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I had a feeling we would get some Pulsewave figs in Ultimates. Due to the Retirement of many PW figures in IC. This one looks pretty bad ###. The only weakness is her range. But still great sculpt and great stats!
6 range is appropriate for her though. Represents how often she'd swat things, or punch with the phoenix aura. She could do long range stuff, but mostly fought at shorter range.
She also wasn't super powerful as she kept part of the force dormant. It used to mess with her memories. In fact for a while I remember her turning off the phoenix force so her mind could heal. Then in excalibur 50 is where she stepped it up to fight Necron. Of course, she was still clumsy with the power, throwing asteroids or moons while he was throwing planetoids.
It looks nice, but I think a yellow, or orange tinted clear plastic bird might have been better.
"Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad,
He's so bad, he mak'a me mad
Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad
He's a real cad, Un-fun Dad"
Very nice. And sounds pretty accurate - surprised by the high-attack, though. Especially since her mom topped out at a 9.
She is like the X-men's Moondragon - not a bad thing at all. Coulda worked in a little regen - she did use her TK to hold her parts together after Wolvie chopped her up - but I'm really happy with this fig.
I've got a feeling this will be the best Marvel set to date.
Visible Dials and Pushing Damage need to be optional. This is the way.
Think of this way. Most of us are going to have one or two perplexers on our team anyway. You can perplex her Range up two and not have to worry about her lacking in other areas.
Great attack and great Damage, you aren't loosing any thing by perplexing her range due to the fact that her stats are so good.
I see Wizkids is still gonna use those ####py flight stands with the split peg holder for the figure, all those new larger phoenix's are gonna end up breaking split stand holders...thank you Wizkids for continuing to deliver excellent figs on poorly designed flight stands courtesy of your overpaid undereducated game designers.
Whoa! I was expecting WizKids to take a break from the previews after the huge one on Monday. Glad I was wrong. I pretty much agree with everyone's sentiments on her play-wise: most likely a shorter dial, and 6 range is her only real liability, but there are ways to get around it and make her useful. Hope I can pull one of her! I was a tad disappointed that the sculpt wasn't transparent orange like Nova's (and like they said Ghost Rider's would be a ways back...), but it looks sweet nontheless. Makes me want June to be here that much more.
Pretty sweet. Certainly more oomph to this Phoenix (nah, sorry the last one was just 'so what'). What would have been really neat though was the phoenix flame part being transparent like someone said Ghost Rider's wheels will be (was it a WK rep or just speculation?). Like the Solonavi guys in Mage Knight or Nova, Green Lantern, Killer Frost etc.
tb - hoping the Phoenix would have been Zemo, who also used that name.
Retired, as per WK's rotation and judiciary replacement decisions. Talk about metaception.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be a slap in the face of Excalibur to make her a member of team X-Men. At least while I collected the comic, they did their best to avoid being classified as just another X-Men title/group. So Excalibur really should have had a team of it's own.
But if Wizkids has WHO (Weird Happenings Organisation) generic(s) with either Alistaire or Alysande Stuart as LEs, I guess I may be willing to forgive them.