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Yeah, but if you could use it off-init, it would be b40k3n.
blow the man down on your init, then extreme maneuvers on theirs. That just wouldn't be fair, and games might go to turn 15. Wait, maybe that does sound like fun.
1) No, not really. Druid is great mind you, but that stunning of a 2 drop can be pretty useful in a format with so many over powered little guys running around.
2) Any day of the week. Shulkie is fine mind you, but a 9/9 with Flight is always solid. Reservist AND leader makes him wonderful. Adding +1 attack to the adjacent characters is icing on the cake.
And he lets you cycle your row? Like removing that plot twist and possibly getting another reservist down for Wonderman on the next turn? Yeah, thats some good stuff right there...
He can cycle 3 cards in your row a turn depending on formations and attacks, and if you have Quicksilver out, maybe even 1 or 2 more! If Aquaman and other cards drawing you extra cards by turn 7 is good, or Genosha drawing 2 or 4 at the cost of a resource is good, drawing a card just for stunning someone YOU WERE GOING TO STUN ANYWAY! is amazing I think.
3) Not sure, depends on the build I think since there are 2 or 3 ways to really take it.
If mental will stand a chance, I haven't seen a modern build recently but, it seems that they'd have to have some reservists splashed for Jean Grey red. Maybe multi-teamed for Hulk / Collosus on 7? They don't seem to have much on turns 1-3, the aggro turns that matter, either...
if birthing chamber was in the format I would think adhesive evasion would stand a better chance. Just so hard to get those 8 copies of the Plot Twists to stall the game to win late. There's another decent combo deck, but it doesn't have troubles with card draw, just earyl consistency vs rush decks.
On that note, play something fast and get lucky. That's the key to the format =P