the Rasahlague (dammit I don't know how to spell it !!) These guys are a bunch of leftover Scandanavians from earth that have managed to keep their sense of identity after almost being absorbed by the DC and now by the Ghost Bears..... I think that they would make a great new faction with names like..... Sven Magnusson,, and Bjorn Olafson.... piloting their mechs.... plus, I think that if WK spun the faction as less of a clan and more of a "Dominion" it would attract buyers more... especially now that JF is being released.....
Originally posted by Crazy_Phil You've forgotten House Liao. Plus House Kurita is allied with the Dragon's Fury (read the background on the Faction dossier) so they are not truly represented as yet.
I did not mention House Liao as they are not an option.
We already have a Combine Spin off, so I'd rather some one else get a chance before they come in. But I want them soon afterwords, as I love some of their mechs (Mauler!!!!)