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OK Raven takes damage from Doomsday's attack. I dunno how much damage Doomsday does, nor how much life Raven has. That damage stays. Once again though YOU CANNOT TAKE PUSH DAMAGE FROM BEING MINDCONTROLLED!!!! MINDCONTROLLING ANOTHER CHARACTER DOESN'T INCUR GIVING THEM AN ACTION TOKEN ANYMORE...... THIS WAS DONE BY WIZKIDS BECAUSE THE MIND CONTROL POWER WAS BETTER THEN INCAPICITATE WHILE BEING CHEAPER. IT WAS FIX MEASURE IF YOU WILL...... Doomsday doesn't take push damage, because mind controlling him doesn't add a token.
Right. Doomsday doesn't take any damage from pushing because he isn't pushed.
Saturn Girl does take a point for mind controlling Doomsday, but she does the damage to herself so Doomsday does not take any retaliatory Mystic damage.
And Mind Controlling is not a free action, but the action that the controllee takes is free, so Saturn Girl attacking Doomsday counts towards your allocated number of actions, but Doomsday's attack on Raven would not.
Both Nightwing and Mongoose pointed out already that you can't carry the Medic while you're being TKed. For future reference though, you used SG to copy Superman Enemy and Outwitted Doomsday's Impervious (presumably under the old rules stating that with a successful Impervious roll, you miss entirely. Now it just reduces any damage to 0). However when you switched her over to Mystics ability to make the attack, she lost the Outwit power, and as soon as the Outwit power's gone, Doomsday would have gotten his Impervious back.
That covers everything, I think. And yeah, dude, chill out with the trash talk. A little bit is fine, but you're going way overboard. If you can't rein it in, you're not going to get a lot of games here. People just aren't going to put up with it.
It's one thing to make a rules mistake. That happens and usually people on the board here don't mind. They'll just point it out and clarify the misunderstanding, as Mongoose did. Just accept it graciously. The new rules are available on Wizkid's site, so you don't even have to go and buy a new starter to get them, you can just download them. There have been a lot of changes since the original rules, so I'd really recommend it, and if there's anything you're not sure you understand about them, just ask.
Anyway, aside from the technicalities, Saturn Girl's MC attack on Doomsday was legal. The Intergang Medic should still be in his starting position. Let's move on then shall we?
I'm thinking I'm going to take the cautious route and take a turn to clear my figures before the melee begins in earnest. Just so they're all at their best.
1. U Martian Manhunter F13 (stealthed w/HO)
2. V Thing E13
3. U Atom F11 (stealthed for all intents & purposes)
4. V Human Torch E11
5. U Nick Fury F12 (stealthed)
6. R Cosmic Boy E12
7. E Beast D13
Ok, not to be a jerk or anything, but Raven has PC, and that never got used during jay's turn, so I'm going to PC the MC roll on Doomsday before anything else really happens. So re-roll the MC. I'll have my move planned out, but if Doomsday attacks Raven, then Raven is on her 4th click, and NOT dead. Doomsday can only deal 3 damage to Raven the way he did it, but if the MC ends up working, then I'll plan accordingly.
Fine, you can have your precious first kill. Just don't be a jerk from here on out, and we won't have any more problems. You dig? In the meantime, I too shall clear, since you don't have MC anymore.
Fine, you can have your precious first kill. Just don't be a jerk from here on out, and we won't have any more problems.
Ouch, let's stop with the name calling. The only trash talking should be from Gargantua and I from here on out (Just kidding). Anyways, let's just try to have fun. With that said I believe it is my turn. Get ready for a whoopin.
Muahahahaha. It's time to do some damage. I think i'll start by killing some outwit. Don't worry Nightwing, Kraven's going down. Wasp rolls leadership and gets a 5. Taskmaster will perplex up Amazo's attack value to a 12. Jean Grey will TK Amazo to L13. From there Amazo will do a HSS attack on Kraven at square K10. He will lift up the object that Kraven is on, and whack Kraven over the head with it. My attack roll is 5+3=8. I don't recall what type of object Kraven is on, but he is hit for either 4-5 clicks of damage, minus toughness of course. From K10 Kraven will move to N17. Deathstroke will outwit Human Torch's running shot. All the rest will clear.
U. Amazo @ N17
U. Despero L24
V. Deathstroke O20
V. Avalanche J21
V. Jean Grey @ M23
V. Taskmaster J24
U. Wasp I24
IF i recall correctly, and i dont know weather the rule has been changed about this or not, but if you are adjecent to a character, you can't pick up and object under!!!!! oh and i am going to portland later today due to my grandfather's death and wont be back for 2 weeks( and i dont have internet access there) so please forgive me, i cant post, if you guyz are willing to wait, then that's great, if not then, mongoose gets the points for my whole team!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. My condolences go out to your family. How long do you expect to be away? By the way you can grab up objects under figures. AZS usually refers to it as the yoink manuever. You can now do it with flyers that have superstrength, as they don't have to make break away rolls against opposing players that they don't start out adjacent to. It's a nifty maneuver to take out Stealthed figures. I usually use Captain Marvel for it, as he has the ever useful running shot.