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Song had her game face on, killing pretty much only baddies (sorry quebbs), but I think the only person to vote for me was Quebbs, following the lead of malakim2099 (who is not playing in this game, and was merely voting for me because I made a Twilight joke).
It's on like frikking Donkey Kong. That lynch really pissed me off. I figured the Mafia were the ones who ended it though.
Can't go back and check now... How many Townies were on that train?
Especially when someone else has already pointed out there's a note sender.
It's not the note that's the problem, it was how it was used. Don't sweat it.
Song... Please don't go 'He is mafia! Lynchlynchlynch!' there's always room for error, and at the very least you shouldn't deny the Town time for discussion.
Ahhh at least now I understand why you're trying to lynch her in every game... LOLOL!!
Though I think now IR will be getting some hate from Quebs...
Quote : Originally Posted by mbauers
Ok, so this game's finally over?
Who the eff daykilled me back to back days? Seriously.
Though I think now IR will be getting some hate from Quebs...
What baffled me was that he was trying to call me the day killer *after* my role claim had been confirmed by my autopsy and my power claim had been verified by any number of people, including him.
What baffled me was that he was trying to call me the day killer *after* my role claim had been confirmed by my autopsy and my power claim had been verified by any number of people, including him.
Yeah, that was a major brainfart on my part, with some wishful thinking.
I'm kind of scared of Quebbs now, but I was bound to tick someone off eventually. And actually, I'm more scared that someone will kill me to get an excuse to lynch Quebbs. Then we both suffer.
Question: Is rushing still rude if I don't care what you have to say in your defense?