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I love to see crazy "Oh, that team can't be competitive" decks kick ass, & the secret tech revealed in the Metagame match coverage was *priceless* awesome!
I vote to post it here, but since it'll reach WAY more people, you should also write up something about it in order to reach a whole different crowd.
I almost forgot. I have been playing X-Statix for a while too, and really wanted to compare builds with yours, Keebler....but even more important than that...WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE KICK-ASS "X" COUNTERS?
I'm a very casual player - but I'd like to see the deck list here and then an article about it on Metagame (either about how to play the deck - card choices, etc. and/or about your tournament success with it).
Keebler looks more like a dwarf than an elf, i think he's a misnomer.
Anyways, being a member of the fast food culture I want to see the decklist here, now. Then go ahead and write an in depth article on it for the front page here.