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I'm a comic book fan primarirly so what I tend to play around my hobby league are teams that i Know mostly. Some of my favourites are
An X-mental/recovery deck to represent the fact those x-men, esp jean, never stay dead. Has a few toolbox characters and stuff in there too for variety. And Wolverine just cause I couldn't leave him out.
Spidey/Morlocks evasion- What you're attacking me? Flip spidey senses, evade a few guys, backs to the wall, then turn stuff down cause of Midtown high. And bloodhound actually gives spidey friends some search.
Infinite Doom. Like on metagame, a doom deck just featuring the man himself. Has now morphed into a D&D deck with half the deck Dr Doom and half Darkseid with infinite crisis to make them non unique.
Justice League of Evil Mutants- JLA and Brotherhood with a whole butt load of power up effects, lost city and lots of ally effects.
Secret Society burn deck- Just try to make you lose all your cards with four overpowereds in there for good measure and some manhunter stuff.
Sheesh, that is a fabulous post. 18 rep points for you sir. Please don't be a stranger. Sounds like you have hella fun with this game. Me likey.
Justice League of Evil Mutants- JLA and Brotherhood with a whole butt load of power up effects, lost city and lots of ally effects.
Nth Metal + Lost City is a really fun interaction, but as an aside, I think you should know that Ally effects won't trigger if a character becomes powered-up while Lost City is flipped. Lost City is a replacement modifier; if the character would become powered-up, INSTEAD it gets +3/+3, so the power-up never really happened.
My personal favorite deck in terms of sentimental value is Gamma Doom (played it in my first ever high-end event, 10K Philly). I worked on that deck without any help for months, and I am still really proud of the end result, considering how it was my first venture into competitive play.
The deck I probably have the most fun with, however, is Squadron no-hand, because I 6-0'd into a PCQ Top 8 with this bad boy and it's overall just a blast to play. Simple, yet never boring.
I love playing New School. The deck really rewarded you for knowing your matchups. Plus being able to search your deck for anything at anytime was incredible!
My favorite deck of all time was my fantastic four burn deck... no not fantastic fun I played this in a pcq when dc origins first came out... wild vomit was being played as well as FF cars decks.. Big brotherhood and what not. I went 7-1 making top 4 (3 game format of course and there were 6 rounds) I was cosmic radiating with my CURVE ff deck and it was fun.. I just loved seeing my opponents face when antarctic was drawing me sooo many cards and I was burning for 30+ on turn 5
First of all, I think I'm contractually obliged to put it at #1, and second of all, and second of all I just... really enjoy playing it?
2: Brotherhood of Assassins
Until Ahmed was printed, this deck contained about 70-80% of my favourite cards in the game. Tower of Babel, Insignificant Threat, Avalon/Lost City, Magneto, (Eric Lehnsherr and Master of Magnetism), Ra's al Ghul (Eternal Nemesis and The Demon's Head), Merlyn, Deadly Archer (although only as a 1-of.)
Let me tell you, there is nothing more satisfying than an overconfident Sentinels player team-attacking Bastion and Nimrod into your Magneto when you have Threat in the row. Or the other crippler - turn 7 your boards trade stuns... then you flip and KO Lazarus Pit to recover your Magneto.
3: Qward/Shadow Creatures
In a field full of tiny Green Lantern men flitting around being annoying, there was something deeply satisfying about machine-gunning them down with Kiman. A version of this that I rebuilt for Silver Age was the first deck I ever played against High Voltage (I didn't know he was playing it when we started playing.)
We went back and forth for a couple of turns, then on turn 5, I think he dealt me a grand total of... -2 endurance loss. That is, I ended turn 5 up 2 endurance. Gotta love those Sector 2814s. I won that one.
1. Skrull / Inhumans. My all-time favorite. I've got both control and aggro builds, and builds for all three formats. I just love bringing out Captain America on turn 3 and sliding him over into the hidden area.
2. Crisis Doom Toolbox. Mine is different than other builds I've seen. It runs Dr. Light on 3 and a toolbox of 1 and 2 drops. Won't get much more mileage out of this one, unfortunately.
3. Kree. I've got several different Kree builds, and I enjoy playing all of them. Gotta love building 5 characters on turn 6.
4. Ahmed in the 'Hood. This is my Checkmate-Brotherhood deck. Lots of fun with locations and +3/+3 pumps.
5. Silver Rush. This is my Silver Age Quicksilver/Artifacts deck, which runs Slipstream and Johnny Quick as well as Quicksilver for lots of double attacking opportunities.
6. Future Foes Discard. This is a new one, but it's rapidly climbing the charts. This deck should be a beast in Modern Age.
Forgot to add Morlocks Evasion, I like having a deck that's able to finish games by turn 5 (it's my only deck that can do this). I also like making an attack, then pumping the attacker heavily, watching my opponent think that I'm being too eager since he can reinforce anyway, then after he reinforces I watch him move from surprise to resignation after playing Morlock Justice :D
My favorite kind of decks are ones that make your opponents dissapointed. Mainly blocking attacks and preventing them from attacking.
1: Force. Having an opponent attack you then fliping Lost City and pumping up your characters by 9ATK/9DEF is just fantastic! Plus it's another excuse to use my favorite card, Longshot:D Plus, it wins you by a lot if you play it right. I still have a score card that shows me at 50 and my opponent at -40 something.
2:Big Brotherhood. Mainly for the same reason. You don't get to use Longshot here, but you do get to use the bad guy team.
3: For this, it's a tie between Common Enemy and Heralds Stall. I like the lock down effect of Common Enemy. Being able to prevent your opponents from playing plot twists is just wonderful! This is why I would like to build Crisis Doom. Plop out the 4 drop and 6 drop Doom, preventing your opponents from playing all plot twists AND locations!
As for Heralds Stall, I just like using the different combos of stalling. To me I see complicated moves as LOADS of fun. That and then getting galactus out on the board on turn 9 is always good fun. You wind up in the 40's and your opponent is down at 0. While you have Galactus and they have one or two characters after you played Jean Grey the previous round. Then beating down on them to put them far in the negatives is great fun!
4: Wild vomit. Another way to use my man Longshot! Getting a massive hand for LOTS of power ups is never a bad thing. Plus I just enjoy the thrill of having a board of about 10 guys by turn 4. Very good deck. Still powerful in todays field.
Forgot to add Morlocks Evasion, I like having a deck that's able to finish games by turn 5 (it's my only deck that can do this). I also like making an attack, then pumping the attacker heavily, watching my opponent think that I'm being too eager since he can reinforce anyway, then after he reinforces I watch him move from surprise to resignation after playing Morlock Justice :D
Also a great one that I've put together. I like running short-curve. Just slap out 3-4 guys by turn three, Storm on four, then Morrow on five. Use Storms power to stun as many guys as possible to pump up Morrow, then have at it!
Evil Medical School
New School
Faces of Evil
My Marvel Modern Blind Justice deck that used Team-spirit/mephisto 8.
TDC Blackbriar
Ivy League
Hidden Faces
Pretty much any deck that you would rather not play on curve that isn't traditionally aggressive.
The most fun I have had recently is playing Prosak's Big Deck format. For those of you who have been lazy and haven't made one of these, they are incredibly fun to play with. The first time you get a fate-set 16/16 Eric Josten (2-drop) and get to Kooey Kooey Kooey for a Fate has spoken. You will realize what I mean. : D