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Cheshire once again proves to be one of the lamer pieces in the game. This is one of the world's top assassins?
And Emma only takes 2 from Daredevil, as she's got LMD. Also, by the way, I notice that this version of Daredevil doesn't have Stealth.
I realize I have three queens. Maybe I should bring in Jack and Ten too. Add Jack of Hearts and I'd have a full house. But no. Instead, enter the Vulture with Drag.
Dr. Alchemy TKs Vulture to K15
Vulture Charges to H11, attacks Wanda, AV9 on DV15. Gets 5. Maaaann.
Harley to M22, Perplexes the Black Queen's AV to 10.
Black Queen to M13, targets Ganthet. AV10 on DV18. Gets 8. Rerolls for Wanda and gets 8 again. Okay, that makes up for it. 3 to Ganthet with her Psychic Blast.
U Goblin Queen (TK Reach) M13 (1!)
Dr. Alchemy @ L23 (1!)
V Cyborg Superman N23 (7!)
Granny Goodness (Fortitude) N22 (5!)
U Black Queen (MM-Heightened Reflexes) @ M13
LE Dr Harleeen Quinzel @ M22
E White Queen (CT - LMD) P16
V Vulture (FF-Drag) @ H11
HO E3, F3, E5, G19, J7, D7, H9, G12
LO C18, K8, C5, F19, C18, E3, F8
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque, Monarch, Persuader, Captain Mako, Bizarro, Wizard, Power Ring, Purple Man, Ulik, Sidewinder, Baron Blood, Star Sapphire, Rasputin, Executioner, Red Skull, Boomerang, Peotor, King Shark, Scourge, Destiny, Lady Shiva, Lady Deathstrike, Captain Boomerang, Toad, Venom, Maxima, Bullseye, Hush, Fabian Cortez, Rhino, Psycho Pirate, Kobra Fanatic, Jack O'Lantern, Dormammu, Shathra, Mirror Master, Psimon, Bulldozer, Super-Skrull: X-Men, Blastaar, Major Disaster, Deathstroke, Blizzard, Clayface III, Judge Fire, Bron, Bronze Tiger, Wrecker, Penguin, Calypso, Dormammu, Doombot, Intergang Agent, Major Maxim, Forerunner, Leader, Killer Croc, Black Hand, Juggernaut, Tombstone, Piledriver, Speed Demon, Nebula, Ultron, Ultraman, Kristoff, Avalanche, Red Hood, General Zod, Knockout, Catwoman, Goblin Queen, Nimrod, Merlyn, Dr. Alchemy, Alex Luthor, Princess Python, Typhoid Mary, Cyborg Superman, Thunderer of Qward, Professor Ivo, Fixer, Shadow King, Scarecrow, Torquemada, Bane, Granny Goodness, Metallo, Emerald Empress, Beetle, Prometheus, Ringmaster, Black Queen (Jean), Cheshire, Harley Quinn, White Queen, Vulture - 9592
"Prepare to face the terrible talons of the Vulture, woman!" the villain announced himself, diving at Wanda. With a gesture from the Avenger, the winds changed and a sudden updraft threw the Vulture off course.
"Perhaps another time," the Scarlet Witch smiled at him.
"Oh for crying out loud, I just got rid of the Beetle and now it's the Vulture," Spider-Man complained. "I'm seeing all my least favorite faces."
"Well, you won't have to look once I claw your eyes out," the Vulture snapped back at him.
"Gotta catch me first, Buzzard-Beak!"
"You must feel right at home, Emma, with them arguing like schoolchildren," Jean Grey said.
"Very droll," Emma said. "Now how about doing something useful?"
"Like this?" she asked, smiling sweetly, hitting Ganthet with a mental blast that succeeded where the White Queen's failed.
"Yes, I suppose that'll do," Emma said, looking none too happy.
Love the Vulture. His FF Vet is golden. Emma should show 3 btw, 3 -1 for 2 normal damage and the push and click for stunning blow.
Scarlet Witch tries to break away. 3 then 2.
Quasar rolls to tk her away. 6. He sends her to N5.
Ganthet has to target Black Queen. DD outwits her esd. Needs 5 + 1, rolls 7. 5 to her.
Spider-Man vs. Black Queen. He'll perplex his attack to 10. Needs 5 + 1, rolls 6. He's out.
Rocket Red V G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V @ N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Johnny Storm (SI) L8 (Damage shield)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (1) @ N9 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) H2 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V J10 (Stunning Blow)
Ganthet (Vendetta) (3) @ M8
Quasar (Endurance) G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red
"A Guardian of the Universe?" Hank Henshaw said. "I'm not impressed. You can be hurt just as easily as anyone." His eyebeams did indeed seem to hurt the Oan.
"Excellent work," Granny Goodness told him.
