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I honestly don't see why any of you are surprised by this. When Upper Deck included Solomon Grundy, Deadshot, Hector Hammond, Dr. Sivana, and Scarecrow in the Secret Society just because of a few offhand comments made by Rainbow Raider in a JLA 80-page Giant, I said they were on a slippery slope and would go too far, but you all laughed at me and called me a nerd.
Well look where we are now.
Originally posted by chdb Also, your reasoning is wrong. The only characters with identities are those with the diamond thingy, as according to the comprehensive rules. If there's a Shadowpact version of Phantom Stranger, he does nothing for a mechanic based around identities.
I imagine that will be changed after this set. If Batman and the Knightfall version of Azrael aren't considered to have the same identity when we finally get some mechanics that involve identity, what's the point of Azrael having the damn thing at all?
I haft to agree on the entire issue of phantom stranger, but consider this is a set based around a series of events in comics that has yet to end. Now the chance that phantom stranger will pop up in issue 7 are very slim but I'm thinking more along the lines of 52 or one year later. As for superman of earth-2 well, consider that this is a superman from another earth and is not associated with the superman family of earth 1. Thus he is not apart of any real team on earth 1 save the jsa, which is still around and hold members from his age as well. This could also be a form of showing us that maybe superman of earth-2 will end up living after the crisis and joining the jsa. I hope that because it'd be cool.
akugyaku, a few cards were previewed in Inquest, so you may want to do a search based on that to find them.
But as long as we're musing about's definitely possible that we'll see a rule about how to treat characters without the <> marker. But there's not just one way it could go. Time for rampant identity speculation!
They could make it explicit that characters without the <> don't have identities; it's already true, but they might emphasize it so that the rule are clear how to deal with identity comparisons when only one character has it.
It's also possible, like you said, Biz, that they'll make names carry over into identities; any character without a printed identity would have their name stand for their identity, too. Seems like it would actually work out fairly well, from the examples I can think of off-hand.
Spoiler, Stephanie Brown would share an identity with Spoiler, Wildcard, but Spoiler <> Robin, The Girl Wonder would only share an identity with other Robin characters. Batman and Azrael, the 2-drop Scarlet Spider, etc., would have sharable identities. Course, it wouldn't be perfect; in most cases where you want matching identities, this rule would do it for you; the only exception that springs to mind would be the Green Lanterns. But I think there are some places where it would over-match identities.
The two Blackouts would share an identity, if they made this change; they're in the same universe, at least, so it's not bad. There's not a Blackout legacy being passed on, or anything, but no big. The Nukes are a little odd, too; different universes, same comic line, like Earth-1 and Earth-2 characters, so you could make the argument they match.
But Captain Marvel's tricksy. Let's say they gave us an ongoing plot twist, Dimensional Frequency or somesuch, that lets you power-up characters by discarding someone with the same name or the same identity. It's the kind of thing that would make sense for the Crisis set, and JSA/JLA interactions especially. Jay Garrick powers up Wally West, Donna Troy powers up Cassie Sandsmark, and a lot of us smile that we're allowed to. Then I use Billy Batson to power up Monica Rambeau. ;)
Originally posted by HeroComplex Then I use Billy Batson to power up Monica Rambeau. ;)
Come on, man, if there's any team in all of comicdom that should make Billy and Monica synergistic with each other just because they have the same codename, the JSA is that team. :grin: