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Mystique bides her time. She knows the X-Men will be coming for her. Marrow was just out of her range, and she couldn't see Psylocke yet, but that was all right. Mystique could be patient.
Psylocke, still on the roof, watched Marrow sprint off in dismay.
"Sarah, wait!" she hissed. Muttering a quick prayer, she followed her teammate down the steps, and joinded her, crouched behind a parked car.
"We must stay together! Mystique is still deadly."
Marrow snarled at her. "I am tired of propping up this 'team.' I need blood, and I'll get it one way or another!"
Psylocke - J7 @ (1click)
Marrow - K7 (1 click)
"Ha!" Mystique laughed as Marrow came out from cover. "Gotcha!" She fired, and her shot took Marrow in the shoulder.
"Come and get me, X-Men!" she yelled. "If you dare!"