"Oh, the bubbling emotions here," Psycho-Man said. "The anger and hate. This will be delicious."
Psycho-Man looks brilliant. Can't keep him on the map for long. Johnny will rs to J13 to attack him. Spider-Man perplexes his damage to 4. Needs 7 + 1, rolls 7. Scarlet rerolls a 5.
DD on Granny Goodness with the stunning blow. Needs 5 + 1, rolls 5.
Red vs. Vulture. Needs 7, rolls 9. SS is 3. He takes 3.
GL tks Ganthet to L10.
Ganthet pushes to rs to I13 perplexing his damage to 4, he attacks Psycho-Man. He'll use vendetta on him. Needs 6, rolls 5. Unbelievable. He'll outwit his mass manipulation then.
Rocket Red V @ G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Johnny Storm (SI) @ K13 (Damage shield)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (1) N9 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) @ H2 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V @ J10 (Stunning Blow)
Ganthet (Vendetta) (7) @@ I13
Quasar (Endurance) G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red
"Psycho-Man, can you play ball?" the Human Torch asks as he throws a fireball at him.
"Nice try, Human Torch. You must hate me to want me burned so badly," he smiles eager to feed off of the emotions.
"Hate? No. Pity, perhaps, but not hate," Ganthet says. He channels the powers he owns as Guardian of the Universe on Psycho-Man. It also fails.
"Look old man, maybe you don't realize that as a mind controller, I can make you focus your attacks on anything but me. Like each other. Won't that be fun?".
Well certainly wasn't what I intended to do with Pycho-Man, but you leave me little choice. Alchemy TKs him to G19 (there's an object there for the hindering bonus)
He'll use his Hate option on Ganthet, so the Human Torch takes a click.
Vulture on Rocket Red, AV8 on DV16. Gets 7.
Cyborg Supes Outwits DDs Outwit
U Goblin Queen (TK Reach) M13 (1!)
Dr. Alchemy @ L23 (1!)
V Cyborg Superman O16 (5!)
Granny Goodness (Fortitude) O17 (5!)
LE Dr Harleeen Quinzel M22
E White Queen (CT - LMD) P16 (3!)
V Vulture (FF-Drag) @ H11 (3!)
Psycho-Man (Compel) @ G19
HO E3, F3, E5, G19, J7, D7, H9, G12
LO C18, K8, C5, F19, C18, E3, F8
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque, Monarch, Persuader, Captain Mako, Bizarro, Wizard, Power Ring, Purple Man, Ulik, Sidewinder, Baron Blood, Star Sapphire, Rasputin, Executioner, Red Skull, Boomerang, Peotor, King Shark, Scourge, Destiny, Lady Shiva, Lady Deathstrike, Captain Boomerang, Toad, Venom, Maxima, Bullseye, Hush, Fabian Cortez, Rhino, Psycho Pirate, Kobra Fanatic, Jack O'Lantern, Dormammu, Shathra, Mirror Master, Psimon, Bulldozer, Super-Skrull: X-Men, Blastaar, Major Disaster, Deathstroke, Blizzard, Clayface III, Judge Fire, Bron, Bronze Tiger, Wrecker, Penguin, Calypso, Dormammu, Doombot, Intergang Agent, Major Maxim, Forerunner, Leader, Killer Croc, Black Hand, Juggernaut, Tombstone, Piledriver, Speed Demon, Nebula, Ultron, Ultraman, Kristoff, Avalanche, Red Hood, General Zod, Knockout, Catwoman, Goblin Queen, Nimrod, Merlyn, Dr. Alchemy, Alex Luthor, Princess Python, Typhoid Mary, Cyborg Superman, Thunderer of Qward, Professor Ivo, Fixer, Shadow King, Scarecrow, Torquemada, Bane, Granny Goodness, Metallo, Emerald Empress, Beetle, Prometheus, Ringmaster, Black Queen (Jean), Cheshire, Harley Quinn, White Queen, Vulture, Psycho-Man - 9743
Spider-Man perplexes his damage to 4 and attacks Granny Goodness. Needs 6 + 1, rolls 10. She's down.
Ganthet continues to outwit Psycho-Man's mass manip power.
DD outwits Emma's m/c.
Rocket Red V G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Johnny Storm (SI) (1) K13 (Damage shield)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (1) @ H11 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) H2 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V J10 (Stunning Blow)
Ganthet (Vendetta) (7) I13
Quasar (Endurance) @ G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red
"You two have been hangin' together too long, people are starting to talk, y'know," Spider-Man says as he tosses webbing at Cyborg Superman to slow him down. Then he leaps over him to Granny Goodness.
"You wouldn't hurt your Granny, would you?" she asks as she poses hopeless for a moment.
