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I'm sorry. One more thing. Ulik can't move to K17. Shadow Lass put down a Smoke Cloud in J-M16. As a Smoke Cloud is hindering terrain, Ulik would have to end his move as soon as he walked into it.
Enter Wiccan, Thunderbolted to Mystics (seems appropriate). He flies to L14
Jean RS to K17, attacks Ulik. AV10 on DV14. Gets 7. Ulik takes 3 (thanks to Wiccan's Enhancement) for the KO.
Geo-Force RS to N13, double targets Zzzax and Mirror Master. AV10 on DV16 +1 and DV15. Rolls 3. Rerolls for Meggan and gets 9. Zzzax Super Senses is 6. Mirror Master's Super Senses is 6. Well, that's just fine.
Flash to J9 to hit Weather Wizard, AV10 on DV13. Gets 9. 1 more to Weather Wizard. At this rate I'll have him down in only four more turns! Flash ends D16 again
"Hi, Kate. What can I do?" Wiccan asked, moving into position.
"The big ugly troll's a little threatening," Hawkeye suggested.
"He may require a bit of teamwork," Jean said.
"I want to take down the troll. I want to take down the troll," Wiccan repeated. A burst of magic power combined with Jean's mental blast and knocked Ulik right off his feet. He stayed down.
"We did it!" Wiccan said, a bit surprised.
"We did," Jean confirmed.
With Ulik out of the way, Geo-Force rocketed down from the rooftops and took shots at Zzzax and Mirror Master. Unfortuntely, his attack didn't affect Zzzax's energy form and hit only an illusory Mirror Master. "This can't be good," Geo-Force observed.
Maestro rolls to emerge from the pit: 4. Argh, this is endless.
Nearing the end of a game I tend to use characters from the 'D List'. Not this time, in comes Deathstroke with endurance. Brain sends him to G7 after Penguin upped his damage to 4. MM makes it 5.
Deathstroke (Crisis version) attacks Jean. Gimme a 6, Rolls 8. Jean takes a brutal 5. He'll outwit Hawk's wp.
"Gak!" Jean is attacked by a quick sand in the face and throat. While focusing on that she's hit with sleep gas and a lunge into the gut. She's left weak, sore and disoriented before anyone can react.
Deathstroke leaps back onto the rooftop. "The mind reader is incapacitated."
"But not out," Penguin says, "I expected better from you, Slade."
"Weather Wizard? More like Weather Wimp, if you ask me," Hawkeye said, using a basic self-defense maneuver on the villain. Weather Wizard went down under her assault.
"Nice work on him, miss," Flash said. "He's really more dangerous than you'd think. Of course, I'm a bit more worried about Deathstroke. Now he's a nasty customer."
"Come on, that was a pretty bad hit you took," Shadow Lass told Jean, pulling her back behind the lines.
"I'm no delicate flower. I can take a hit," Jean protested.
"Maybe, but if there is someone who can heal you, you may as well avail yourself of the benefit," the Monitor said, laying hands on her and letting some of his energies flow into her.
"Wow, that does feel good," Jean admitted. "Better than an aspirin any day."
Maestro rolls to get out of the pit. 5. Longest time EVER for pit revival, I think.
In comes Batzarro w/thwart. He am not moving to K4 and he am not outwitting Wiccan's feat.
Deathstroke outwits Wiccan's esd. Penguin perplexes his damage to 4. Deathstroke vs. Wiccan. Needs 6, rolls 7. Wiccan takes 4. Deathstroke rolls for endurance: 5. He takes no damage.
Can't give you another healer. MM ups his range to 9 so he can attack Wiccan. Needs 6, rolls 9. Wiccan's down.
Thwart works a little different. It needs a full power action to use (and a power action for the target to un-thwart himself) So Batzarro can't move himself to K4 and still use Thwart. Want to use a TKer to get him into position?
And Wiccan is still out of Deathstroke's range, by 2. And a good 12 squares away from Mirror Master