Spider-Man stops for a pensive moment while Granny moves in. He flips up over her and kicks her into the wall. "Not unless my Granny were a world dominating maniac, no."
She charges him once again. "Granny will have to punish you, boy!". He flips up again and Granny runs through his spider webbing. He grabs the webbing holding her and thrusts it in a garbage bin. "Time to take out the trash," he says. When Granny Goodness lands in the trash bin, all wrapped in spider-webbing, she doesn't get up.
Also, I missed that Ganthet has Quintessence, not GL Corps. Not thart it matters at this point but he doesn't take pushing.
Rocket Red V G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Johnny Storm (SI) (1) K13 (Damage shield)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (1) @ J13 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) H2 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V J10 (Stunning Blow)
Ganthet (Vendetta) (6) I13
Quasar (Endurance) @ G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red
I'll bring in Ace from the Royal Flush Gang. With Hold the Line
Goblin Queen TKs him to H18
He grabs the HO from G19, Charges to I15, attacks Ganthet, AV9 on DV16. Gets a 12. Sadly he's a Giant, so Wanda can see him. Rerolls 10. Nice. Ganthet takes 3 after Invulnerable.
Harley Perplexes Cuborg Superman's AV to 10
CYborg Superman on Ganthet, AV10 on DV16 +1. Also gets 10. 3 to Ganthet will KO him. Wow. I really didn't expect to be able to bring him down before the end.
White Queen has a go at Daredevil, AV7 on DV17 +1. Gets 9. Another good roll, but in this case, not enough.
U Goblin Queen (TK Reach) @ M13 (1!)
Dr. Alchemy L23 (1!)
V Cyborg Superman @ O16 (5!)
LE Dr Harleeen Quinzel M22
E White Queen (CT - LMD) @ P16 (3!)
V Vulture (FF-Drag) H11 (3!)
Psycho-Man (Compel) G19
Ace (Hold the Line) @ I15
HO E3, F3, E5, J7, D7, H9, G12
LO C18, K8, C5, F19, C18, E3, F8
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque, Monarch, Persuader, Captain Mako, Bizarro, Wizard, Power Ring, Purple Man, Ulik, Sidewinder, Baron Blood, Star Sapphire, Rasputin, Executioner, Red Skull, Boomerang, Peotor, King Shark, Scourge, Destiny, Lady Shiva, Lady Deathstrike, Captain Boomerang, Toad, Venom, Maxima, Bullseye, Hush, Fabian Cortez, Rhino, Psycho Pirate, Kobra Fanatic, Jack O'Lantern, Dormammu, Shathra, Mirror Master, Psimon, Bulldozer, Super-Skrull: X-Men, Blastaar, Major Disaster, Deathstroke, Blizzard, Clayface III, Judge Fire, Bron, Bronze Tiger, Wrecker, Penguin, Calypso, Dormammu, Doombot, Intergang Agent, Major Maxim, Forerunner, Leader, Killer Croc, Black Hand, Juggernaut, Tombstone, Piledriver, Speed Demon, Nebula, Ultron, Ultraman, Kristoff, Avalanche, Red Hood, General Zod, Knockout, Catwoman, Goblin Queen, Nimrod, Merlyn, Dr. Alchemy, Alex Luthor, Princess Python, Typhoid Mary, Cyborg Superman, Thunderer of Qward, Professor Ivo, Fixer, Shadow King, Scarecrow, Torquemada, Bane, Granny Goodness, Metallo, Emerald Empress, Beetle, Prometheus, Ringmaster, Black Queen (Jean), Cheshire, Harley Quinn, White Queen, Vulture, Psycho-Man, Ace - 9809
Feats used: Drag x2, Movethrough, Extended Range, Flashbang x2, Triage, Shake-Off, Force Field, Damage Shield, Opportunist, And Stay Down x2, Lucky Break x2, Pounce x2, Repulsor, Heightened Reflexes x2, Running Start, Vendetta x2, Mental Shields x2, Darkness Within, Stunning Blow, Camouflage, Shellhead, The Society, Protected x2, Point Blank, Pummel x2, Thwart, Fallback, Outsmart x2, LMD x2, Lazarus Pit x2, Alpha Flight x2, Trick Shot, Saboteur, Improvise, Siphon Power x2, Fortitude x2, Rip It Up, Repulsor Shield x2, Nova Blast x2, Armor Piercing x2, Compel, Hold the Line
The silent giant robot Ace uprooted a streetlight and hit Ganthet with it.
"You okay, blue guy?" Spider-Man asked.
"I have been better," Ganthet smiled, "but if by forcing them to focus their attacks on me, thus leaving the rest of you alone to wear them down, then I count my job here as successful."
"A touching sentiment, Guardian." the Cyborg Superman said. "I hope it gives you some consolation in the afterlife." He blasted Ganthet with his heat vision, bringing him down.